Emperor Martial System

Martial Immortal

Martial Immortal
Yunmeng shook his head: "Don't get me wrong, Daozu is benevolent and fraternal, how could he do such a thing."

"Then who is it that can capture so many great emperors and torture them to death?" Someone whispered.

You know, it is more difficult to capture a great emperor alive than to kill a great emperor, but who can capture so many great emperors alive, besides Daozu?
There was a strong man who surpassed the realm of the Great Emperor from the Taoist sect, and this place is inextricably related to the Taoist sect. If it is said that this is not the hand of the Taoist ancestor of the Taoist clan, who would believe it?
All of a sudden, more eyes looked at Yunmeng, with fear and hostility.

Obviously, Yunmeng kept a lot of things hidden, and in such a secret place, such a secret might kill them.

"If Saintess Yunmeng knows something, please tell me." A half-step King Realm person smiled and said to Yunmeng. Although his voice was soft, no one could hear the chill.

At this time, who cares what contribution Yunmeng has made, since it is related to his wealth and life, that is naturally the most important thing to him.

Yunmeng hesitated, this is a big secret, she absolutely does not want to reveal it, but it seems that there is no other way now, otherwise, if she is attacked by a crowd, she will give her life here.

Even if she doesn't die, she can't achieve her goal.

"Everyone in the world knows that the ancestor founded Taoism, but in fact, the Taoist ancestor did not come out of thin air, he also has inheritance." Yunmeng said.

Everyone is holding their breath, what Yunmeng is going to reveal now may be one of the biggest secrets in the entire continent.

"The Dao ancestor's martial arts talent is peerless, and in the end his cultivation level surpassed that of the Great Emperor, and he became the Dao ancestor admired by everyone on the mainland, invincible for an era.

However, no one knew that Daozu actually had a senior brother who was not only not weaker than Daozu in terms of talent or talent, but even surpassed him. "

Everyone was shocked, there is such a monster in the world?
But why did Daozu get the Tao in the end?
Wait, this Heitian Taoist temple was created by that brother Daozu?
"This brother of Daozu's brother is named Wutian." Yunmeng continued, "Back then, the brother of Daozu's brother defeated the world's heroes all the way, and finally both of them became half-step martial immortals."

Except for Zhao Ritian, all the people here were at a loss when they heard the title of Martial Immortal, even Zhuge Shensuan was no exception.

Zhuge Shensuan finally knew today that the realm above the Tongtian realm should be the Martial Immortal.

Yunmeng continued: "Half-step Martial Immortal, above the Great Emperor and below the Martial Immortal, is a special realm, crushing all Great Emperors, but still a short distance from the invincible Martial Immortal.

Generally speaking, only one Martial Immortal can appear in the same era, and an era is 1 years.

Although there were not many dogs on the entire continent in ancient times, there were nearly 50 great emperors in each period.

It's just that 3 years ago, the mainland didn't know what happened. All the great emperors on the mainland disappeared overnight, and even the last emperor of the Martial Immortal Clan disappeared.

Since then, there has never been a strong emperor in the entire continent, let alone a strong martial artist.

Half-step Martial Immortals will go through several years of practice to complete that last leap. If they succeed, they will become invincible Martial Immortals, and if they fail, they will perish.

Therefore, it is really amazing that Dao Patriarch and brothers have both achieved half-step Martial Immortals.

To become a Martial Immortal requires not only talent, chance, and hard work, but also the great luck favored by heaven and earth.

"At the same time, only one person can achieve it."

"In front of the position of Martial Immortal, Dao Patriarch brothers also launched a fierce competition. In the end, God favored Dao Patriarch and achieved the Supreme Dao."

"However, Wutian has since fallen into the devil's way, and wants to find another way to ascend to the supreme position."

"All of this is a skyless attempt."

This explanation... makes sense.

Half-step Martial Immortal's attack, the Great Emperor is nothing, he must be vulnerable.

Don't look at the half-step Martial Immortal is not a real Martial Immortal, but as long as you bring the word Martial Immortal, you will break out of the level of the Great Emperor and completely crush the Great Emperor.

Therefore, Taoist inheritance appeared here, so there was a lamp made of the emperor's corpse oil, so the emperor was also killed here.

Half-step Martial Immortal, Wutian

However, everything is so simple?
Zhuge Shensuan looked at Yunmeng and felt that the saint must be hiding something.

She is obviously looking for something here, could it be the inheritance of Wutian?
Being able to become a half-step Martial Immortal, the inheritance left by Wutian is absolutely amazing.

You must know that Yunmeng is only a saintess, not the leader of the next generation of the Taoist sect. There must be some martial arts that she cannot practice.

Wait and see.

Zhuge Shensuan said in his heart, if he sees something wrong, he will run away.

Everyone believed Yunmeng's words, or, on the surface, believed them.Thinking that there might be a half-step Martial Immortal's inheritance here, everyone was extremely excited, and the other was murderous.

——If I have obtained half-step Martial Immortal inheritance, but this news is leaked? Given the size of the world, is there a hiding place for myself?
Why didn't anyone attack the Taoist holy land, the Buddhist holy land, or the magic holy land to seize the inheritance of Wuxian?
You must know these three places, but Wuxian appeared in ancient times.

Simple, these three places usually have emperors sitting in town,
But if a small person acquires a fifth-level martial skill, he will definitely be hunted down by the strong all over the world.

Therefore, if you have obtained this inheritance, you must find a way to silence it and kill everyone here, so that you can enjoy the secret of inheritance.

Immediately, everyone looked at others with a trace of fear and defense.

The blood of gods and men here has been immortal for tens of thousands of years, forming a terrifying coercion, no one can bear it, so everyone can only walk around, sticking to the wall, and came to the opposite passage.

After walking into the tunnel, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, feeling like they were about to explode.

The majesty of the emperor is earth-shattering.

This is still dead, and it has been hanging for countless years. If it was changed to when it was just dead, it is guaranteed that everyone here will be shocked to death.

Even so, half of the people still couldn't come over, shivering under the might of the emperor, and couldn't even stand up, so how can we talk about bypassing?
No one would wait, and those who went around started to walk towards the depths of the passage.

Then there are still stone rooms, like mountains of knives and seas of fire, like hell.

Fortunately, there is no emperor's body here, it just makes people feel chills, and there is no other discomfort.

In this way, walking all the way, finally, the front came to an end.

This is an incomparably huge stone chamber, with a height of hundreds of feet, and its length and width are even more astonishing, and it looks incomparably magnificent.

"Smells good!" someone said.

Indeed, it is so fragrant and refreshing, every pore is relaxed.

(End of this chapter)

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