Chapter 358 The Past

Out of the Internet cafe.

The surrounding air became fresher.

Being blown by the wind, Jianzi's whole body trembled, he grabbed Lin Yi's shoulders, his eyes were full of excitement: "Baby, baby!"

"What baby, are you disgusting? Is it possible that I haven't seen you for a long time, you must be bent?" Chu Han looked at Jianzi with a shocked expression, his eyes were full of disgust.

"You're bent!" Jianzi kicked Chu Han: "That's the empress! Xiaoyi even got the empress under his control. If this gets out, the World of Warcraft circle will be blown up. !"

"At this level, you can go straight to playing professionally. What kind of wcg championship, all take a lap rhythm, isn't this a baby? What is a baby? If you win the championship, you will be a celebrity. By that time, Xiao Yi will be a star. !"

"You don't know, those beautiful girls who play e-sports are prettier than the other. When Xiao Yi becomes famous, I'll be his full-time henchman and drive for him, and then pick up girls by the way, I'll go, Life is simply full of hope!"

Jianzi looked longing for it.

Along the way, Jianzi encouraged Lin Yi to play professionally. After a good game, he won a championship and a bonus of tens of thousands of dollars, which was much easier than ordinary work.

It's just that Jianzi babbled countless times, but Lin Yi just smiled slightly, and refused to agree, which made Jianzi sigh, full of pity, and a bit angry about his indisputable taste.

When Chu Han saw Jianzi deflated, he smiled happily. Anyway, mutual harm has always been the way he and Jianzi get along with each other. Lin Yi, who is in the middle of the two, always maintains an attitude of indifference to the world. .

When the three arrived at Lin Yi's house, Zheng Jiayun was still busy cooking in the kitchen.

"Hello Aunt Zheng!"

As soon as he entered the door, Jianzi greeted Zheng Jiayun with a playful smile.

"Hello, I haven't seen you for a long time. How are you studying recently?" Zheng Jiayun smiled all over his face, looking at Jianzi while cooking.

Before Jianzi and his family moved out, they always came to visit. Later, Lin Yi went to Minghai to study, and Jianzi moved, so the number of visits was much less.

"Oh, that's the way I am studying. It's hard to regress, and it's not easy to make progress. I don't have any ideas. Anyway, it's good to stand still." Jianzi laughed.

"Then you can't do this. You have to learn from Chu Han. His grades have improved a lot during this time." Zheng Jiayun couldn't help but preach a few words when he heard Jianzi's words: "And your father makes money. It's not easy, he has always hoped that you can go to a good university, so you have to fight for it."

After finishing speaking, Zheng Jiayun felt that he had talked too much, and stopped talking immediately: "The food will be ready soon, you go and sit there for a while, there is Coke in the refrigerator, if you want to drink, you can take it out and drink."

Jianzi was taken aback by what was said, and hurried into Lin Yi's room with Chu Han, and lay down on the bed at once, with a sad expression on Jianzi's face: "Xiao Yi, your mother saw you before I always let me study hard, just like my mother."

"Come on, that's treating you as your own family, otherwise, who would talk to you about these things, do you think Xiao Yi's mother is not tired of giving lessons all day long?" Chu Han on the side patted Jian Zi head.

"That's the same reason." Jianzi scratched his head.

Lin Yi took three cans of Coke from the refrigerator, threw a bottle to Jianzi and Chu Han, pulled up a chair and sat down: "My mother has been a teacher all her life, and she always likes to say a few more words, and it's for your own good." , listen to it if you can, and let me listen to it if you can’t.”

Lin Yi smiled.

"Xiao Yi, I feel that you seem to be a different person. Did something happen in Minghai?" Jianzi pulled the tab of the Coke can, took a sip, looked at Lin Yi, and his face became serious.

"Yes, I also feel that you are different from before, except that you look the same. You have become more... more confident and sunny?" Chu Han also nodded his head, agreeing.

"People always grow up. Haven't you two changed too? But no matter how you change, the relationship between the three of us growing up will not change."

Hearing Lin Yi's words, both Jianzi and Chu Han nodded in agreement.

"By the way, do you remember that Cheng Qiong?" Jianzi suddenly remembered this, and looked at Lin Yi.

"Cheng Qiong?" Lin Yi was startled.

"That's right, it's the one at the same table as you in junior high school. She seems to have found a boyfriend. It's Zheng Zihang from No. [-] Middle School, the top three students in her grade. I saw them go hiking together a while ago." After Zi Zi finished speaking, he felt that the atmosphere was not right. He was kicked by Chu Han on the side, and he immediately reacted, looked at Lin Yi, and hurriedly said: "Uh, I didn't mean that..."

"It's okay." Lin Yi shook his head slightly.

Speaking of Cheng Qiong, she has a little relationship with Lin Yi.

She is best friends with Xie You, who was in the Jiangcheng Olympic Mathematics Contest before.

Back in junior high school, Cheng Qiong and Lin also sat at the same table. Cheng Qiong was the kind of little girl whose academic performance was not very good, her appearance was above average, she was a little baby fat, and she looked very cute.

In junior high school, she and Lin Yi were at the same table, and she always liked to cry, and Lin Yi comforted her every time.For Cheng Qiong, Lin Yi has never had any special thoughts, but later Cheng Qiong fell in love with a boy in the senior grade, Lin Yi was blocked by the boy with someone, and warned him to stay away from Cheng Qiong and not to pester her .

那个时候,程琼就站在一旁看着林亦被揍,也没出口解释,着实是让林亦很是伤心憋屈了一阵,更可气的是,后来程琼在学校里面谈恋爱的事情Known by her parents.

Cheng Qiong's parents had some connections in Bainan County, so they ran to the school and found Lin Yi. The reason was that when Cheng Qiong was forced to ask who was talking to her, she sold Lin Yi to protect the senior boy. .

Afterwards, Lin Yi was called a parent. Zheng Jiayun came to the school and was scolded, which was very embarrassing. Originally, Lin Yi was scolded himself, so he didn't think it mattered, but when he saw Zheng Jiayun being scolded, Lin Yi became angry at that time. Beat Cheng Qiong's father.

Later, because of this incident, I was criticized by the school and lost a lot of money.

When Cheng Qiong's parents left, they also said that it was impossible for their daughter to fall in love with a child from a family like Lin Yi, which made Lin Yi give up as soon as possible.

Words are heavy.

Lin Yi was in a trance during that time, and felt guilty towards Zheng Jiayun. On the contrary, Zheng Jiayun was never angry and always had a gentle appearance, persuading Lin Yi to study hard and try to get into a good university as soon as possible.

Those long memories surged out in Lin Yi's mind, and the scenes from the past resurfaced in front of his eyes again, as if yesterday.

"Cheng Qiong..."

Lin Yi muttered to himself, squinting his eyes.

 Thank you Natsume for the reward~
(End of this chapter)

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