Chapter 718 Showdown
With Liu Mo's testimony, it is tantamount to violating Duke Wen's bottom line. With the emperor's gift in his hand, he is not afraid of any Duke Cui from Xichang.In the middle of the night, Duke Wen led more than 300 Jinyi Guards of the East Factory, rushed into the boundary of the West Factory, and immediately disarmed anyone they saw.

The two Jin Yiwei kicked open the door with their feet, full of domineering aura.

Although this Cui Gong is a eunuch, he also likes beautiful women. He is hugging left and right, enjoying singing and dancing, and has already drunk three rounds.He also took a few fifth-rank officials to play together, and he was very carried away.

Seeing the crowd rushing into the room, the one in the middle was Duke Wen, he frowned: "Grand Wen? What brought you here, hehe, come... sit down and have a drink together."

Duke Wen exhaled disdain: "Come on, take it down for me."

"You!" Cui Gong pointed to the two Jinyi guards who went up to arrest him, and then shouted at Wen Gong: "Your surname is Wen, you are so brave! This is the West Factory, not your East Factory! How dare you mess around!"

"Hmph, I'm sorry, Mr. Cui." Mr. Wen has always been known for his quick handling of affairs, and he never dragged his feet. He turned around and left without talking nonsense: "Take them all away."

In normal times, the East Factory and the West Factory are on the same level. In jargon, they are mutual checks and balances.But this time, Old Wen was serious. He took Cui Gong's clothes off and dragged him to the interrogation room in Dongchang.The flames are shining brightly, and there are eighteen kinds of instruments of torture waiting here, which is very gloomy.

When Wen Gong arrived, Cui Gong was still struggling, resolutely refusing to be tied to a stake. He knew what that meant, and he kept shouting "let go of me" and "you rebel".It wasn't until Wen Gong sat down that he calmed down a little, and Wen Gong also had the shackles removed from him.

"Forget it, save some face for Cui Gong."

Cui Gong's eyes were red with anger, but it was not as simple as Jiu Jin: "Wen Gong, what do you mean? The two of us are working for the emperor together, and you dare to detain me and torture me. No matter what , we have also been with Liu Gong together, so we can be regarded as brothers."

"That's right." Duke Wen took a sip of tea, and the taste was good: "Then why do you want to rebel?"

"You are talking nonsense! How dare you slander me!"

The corner of Wen Gong's mouth cracked into a smile: "I knew you wouldn't say anything. Someone...bring that kid in."

It was said that Liu Mo was the one with him, and he was unharmed, but he was so frightened that he couldn't be chased away, so he knelt down naturally: "Wen... Duke Wen."

"Cui Gong, do you know this person?"

"I don't know you." Cui Gong answered simply.

"Haha!" Duke Wen laughed loudly: "You want to use my people, you don't even say hello to me, and you let your dog come out to deliver 'food' and feed my dog. I don't want to know now Yes, I just want to be clear...why do you want to replace my people. "

Cui Gong prevaricated: "I don't know what you mean by that, and I don't know this person."

Duke Wen cast a glance at Liu Mo, and Liu Mo immediately said, "Little Chen Zi found the servant, and said that it was Cui Gong's intention to ask the servant to replace the people around Duke Wen."

Cui Gong yelled: "Just relying on a few words of a slave, you call me to arrest me?!!!"

Jin Yiwei brought Shang Fang's sword and hung it in front of Cui Gong.Duke Wen lowered his voice: "I can't let others say that we eunuchs are thieves who mess up the government, so I can't tolerate your actions. Presumably the emperor is not willing to do this either. His old man gave me Shangfang sword, which can be cut first and then played. Even if he cuts you up here, the old man will not blame me. However, for the sake of our colleagues, I will let you choose a death method, poisoned alcohol, car cracking, and insect bites. You choose the three One of them."

Cui Gong scolded: "You are presumptuous! You are avenging your own personal revenge. I know that you want to annex our West Factory! You scum, you will die!"


Two eunuchs came up with a wooden basin, which was full of poisonous scorpions, centipedes, snakes and other insects. It was disgusting just looking at it, and a big fluffy spider crawled out of it.The scared Cui Gong trembled all over, and his face turned from red to white.

"Old Wen, you can't treat me like this. We have served Mr. Liu together, and we are both listed as the Thirteen Taibao! We are brothers, you can't just kill me like this."

Duke Wen nodded: "To be honest, we are indeed brothers, and I can't bear you, but you don't like to tell the truth. If you can tell the truth, I can consider letting you live and locking you up here , let the emperor come back to deal with it. The worst result is a decisive decision, and he will not be bitten by thousands of insects."


Half an hour later, Duke Wen came out of the interrogation room and wiped the corners of his mouth with a handkerchief: "It is said that we live comfortably as 'husbands', but who knows our hardships, hehe, we are always full of troubles. .”

The little eunuch beside him said: "Duke Wen, this matter involves Concubine Qi, do you want to wait for the emperor to come back before making a decision?"

"Wait until the emperor comes back? Why don't others take all the credit? You brat, just wait to eat other people's leftovers." Duke Wen pouted and said, "Listen to my orders and gather two hundred Imperial Forest Army, Surrounded Concubine Qi Palace."

"Why does the factory owner want to find the Imperial Forest Army? Jin Yiwei's manpower is enough."

Duke Wen tapped his forehead vigorously: "Idiot, with the Imperial Forest Army standing in front of us, we will have a way out in the future. If we monopolize the credit, what does it mean? The emperor said that our Dongchang has too much power, and the emperor will eliminate us." You don't understand this truth, otherwise why should I be the owner of this factory."

"The factory owner is wise, what about Tian Haofeng? He is a first-rank official, and he is also the minister of military aircraft."

"Surround Qifei Palace first, Tian Haofeng's side, I will go there myself."

Catching Tian Haofeng is a matter of grasping. This man does not know martial arts. When he was sleeping at home, he was tied up by Jin Yiwei.Compared with Cui Gong, Tian Haofeng seemed much calmer, and he didn't say a word when he was brought to the interrogation room.When the sun rises, all the outside affairs are done, and only the women in the palace are left.

Concubine Qi was put under house arrest here, but she had a lot of ideas, she was as calm as Mount Tai, and it was expected that Duke Wen would not dare to do anything to her.The emperor's woman, is also a eunuch who can move casually?

Duke Wen went into Concubine Qi's palace: "The servant kowtowed to Concubine Qi."

"It's Little Wenzi, what's the matter?" Concubine Qi pretended to be confused while pretending to understand.

Duke Wen said: "Your Majesty is asking the question knowingly. The slave is from Dongchang, and he is only responsible for dealing with the unclean people inside and outside the court. Don't you know why the slave came here?"

Concubine Qi replied: "You eunuch, how dare you offend me and talk to the mistress like that. You have the guts of a leopard, and you even made people surround my palace."

The few words that the two of them insinuated were all said in secret, and they didn't make it clear.Duke Wen was also a smart man, so he said: "The palace is not peaceful recently, so I sent someone to protect the empress. The empress has golden branches and jade leaves, so don't wander around."

(End of this chapter)

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