Chapter 884 meet again
Li Tianxing could see that this was a conflict within the imperial court, and he didn't bother to ask more questions, because it was very troublesome to startle the snake.However, regarding the list of martial arts, he was still very determined to get it.Every Tiance Guard commander is equivalent to an agent, and it is not an easy task to find their things.

After the dead of night, Li Tian walked into Commander Lu's room, and he was the only one there.

"You... who are you?" Commander Lu was very surprised.

Li Tianxing closed the door and sat on a chair: "Jianghu people, I came here to borrow your list of martial arts figures. Tiance Wei has an overview of the world's martial arts figures. There should be a list of personnel."

Commander Lu wants to touch the knife...

"Don't be nervous." Li Tianxing said, "You and I know very well that if I want your life, it won't bother me at all. Let's keep it simple, I'll give you 1000 taels of silver, and you give me the list."

"Are you a mysterious person?"

"You don't have to know that."

Commander Lu said: "The list belongs to the imperial court, so I can't give it to you. Let the higher-ups know about it. It's a trivial matter to lose my black hat, and my head won't be here."

Li Tianxing kept a smile on his face: "You can rest assured about this. I can read the things right away, and return them to you after I finish reading them. I will never take them out of this room. What do you think?"

Left and right also know that they are not opponents, so what else can they do.

Commander Lu opened the box and took out a booklet: "This is the list, including the weapons and martial arts of the martial arts sect, and even the members of the caravan. As long as they are not unknown, everything is on it."

Open it, the densely packed text is not formally written, but in terms of information, it is richer than 20 years later.Tian Cewei's martial arts are not very good nowadays, and his role is to know the information of martial arts people and prevent these people from uniting to rebel.

What Li Tianxing looked at was the information about the Lone Ranger, because he was sure that no sect could take in that black-clothed swordsman, and no one could achieve such skill, unless it was Zhang Zhenren from Wudang.There are many sword users in the world, but they can't do such a fast sword.

There are more than 40 people in the booklet, all with first names and surnames, and with different levels of martial arts, but the name and origin are left blank on the bottom line of handwriting.

"This person didn't write everything." Li Tianxing said.

Commander Lu came up to take a look: "Oh... I know, this person doesn't have all the information yet. Originally, he was from Hejiazhuang. He changed from a dementia to a martial arts master within three months. He even killed his own family members with his own hands, and there was no news about him after that. This person is good at martial arts, but I don’t know what kind of method it is. Shaolin, Mingjiao, etc. seem to have shadows of his martial arts.”

Li Tianxing closed the booklet and handed it over: "Thank you for your generosity. You mean this person is from Hejiazhuang?"

"It's the third son of Mrs. He's family. People call him the third young master. We were ordered to find him and wanted to arrest him. We dispatched all six doors together. He has made many cases, but the problem is... In Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan and other places, his activities were frequent, but he did not show his figure."

Li Tianxing nodded: "Even if he shows up, you are no match for him. I have seen his fast sword. In today's martial arts, he is a first-class swordsman."

Commander Lu nodded: "What the hero said is very true. What is your purpose in coming here? Are you looking for this person?"

"Yeah, it seems to be in vain, and you can't find him. But, he is from the He family, which is finally a consolation. I plan to go to the He family village."

"I'm afraid it won't work. After all the people in Hejiazhuang died, the government took over. The current Hejiazhuang has been rebuilt by the government and turned into a temple."


In the inn, Shi Tian received the next task from the system, to go to Mingjian Villa and steal the last three moves of Ming Sixteen Swords.He opened the bag and looked at the Luoyun dart inside, it was a bit redundant, without the other six magical weapons, it would be useless to come.

He suddenly remembered that he saw a strange person upstairs in the inn where he robbed Luoyun Dart.This person exudes a burst of heroic aura from afar, and his internal strength is higher than his own.But the system said that besides Zhang Sanfeng, his martial arts was the strongest in the martial arts world, so how could anyone be stronger than him.

It's a pretty nasty thing.

Shi Tian turned on the system: "Tell me, who is that person whose inner strength is stronger than mine?"

The system replied: Master, there is no news about this person in the system.

No?Then he is not in the system.Shi Tian is very smart, he immediately thought of the greatest possibility, the other party is also the host selected by the system, otherwise how could there be no news about him.

Shi Tian often reads the list of martial arts personnel, which he recorded from Tian Cewei, he cannot tolerate the existence of someone stronger than him.If possible, he would have killed Zhang Sanfeng, but the yin and yang transformation of Tai Chi Gong made him very embarrassed. No matter how powerful the internal force is, it can be resolved in front of Mr. Zhang.Looking through the list... but no strangers have entered this system, so far, this is the first time.

So, is this person new to the system?

That's not right, how could a new host have such high internal strength? It is absolutely impossible to complete so many system tasks without a year or a half.

Or, the other party traveled from a certain time period.

If so, the threat to him is too great.But so far, he is not this person's opponent. He also thought of it, so he wants to have a face-to-face conversation with this person.In comparison, that master is also looking for himself.

Shi Tian issued a notice through the government, saying that friends meet and talk, but they all use the modern way of speaking, as long as the other party sees it, they will definitely go to the appointment.And this is also the purpose of Li Tianxing's coming here.

Ten days later, Li Tianxing had already left the capital, and on the way back and forth, he saw a notice issued by the government that the meeting place was at a long pavilion on the outskirts of the capital, which was very quiet.

Li Tianxing didn't bring any weapons, the weapons were still in Forty's hands, he walked there empty-handed.

Look, the swordsman in black is drinking tea in the pavilion.

Li Tianxing approached step by step, and sat down opposite him without using lightness kung fu: "Are you the one who made an appointment with friends?"

"Are you a friend?" Shi Tian asked.

"Well, we come from the same world." Li Tianxing said, "It's fate that we met here. How about we have a good chat, why did you want to snatch the Luoyun bodyguard?"

Shi Tian took a sip of tea: "Mission, this is the mission given to me by the system. Don't you have any mission?"

With the word system on his lips so quickly, Li Tianxing knew that the guy in front of him did not intend to leave the system at all: "What tasks have you received so far?"

"I can't tell you, it's the rules."

"That's right, if I guessed correctly, you were going to Shaolin Temple to steal the Great Compassion Fu." Li Tianxing was watching his eyes: "But the mission was interrupted suddenly, so you have a new mission."

Not bad at all.

Shi Tian was a little nervous: "How did you know?"

"I came here from a time period of 20 years later, just to kill you, and then let the two of us leave together and return to our world."

(End of this chapter)

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