Emperor Martial System

Chapter 296 I Confess

Chapter 296 I Confess

The real martial arts expert whose internal energy was sealed said: "I, Yu Jiang, don't know why your Excellency is here, and I just want to ask your Excellency.

I remember that I have never offended someone like Your Excellency, why did Your Excellency come here to deal with me. "

Zhuge Shensuan did not wear the standard clothes of heaven and earth, but a black night clothes, and hid his head tightly.

So the other party didn't know who Zhuge Shensuan was at all, but he heard Zhuge Shensuan's accent, and it didn't look like someone he had offended before, so he asked this question.

He didn't wear the standard clothes of heaven and earth, but wearing night clothes is naturally to conceal his identity, and it is more convenient to move at night in night clothes.

Zhuge Shensuan said indifferently: "Pretend! Yu Jiangting gave me a good pretend.

The son of the Patriarch of your Yu family has already disclosed to me all the information about your Yu family, so that I can share some with him after I get the Lingshi vein!
In this way, he can buy a real martial arts pill!But before we pressed our heads, he seemed to be discovered by you, so he didn't come to connect with me.

If you tell me the situation honestly, I might spare your life.

Otherwise, not only will you die, but your entire Yu family will be wiped out. You have seen my strength, so it will be easy to deal with your Yu family.

I believe you should be smart and not do stupid things. "

Yu Jiang said: "I don't understand what your Excellency said again, why don't I know about Lingshi ore?
As for my elder brother's son Yu Zui, it was because he committed a crime in the family and was finally punished by the family.

Maybe he was unwilling to do so, that's why he made up this lie to deceive Your Excellency, in order to attract Your Excellency, and in this way, he could give Yu Yu a huge blow.

This should be his mentality of taking revenge on Yu's family. I hope you will not be deceived by Yu Zui. At that time, you will get nothing in the end and even cause a lot of trouble. "

Zhuge Shensuan was happy when he heard the lame reason given by the other party.

Previously, he had no way to confirm whether the Yu family had a vein of spirit stones?But now he has completely confirmed that the Yu family definitely has the Lingwan mine vein.

The reason is very simple, after Yu Jiang heard the news, he was neither shocked nor angry, but making excuses is also Yu's fault.

It was obvious that Yu Jiang had a ghost in his heart, so he lied, saying that Yu Ling had no spirit stone veins.So the Yu family must have a spirit stone vein.

A simple counter-logic completely proved that the Yu family had a vein of spirit stones.

Zhuge Shensuan said calmly: "I won't play tricks with you anymore, I am the person in charge of the Heaven and Earth Auction House.

The news was indeed disclosed by Yu Zui, and we have also sent people to verify it. Your Yu family does have a vein of spirit stones, otherwise I would not be here today.

Although we haven't found the location of the spirit stone vein yet, after killing your family, I think we should be able to find it.

The Hehuan Sect must have been exterminated recently, you should have heard about it, it is better than the Hehuan Sect has been wiped out by us, not to mention your little Yu family.

I don't even need to torture you!
Now I will give you two choices. The first choice is that you confess honestly, and then I spare your life, and you persuade the rest of the Yu family to join the Heaven and Earth Auction House.

From now on, you will be the head of the Yu family, and I will also guarantee that you will successfully break through to the Tiangang realm within ten years.

And you don't have to doubt the specific strength of our Heaven and Earth Auction House. You should all know the True Martial Pill and Xiantian Pill.

Moreover, the great families and great sects in the whole world, even the royal family, did not dare to fight against our Heaven and Earth Auction House after they knew that our Heaven and Earth Auction House had pills, but exchanged with our Heaven and Earth Auction House at equal value.

You should know this, how powerful is our Heaven and Earth Auction House?

The second way is even easier. If you choose to perish, that is, die, I will find another member of the Yu family and make him the head of the Yu family.

Then I helped him reach the Tiangang realm, and then he led the Yu family to the pinnacle of the top power in Youzhou.

I'll give you 3 minutes to think about it. If you haven't made a choice after 3 minutes, then I automatically think that you have given up the choice, and I won't give you any more chances then.

It means that after 3 minutes you have not made a choice, and if you choose to join the Heaven and Earth Auction House after that, you cannot escape a dead end.

Now the clock starts! "

Zhuge made a fortune, and after finishing speaking, he stopped talking, but quietly looked at Yu Jiang beside Yu Jiang, waiting for Yu Jiang to make the final choice.

Zhuge Shensuan believes that Yu Jiang will make the right choice!
Zhuge Shensuan interrogators never like to use torture, Zhuge Shensuan prefers to use psychological tactics.

No one in the world is not afraid of death, as long as one road gives him enough benefits, the other road is a dead end, Zhuge Shensuan believes that the other party will definitely make the right choice.

People who make the wrong choice are absolutely rare, and it can even be said to be rare.

And those who would rather die, even if you give him cruel torture, he will not speak, because he must have the determination and intention in his heart to make her insist on not speaking.

2 minutes later!
Zhuge Shensuan said indifferently: "You have 1 minute left!"

Yu Jiang's expression changed back and forth, his face was flushed for a while, his face was livid for a while, and his face was purple for a while, and he was fighting fiercely in his heart.

Another 30 seconds passed, and Zhuge's fortune teller said: "Thirty, 29, 28, 27,...five, four..."

Yu Jiang shouted loudly: "Don't say it anymore, don't say it anymore, I say it! Is it okay if I say it?"

It's not terrible to die in an instant, what's terrible is the feeling of waiting to die, that feeling is suffering every second.

Zhuge Shensuan said indifferently: "You are very smart, and your choice is very correct.

Say it now, and many years from now you'll be glad you made the choice. "

Yu Jiang said: "Our Yu family has indeed discovered the Lingshi vein. Except for the mining workers, only four people in the whole family know about the Lingshi vein.

They are three real martial arts powerhouses in the family, one is my uncle, the second is naturally my cousin, who is the current head of the family, and the third is naturally my eldest brother's son! "

Zhuge Shensuan said indifferently: "Yes, where is the Lingshi vein, and why did your Yu family build a new home on this mountain.

You are the only real martial artist on the whole mountain, and we didn't find anything abnormal when we came up the mountain. "

To be continued…………………

(End of this chapter)

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