Jun Youyun

Chapter 276 Boundless

Chapter 276 Boundless
"Is there really an end to this land?" Su Baiyi pulled the rein, looked at the endless grassland, and said helplessly.They had been galloping non-stop on this grassland for several months, but looking around, they couldn't see any shadow of the sacred mountain except the grassland.

"The grassland is like this." Tantai Jingyue said with a smile, "It seems that there will never be an end, because it looks exactly the same everywhere, but in fact we have traveled a long way. We should have reached Jingbei's territory now."

"How did the girl find out? It's obviously the same everywhere." Su Baiyi asked.

Tantai Jingyue waved her horsewhip, pointing to a barren mountain in the distance: "That's Beiluo Mountain."

"Is there anything special about this mountain?" Su Baiyi scratched his head, "It's on our side, you can see it after just a few steps."

"Look at that mountain, is there something hanging there?" Tantai Jingyue asked.

Su Baiyi rode his horse forward and said confusedly: "It feels like there are some cloth strips hanging..."

"That's right, those cloth strips are the clothes of the deceased. After the Jingbei clan members die, their corpses will be hung on Beiluo Mountain, and the corpses will be eaten by vultures." Tantai Jingyue said calmly.

Su Baiyi was startled: "Isn't this disrespectful to the dead?"

"No, the Jingbei people believe that reincarnation is immortal and souls go back and forth. After death, feeding vultures with a useless skin is a kind of charity, and it is another transformation of the old body's energy in the world. This is not disrespect, but rather It is the highest treatment, and the sinners of the Jingbei clan are not eligible to go to Beiluo Mountain after death, but can only be burned by a fire." Tantai Jingyue explained.

Su Baiyi nodded: "So that's it. Before coming here, Mr. Mu told me that the northern barbarians are tough and do things arbitrarily, but this way, I think the herdsmen are quite kind, which is completely different from what I imagined. "

"They are kind because you are generous with your money, my lord." Tantai Jingyue smiled.

"Harmony?" Su Jian waved a hand and split a feathered arrow in two, "Didn't you hear the sound of their knives being sharpened at night?"

Tantai Jingyue turned her horse's head and said worriedly: "This is going to be troublesome."

Su Baiyi also turned his head, and saw a dozen sturdy herdsmen riding horses standing ten feet away, the leader was wearing a wolf fur coat, the wolf's head rested on his shoulder, staring at the red The eyes seemed to be still alive, and beside him, there were still three strong white wolves, grinning at Su Baiyi and the others, as if they were ready to pounce at any moment.

"Is this a member of the Jingbei clan?" Su Baiyi asked in a low voice.

Tantai Jingyue nodded: "It seems so. And there are three wolves guarding this person, so they should have a high status in the clan."

"Who are you?" the leading man asked in barbaric language.

Tantai Jingyue jumped off the horse, bowed to the Jingbei tribesman, and replied in a barbaric language: "These are businessmen from the southern border. It is an honor to meet the owner of this place when we pass by Jingbei on this trip. To the end." After finishing speaking, Tantai Jingyue took a piece of exquisite sheepskin and a bag of gold nuggets from the horse's back, took a few steps forward and put them on the ground, then retreated.

"Take it here." The man said in a deep voice.

"Yes." A bare-chested herdsman jumped off his horse, stepped forward to put away the sheepskin and gold nuggets, got on his horse, and whispered something in the man's ear.The man nodded.

"Honorable master, if we disturb the tranquility here, I can take the merchants in the southern region to choose another path." Tantai Jingyue asked carefully, looking at the master's face.

The man looked at Tantai Jingyue, and then a eagle-like sharp light suddenly appeared in his eyes. With a wave of his hand, a sleeve arrow flew towards Su Baiyi. The sleeve arrow was cut into two pieces.The man sneered, and then said in a not-so-fluent Southern Mandarin, "Are all the merchants from the Southern Territory so good at martial arts?"

Tantai Jingyue swallowed, cold sweat dripping down her back.

Su Jian shrugged helplessly: "It seems that the owner here doesn't welcome us very much."

"Our Jingbei tribe welcomes all guests." The man curled his lips and sneered, "but we don't welcome those who plot evil."

"This barbarian can speak idioms." Su Jian said to Su Baiyi.

"You call me a barbarian?" the man shouted in a low voice.

"Guests in the southern border don't know how to behave, so please don't take offense!" Tantai Jingyue immediately knelt down in fright.

Su Jian and Su Baiyi didn't care at all. After all, these white wolves can scare ordinary businessmen, but in front of them, aren't they just beasts with one sword at a time?
"Do you know who is the person in front of you?" The man who got off his horse to collect the gold just now also said in the official dialect of the southern border.

Su Jian looked at the three white wolves: "Three wolves guarding each other, is it not Na Yan, or the prince?"

The man was stunned for a moment, and then said: "You do know a little about the rules of our Jingbei clan. This is Prince He Shan of our Jingbei clan!"

"Prince He Shan!" Tantai Jingyue turned pale with fright, her lips trembling slightly.

"It doesn't look kind at all." Su Baiyi pouted.

"It's not the time to say these words!" Tantai Jingyue shouted in a low voice.

"Huh?" Su Baiyi noticed Tantai Jingyue's expression, and asked in confusion, "Is this Prince He Shan very powerful?"

"Prince He Shan is the hero of our grassland!" Tantai Jingyue said seriously.

"It's not a hero. It's just raising hundreds of wolves and slaughtering a few tribes." Prince Na and Shan suddenly turned their horses, "Kill these two men, and all the sheepskins and gold nuggets Take it all, and this girl will send it to my tent at night."

"Yes." The rest of the crowd shouted.

"Your evaluation of heroes really confuses me." Su Baiyi said helplessly.

But Tantai Jingyue was so frightened that her legs were a little weak. She understood that what this decisive prince said was not just words. The rules on the grassland, whoever is the most ruthless and who is the strongest is the god of heaven Favored heroes.But when Tantai Jingyue raised her head and wanted to intercede again, she found that there was an extra person behind the horse seat of Prince He Shan.

Su Jian.

"This girl can't go to your tent at night, but we don't mind, let's sit in the tent of His Highness the Prince." Su Jian said lightly.

"You are very courageous." Prince He Shan said in a deep voice.

"After all, you are not very courageous, and your head is yours." Su Jian said casually.

"The ability is also very strong." Prince He Shan praised.

"So?" Su Jian asked quietly.

"You are eligible to sit in my tent." Prince He Shan finally said.

"Okay." Su Jian jumped off the horse and walked to Su Baiyi's side, "Then go and sit in your tent."

(End of this chapter)

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