Chapter 400 Take Me To Him

Lin Yi walked towards the house.

When walking halfway, I ran into Zheng Jiayun who happened to be pushing a bicycle out of the community, and Huang Shuyan followed Zheng Jiayun.

"Jiayun, I've been thinking about it for a while, and I plan to expand our tutoring place to add another class and recruit more than a dozen students. I'll figure out the housing problem, but it's still the same as before. The rest of the money will be opened on June [-]th, and I will recruit students, so I will get more, it’s okay.” Huang Shuyan smiled.

She has been in a somewhat depressed mood these past few days. Since she was humiliated by the first prize in the Olympiad that Lin Yi suddenly jumped out of in Hongqing Building last time, she has not been relieved for a long time.

Does Zheng Jiayun's family have any money, and the conditions are so poor, can they still come out with a first prize in the province's Mathematical Olympiad?

Moreover, Huang Shuyan also received news that the shantytown where Zheng Jiayun lived will be remodeled, and the houses may be divided at that time. I heard that the conditions of the resettlement housing contract are very good. One square meter is replaced by one square meter, and the remaining price difference is only charged. Half of the market price!
All this made Huang Shuyan a little depressed in her heart. After all, Zheng Jiayun has always been inferior to her in all aspects.

"This... Teacher Huang, I can also be responsible for some recruitment work." Zheng Jiayun hesitated.

What Huang Shuyan said about finding students to come to make up classes sounds like it needs to run errands, which is a relatively hard job, but in fact, often you only need to ask in some parent groups, and most of the students can be found, and there is no need to run errands at all. .

And every time in class, Zheng Jiayun puts in more energy than Huang Shuyan, but gets very little money.

"No, no, I'll be in charge of this trivial matter. I don't need to bother you. You work so hard every day preparing lessons, right? It's definitely inappropriate to ask you to work more. If you let other teachers If you know, you will probably say that I am not kind."

Huang Shuyan was talking cheerfully, she knew that Zheng Jiayun was thin-skinned, she just had to persevere, and Zheng Jiayun would not say anything more.


While talking, Lin Yi walked over and shouted.

"Hey, it's Xiaoyi. Didn't you review your homework at home? Next year, you will be in your third year of high school. You have to work harder on your studies. You can't stop studying just because you won the first prize in a provincial Math Olympiad."

Seeing Lin Yi approaching, Huang Shuyan glanced at him with a somewhat fake smile on her face.

The meaning of this sentence is also very simple. It is nothing more than telling Lin Yi that although he has won the provincial Mathematical Olympiad, he should not be complacent here. After all, he still has to rely on the college entrance examination.

The first prize in the Mathematical Olympiad competition, if there are no special circumstances, can be recommended to some ordinary colleges.

And Deng Xiwen's grades have always been good. After the college entrance examination, most of them can be admitted to a 211 or 985 college. In that case, it is still better than Lin Yi's school.

"You don't need to worry about this." Lin Yi said lightly.

Huang Shuyan's face changed slightly, somewhat dissatisfied.

"Lin Yi, I didn't say it. Although you have won the prize now, you can't expand your mentality. The college entrance examination is not a subject like mathematics. Look at my family, Xiwen, this time I got high marks in all the exams." Huang Shuyan chattered endlessly. .

Just when she was about to say something, out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of a Dazhuang driving this way.

The license plate number is not very special, but Huang Shuyan is deeply impressed by that license plate number.

Because she followed Deng Yangyan to several dinner parties attended by Mr. Ma and Liu Tangguo, she had seen that car before, it was a special car, and once Mr. Ma even used that car to send Deng Yangyan home.

At this moment, seeing that car, Huang Shuyan's face brightened.

Today, Deng Yangyan took Deng Xiwen to the Bainan County Guest House for dinner. I heard that President Ma and Liu Tangguo went there.

Seeing this car driving over now, Huang Shuyan thought in her heart that most likely it was a special car to take Deng Yangyan and Deng Xiwen home. After all, Deng Yangyan is more or less a character.

"Sometimes, it's useless just to have a good grade in math. Lin Yi, you have to remember this. Did you see that car? It's a special car. Auntie doesn't have time to tell you these life principles. I have to pick it up." You have Uncle Deng and Xi Wen." Huang Shuyan laughed.

Both Zheng Jiayun and Lin Yi looked at the car driving over there.

The speed of the car was not too fast, and the people in the car also saw a few people here, and the car was slowly about to stop directly in front of them.

Seeing the car parked in front of her, she was even more convinced of Huang Shuyan's guess. She walked up a few steps, stood beside the car, and was about to open the door.

But before she opened the car door, the people in the car had already pushed the door open.

Seeing the people getting off the car, Huang Shuyan froze on the spot: "You?"

She looked blankly at Feng Jian who got out of the car. Feng Jian, who was wearing a small suit, still looked excited. After getting off the car, she ran towards Lin Yi: "Xiao Yi!"

"Why are you here?" Lin Yi looked at Feng Jian who ran out, a little surprised that he came back in this car.

"You don't know..." Feng Jian's face was full of excitement. Just when he was about to swear, he found that Zheng Jiayun was also beside him. His tone froze immediately, and his face was a little embarrassed: "Aunt Zheng."

"Stop swearing, you kid." Zheng Jiayun felt a little funny when he saw Feng Jian.

Chu Han and Feng Jian generally dare not swear in front of Zheng Jiayun, and this has formed a habit. Zheng Jiayun also warned Lin Yi before to avoid swearing.

"I know, Aunt Zheng, I was too excited for a while!" Feng Jian chuckled, then couldn't wait to pull Lin Yi, and said, "You don't know, as soon as you left, someone came behind you , Arrest that person on Hong Kong Island!"

"I don't know why, Mr. Ma said he was going to arrest you, but Liu Tangguo just changed his mind and arrested you! Now you have nothing to do!"

"And he also said that he would come to you in person and talk to you! In the car just now, he asked about my dad's situation, and I told him everything. He said that he would let me tell me about my dad's project book and give it to me. He! And you can make an appointment with my dad to talk alone! Lin Yi! I love you so much!"

Feng Jian spit all over the place, and even now, he was still a little angry, holding on to Lin Yi's arm tightly, refusing to let go.

He knew that the reason why Liu Tangguo was willing to say those things to him was because of Lin Yi's face, and what he was talking about was nothing more than a disguised admission that Feng Kangnan could win the Bainan County Resort of this project.

How could Feng Jian be so unhappy that he flew up.

"Arrest? What are you talking about? Did you cause trouble?" Zheng Jiayun was startled and stared at Lin Yi.

"It didn't cause any trouble, it just happened to something, and now it's all right." Lin Yi laughed.

Seeing what Lin Yi said, Zheng Jiayun felt relieved.

Over there, Huang Shuyan looked into the car twice, and there was no sign of Deng Yangyan and Deng Xiwen in the back seat of the car, but when she looked again, she found that they were sitting in the back seat with a faint smile on their face. of a face.

At first, it was a little strange, but when I looked again, I suddenly remembered something, and my whole person froze in place for an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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