The Peerless Demon of Martial Arts

Chapter 544 Tangmen Waner

Chapter 544 Tangmen Waner
"Li Tianxing, the Lotus Lantern Festival in Bashu is really special." Yun Xiaofeng laughed and pointed in the direction of the crowd: "Look, that dragon lantern is really good, the Central Plains is rich."

Li Tianxing was still thinking about the day's affairs, especially the old lady Xu's words: "Brother Yun, this old lady Xu is very unusual, we two should be careful, her words may be false."

Just at this time, from a restaurant not far away, there was a melodious sound of a piano, which was so melodious that it seemed to take people away from the mortal world and into a fairyland.Even Yun Xiaofeng, a martial idiot who doesn't know the rhythm at all, was mesmerized by it.

"It sounds so good."

There are also many men, women and children on the street, all looking at it from the attic.Behind the veiled curtain, a woman in white is playing the piano with both hands, and a maid is beside her.

"Look, that's Miss Tang." A passer-by said.

Another interjected: "Little sister Tang is really beautiful, she is one of the most beauties in Bashu."

Li Tianxing was in a daze, not because of how beautiful this woman was, but because she felt that this woman seemed to be looking at him. Could it be vanity at work?That's right, I'm also considered a talented person.

The maid next to the beauty shouted from below: "Hero Li, can you come up and tell me?"

The corners of Li Tianxing's mouth raised, and he jumped to the attic: "Girl, the sound of the piano is very beautiful, and the girl's beauty adds a bit of charm. Let's talk about Li Tianxing, how did the girl know my name."

The eyes of the woman playing the piano were clear and bright: "Daxia Li arrived at the Tang Sect in Bashu today. I am a member of the Tang Sect. How could I not know? Please sit down."

Downstairs, Yun Xiaofeng was a little embarrassed: "Hey! Li Tianxing, you are playing here now, I will go to have fun by myself, see you later!"

Of course, if you don't leave, why do you keep it?Be a light bulb.

The maid poured tea for Li Tianxing. In Bashu, drinking tea is more popular than drinking alcohol. People here like fresh and elegant.

Li Tianxing couldn't help staring at the other party a few more times: "Dare to ask the girl's name."

"Just call me Wan'er," the woman said.

Li Tianxing nodded humbly: "Fresh and refined, sweet and fragrant, a good name."

Wan'er opened Yin Tao's mouth and took a sip of tea covered by her sleeve: "I heard that Li Zhuangshi came to Tang Sect to investigate a case about the change of ownership and recruitment of soldiers from various martial arts sects."

"Does the girl know about this?"

"I've heard of some." Wan'er replied: "My brother Tang Qingyun is in the tea business in Yunnan, and he knows more than ordinary people. But I don't know how Li Zhuangshi suspected Tang Sect's head?"

Li Tianxing was at a loss for words: "Well...hehe, it's a long story, but I'm not sure about it, just walking around. Things in the world have always been a mess, and there are too many fake people. Just like me, I know the martial arts of Shaolin Temple, so am I a monk?"

Wan'er smiled idiotically, and the smile was even more beautiful, matched with the lights in the attic, she was like a heavenly being.She said softly: "The little girl has also heard that Li Zhuangshi's Great Compassion Fu, which he got in Shaolin Temple, has already learned high-level people, and in the battle of the imperial city, he defeated the black-robed man Xuesha, which is even more famous in the world."

Congratulations, congratulations, but what - it must be a coincidence that this statement is inaccurate.

"The martial arts of the Tang Sect are also very powerful. For hundreds of years, they have been unfailing for a long time. The hidden weapons make the heroes of the world frightened."

"Where." Wan'er continued to pour tea for him: "These are all lies. Hidden weapons can only be used as a sneak attack. If you confront them head-on, they are naturally no match for other schools of kung fu. The little girl heard that Xue Fiend is good at disguise. , The black-robed people even collect the world's martial arts classics, why didn't Li Zhuangshi investigate to see if there are any remnants among the black-robed people?"

"The remnants?"

Wan'er hummed: "That's right. In fact, a few months ago, someone broke into my Cardinal Pavilion of the Tang Sect and stole Xingyu Feihua's martial arts secret book. In order to prevent the disciples from panicking, only the old lady and us were responsible for this matter." Only a few direct blood relatives found out. Later, we sent many disciples out to search, but still found nothing.”

This made Li Tianxing feel confused, the hidden weapons of the Tang Sect were not the highest martial arts treasures, so why would someone come to steal them.Since this person can enter the Cardinal Pavilion of the Tang Sect, his martial arts are naturally not weak. If he is so powerful, why would he steal a book of Hidden Weapon Kung Fu?

At the same time, inside the Tang Sect, Tang Kuoshan was sitting in front of Mrs. Xu.

"Grandmother, my little sister has gone to see Li Tianxing." Tang Kuoshan said, "I'm worried that my little sister won't be able to control Li Tianxing. If the plan falls short, it will be detrimental to our overall situation. According to my grandson..."

Mrs. Xu interrupted him: "Forget it, since the matter is like this, we can only help out. Wan'er is a smart person, I trust her. You send competent people there immediately, and don't hurt Wan'er's life."

"Grandson knows."

In the restaurant, Li Tianxing couldn't get enough of tea, so he ordered a jar of wine and a plate of roast duck. He felt uncomfortable eating: "Miss Wan'er, I'm a rough person, I don't know how to drink tea, but I really like wine and meat."

"Strong man please."

Whoosh! ——Suddenly, a hidden weapon flew from a distance, Li Tianxing grabbed it, looked intently, and several black shadows appeared on the roof: "There are enemies."

Wan'er stood up: "Li Zhuangshi, sit down and drink. This is the boundary of my Tang Sect. If someone invades, I will clean it up myself. No outsiders need to do it."

They are all people who want to save face.

Wan'er took out the hairpin on her hair, took out a folding fan from her waist, and jumped onto the eaves: "Who is here? How can you use my Tang Sect's hidden weapon?!"

"You should go to the Palace of the King of Hell and ask!"

A woman fought against seven or eight men, she was not weak at all, her lightness skills were fluttering and moving, and the folding fan in her hand was chic and easy.However, she is only one person after all, two fists are no match for four hands.

Li Tianxing was not completely drunk yet, so he threw a wine jar at the two people who were sneaking up on Wan'er from behind.Those guys continued to rush towards Wan'er, all swords and hidden weapons were ready.The fight was so lively that Li Tianxing couldn't bear it any longer. He jumped up and clapped his hands at one person, breaking the opponent's bones.

With such martial arts, he dared to come out and make a fool of himself.

However, more masked men appeared, firing hidden weapons at Li Tianxing and Wan'er together.

Wan'er turned around quickly: "Be careful!"

To Li Tianxing, this was a child's play, but he didn't expect that Wan'er turned behind him, helped him block a hidden weapon, and fell into a coma on the spot.

"I'm looking for a beating!" Li Tianxing threw the hidden weapons in his hands back to the man in black.He was not good at hidden weapons, and he was not very accurate in throwing them, which allowed the man in black to escape.

Wan'er was hit by two hidden weapons in the chest, where the atrium was located.

No way, there is no antidote now, so I can only carry Wan'er back to the middle of the Tang Sect.The lightness skill of Dabei Fu is unparalleled, but I hope there is no poison on the hidden weapon.Holding Wan'er in his arms, Li Tianxing went all the way through the door, yelling at people when he saw them, making them look confused.

When he arrived in the inner hall, he put down Wan'er who was covered in blood: "Where is Mrs. Xu?!"

Someone called.

(End of this chapter)

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