The Peerless Demon of Martial Arts

Chapter 488 The good times don't last long

Chapter 488 The good times don't last long
Old Man Tianji's martial arts is also considered good, he can compete with this person for hundreds of rounds, even if he is full, he can fight even more.I eat and sleep when I am tired from the beating, and then I wake up to do the beating again. In this way, seven or eight days have passed.After all, old man Tianji is getting old, and his physical strength is not as good as that of young people, and he always gets tired sometimes.

"Wow, you are still so good at fighting." The old man waved his hand: "My old man is a little bit overwhelmed. When will this fight continue to be the top of the country?"

The man said: "A martial arts contest is nothing more than victory or defeat and life and death. Either the two of us die, or you admit defeat."

"I admit defeat?" The old man's beard flew up: "I have been fighting all my life, but I never know how to write the word admit defeat. Don't you like fighting? Well, let me show you my Hunyuan magic skill. "

With a sudden swish, the man thought he was dazzled, and dozens of Tianji old men suddenly appeared in front of him.He has never seen such a martial art before: "Hunyuan Divine Art...why haven't I heard of it?"

The old man approached in two steps and three steps, and with the lightness of teleportation, he gave a slap on the abdomen, followed by a slap behind him, and dozens of old men took turns to fight. up.

This guy was obviously defeated. After so many years of martial arts, he was still a frog in a well. He couldn't help but feel ridiculous: "Hehe..."

The old man knelt down: "Hey? Are you crazy? My old man didn't use much strength. I only used three points of internal strength. I agreed to compete in martial arts. I don't want to risk my life. Why are you crazy and stupid? You want to admit defeat."

The man replied: "The skills are not as good as others, I lost. The old man Tianji really deserves his reputation. I thought that you would only move and change positions according to the rumors in the world. I didn't expect you to have a magic trick of Hunyuan. Why have I never heard of it? Miss me He also came from a famous family of martial arts, and he has read all the classics of martial arts in the world, but he doesn't know the martial arts of his predecessors."

"It's not your fault. I haven't used this martial art for many years. Even when I became famous, I haven't used moves with others. This martial art actually evolved from the Great Compassion Fu of Shaolin Temple. I modified it myself. for a moment."

The man then knelt on the ground: "Sir, I'm sure you'll accept me as an apprentice."

"Should I accept you as an apprentice?" The old man looked very embarrassed: "How can this be done? I have always been a loner, and I don't keep company with others."

"Then... I'll get you something delicious. I'll get you whatever you want."

It's really a match for what he likes, but he has no money, so he can only go out to steal or rob, and killing people is commonplace.After a period of time, disputes among various factions in the rivers and lakes arose again. Many people died inexplicably.

This young man's martial arts methods are complicated, and he has learned all of them well, which led to constant disputes among the various factions.A letter from Feige from the Sun Moon God Religion told Li Tianxing that there would be a catastrophe in Wulin, but it is unclear who caused these incidents.

Purple Winged Bat volunteered: "Master, do you want your subordinates to investigate?"

"The situation is unknown, so don't go." Situ said: "You and the bloody duel still has more than three months, you must step up your cultivation of the martial arts mentality of the Great Compassion Fu. If you lose in the competition, you will die."

You Ming agreed: "Situ is right, you need to work hard to break through the tenth floor to ensure your absolute advantage."

The tenth floor... You prodigal bitch, it's easy to say, even the founder of this martial arts didn't reach the tenth floor, and those who have practiced the Great Compassion Fu before and after have not dared to practice after reaching the seventh or eighth floor. It is easy to go crazy.Li Tianxing just wanted to use the system elixir to break through the ninth floor. As for the tenth floor, he didn't even dare to think about it.

With several martial arts masters by his side, they all became restaurant owners, and they are living a good life.Things in the Jianghu have always been very complicated. If you solve one thing, ten more things will haunt you. Never stop.There is a saying that is good, that is, one day into the rivers and lakes, and a lifetime of rivers and lakes.The business was going well, but bad news came from the branch.

Viper died, the cause of death is unknown, several other people rushed over, only You Ming stayed to look at the shop.The man died in the lobby of the restaurant without a single wound on his body. The city patrolling censor of the capital rushed over and was investigating the body.In an important place in the capital, it is not so casual to die.

Wu Zuo finished examining the body and said to Yu Shi: "My lord, the cause of death is not clear. I checked it many times, but found no knife wounds, and there were signs of poisoning on my body."

Yu Shi frowned: "That's weird, could it be that someone used internal force to break the internal organs?"

"No, if that's the case, there must be scars on the deceased's chest." Wu Zuo said: "Besides, I just asked about it, and everyone present said that this person died of natural causes while walking."

Li Tianxing rushed to the restaurant and saw that Situ and the others had arrived, so he greeted Yushi first: "It's Lord Hou, hello."

Hou Yushi knew that Li Tianxing was favored by the Empress Dowager, so he didn't dare to offend him, so he stepped forward to salute: "It's Li Daxia from afar, and I also heard that a murder case happened in a restaurant, so I'm here to deal with it. But... After Wu Zuo saw it, the situation is very unpredictable , There was no wound on the deceased, and he was not poisoned, I have never seen such a situation."

The senior brother of the deceased, Puppet, went out to purchase equipment for the new restaurant, so he didn't come, and Situ still had to analyze it.Situ kept surrounding the dead man, grabbed the dead man's arm, and observed carefully: "The murderer still used poison."

The supervisor disagreed with this view: "Brother, I don't like hearing you talk like that. I have been working as a supervisor for more than ten years, and I have never passed an eye. You suddenly said that because you think my test is wrong. ?”

"Heh." Situ walked towards Li Tianxing, avoiding the conversation with Wu Zuo: "Tianxing, the deceased was indeed poisoned to death."

Li Tianxing also went over to look around, opened his eyelids, and probed his throat with a silver needle, but it didn't work. He became impatient: "Situ, don't be a fool here, and if you have anything to say, hurry up."

Situ pointed at the corpse: "The murderer didn't poison the food, but used the environment to poison him. But it wasn't the poison, it caused his nerves to die."

Wu Zuo walked quickly to Visha's body and re-examined it: "I'm so good, it's really like this, why haven't I encountered such a situation before."

Since it's the environment, then...could it be in a restaurant?Impossible, people come and go here, so many guests, why is he the only one who died, maybe in the room.Li Tianxing led everyone to Visha's room, asked about a faint fragrance, and waved it with his hand, but the fragrance hadn't gone away.

"Seven-section ghost grass." The purple-winged bat knew the smell as soon as it smelled it.When everyone was looking at him, the Purple Winged Bat pursed his lips and smiled: "Master, under the tree, we know the origin of the seven-section ghost grass. A brother of the Ming Cult was poisoned by this poison many years ago."

(End of this chapter)

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