Chapter 854

"How many leaves are there on this stone?" Chu Xiaosheng asked.

"Six slices."

Chu Xiaosheng flicked out a finger without making a sound, smashed a leaf, and then asked: "How many leaves are there now?"

"Five pieces."

"Excellent!" Chu Xiaosheng quickly walked around him, and pushed him over with a palm.

The palm technique came in front of Qi Mie, Qi Mie stepped back slightly, and the sword touched Chu Xiaosheng's throat: "You just used a total of 64 steps to attack me with three successes."

Chu Xiaosheng laughed loudly: "Not bad! Very good, what else?"

besides?Then there is no more.

"Then can you feel if my eyes are open or closed?"

It's hard to explain this question, Qi Mie has tried his best, but how can he, a blind man, see such a subtle change.Moreover, the wind blows even stronger, making people's clothes vibrate, and the sound has covered up many things.

Chu Xiaosheng said: "I have my eyes closed. Behind the stone tablet behind you, there are six insects, three ants, and three centipedes."

Qi Mie was indifferent: "My skill is far inferior to yours, how could I hear it."

"That's because your sense of touch and smell is not good enough." Chu Xiaosheng plucked leaves and flew over, hurting Qi Mie's face: "You bleed, how many drops?"

Qi Mie was blind, but he still had his eyes closed: "This blood is not blood, but is caused by Qi."

Chu Xiaosheng slapped his palms: "Qi Mie, you really didn't disappoint me. With your current ability, you can compete with Li Tianxing. But I want more than that. I teach you these skills because I want you to help me mess up From the martial arts."

"What's your purpose?"

"The world is in chaos, all in my hands. The entire martial arts world, I will overthrow it, ha ha ha ha ha!!"


The weather is hot, as it is in the desert, and every place I pass by is annoying.

The rich businessman said that there were many bandits in this generation, but they passed through several towns, but there were no people there, and there were countless casualties.The carcass has dried up, to be devoured by wild animals.Another day will be Konglongji, which is their last resting point.

"The road is hard to walk, let's break up." The rich businessman said, he meant something.

Li Tianxing knew what he was thinking: "Don't be so cowardly, even if you really come to Konglongji, I won't let you suffer. All the wealth of the bandits belongs to you, we only need to save people."

Hearing about the money, the wealthy businessman became less cowardly: "What you said is true?! Konglongji is a cornucopia in the desert. The bandits there have been considered big local tyrants after more than ten years. If you say so, then I'll just accompany you for a while. But... can we find some water first, my voice is hoarse."

The friend hummed: "Who is to blame? You talked too much along the way. We are running out of water, and there is still a lot of distance to go. Li Daxia, let's go on the road at night, so as to reduce water consumption."

There is water in the town ahead, yes there is, but here is too close to Konglongji, full of bandits and robbers, the water of robbers, you can drink it whenever you want?

There was not even an inn, and the bandits stood on high walls, watching the coming of camels and horses, with eyes like cobras.

"These...bandits...Li Daxia, you'd better kill them." The rich businessman was frightened.

Li Tianxing said: "If people don't attack me, I won't attack others. If they don't attack, I won't hurt their lives."

This is nonsense, because the three of them need to drink water, and the well is very precious. In this desert, the value of water is far better than gold and agate.The three got off their mounts, pulled the reins and walked to the side of the well.

My friends couldn't wait any longer, and together with the rich businessman, they got a bucket to fetch water.

A stone flew over and broke the rope, and several bandits ran down the slope: "Hey, hey, you are also able to move this well?!"

"If you drink, you have to drink water. At worst, I will give you money."

"What about the money?"

Li Tianxing touched his body, there were dozens of taels of silver, and threw it over: "It's all here."

The other party threw the silver into the well: "Just this little silver, what a fart! What we want is gold, gold! One well water, 100 taels of gold, understand?"

The wealthy businessman said depressedly: "Aren't you robbing? Where can there be such expensive water? Even if it is made of gold, it is not worth it."

"That's right, it's robbery." The guy was carrying a knife: "I'm not afraid to tell you that this territory is our Eighth Master's territory. If you dare to come here, you have the kindness, leave the horse and camel, and the things on your body will be destroyed." Leave them all, and then get out, get out of here!"

Li Tianxing said: "I don't know any eight masters, I'm going to decide this."

He tied the rope again, put the bucket down, and quickly brought it up. The bucket was full of water. The rich businessman and his friends were so thirsty that they knelt on the ground and gulped.

The robbers all went down the slope, damn it, if you dare to use the well water like this, what's the deal?
"Who the hell are you?!"

The friend was full and full of energy, pointing to Li Tianxing and said: "He is the No. 1 in the Jianghu, Li Tianxing!"

"What... what?! He is Li Tianxing!"

"Quick, go back and report to Eighth Master!"

After finally coming here, why should I report it? Li Tianxing drew out his sword: "It's fun to be a bandit, isn't it? Stand still for me!"

Standing straight and straight one by one, like a group of elementary school students waiting to be lectured.

Li Tianxing walked back and forth beside them with his hands behind his back: "Let me ask you, is Wuming in Konglongji?"

"Yes, yes, he is in Konglongji, and he has been here for more than half a month."

"Did he come with a few hostages?"

"That's right." This guy was very discerning: "He took hostages, five, three men and two women!"

"Have you brought poison?"

The other party nodded sincerely: "Yes, yes, there are many, sixteen big boxes full, and there is a big king cobra in it. Those poisons are very fierce, and Wuming even set up an agency in the town, saying that he will wait for you Just put poison to deal with you, and that big snake is also prepared for you."

Guessing it, Li Tianxing pointed his sword at him: "Will you still be a robber in the future?"

"Master!" The bastard knelt on the ground: "Forgive me, sir! It's not that villains want to be robbers, it's because the world is too chaotic, the imperial court is gone, we can't make a living, so we can only be robbers."

"No money? Just now I gave you dozens of taels of silver, didn't you even look at it?"

The man was distressed: "Uncle Li, you don't know that in this desert, silver is no longer in circulation, and even gold may not be popular. You can't imagine the price. We can't survive without robbing. "

The words are not rough, and they are correct.

Li Tianxing put away his sword: "Since this is the case, I will let you go first. But let me tell you, within three months, the world will undergo great changes, and the imperial court will be established at that time."

"Uncle Li, don't worry, if it's true, I'll never be a robber again!"

These bandits are all scattered, they are in contact with Konglongji, a day's journey, contact once a day.People from several other directions returned to the den and reported the situation, only this place did not come back.Bahuzi also thought that something had happened, and asked Wuming to come over to discuss countermeasures.

(End of this chapter)

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