Jun Youyun

Chapter 266 Joy

Chapter 266 Joy
"Haha." Su Baiyi opened his mouth and smiled. At first, he was a little deliberate, but soon he couldn't control the joy, "Hahahahahaha. Senior sister agreed, senior sister agreed!" He opened the door excitedly and ran out.

"Stupid boy." Nangong Xi'er shook her head helplessly.

Su Baiyi ran straight to the board of the boat, and saw that Mu Nianhua was sitting on the bow playing the piano, surrounded by a group of beautiful women in white shirts, and immediately trotted over with a smile: "Mu Nianhua, Mu Nianhua years!"

"Why didn't you even call Mr. Mu? Did you call him by his first name?" Mu Nianhua clasped the strings, "What's the matter, so happy?"

"Senior sister agreed, senior sister agreed!" Su Baiyi excitedly grabbed Mu Nianhua's shoulder.

"What did your senior sister agree to?" Mu Nianhua smiled and opened Su Baiyi's hand, "Calm down and talk."

"Just now." Su Baiyi breathed a sigh of relief, "I said a line I wrote in my short storybook before, which I prepared for a long time. First, I pretended that I was hesitant to speak. Then the senior sister asked me I want to say something. I will say, forget it, don’t say it, you won’t listen to it, you won’t believe it, and you won’t agree if you believe it. The senior sister is exactly as I imagined, let me say it, and she agrees. I just said, Senior Sister, I like you!"

Mu Nianhua raised her eyebrows: "And then?"

"Then!" Su Baiyi laughed loudly, "Senior Sister smiled and said she agreed!"

Mu Nianhua didn't seem surprised by Su Baiyi's answer, but asked quietly, "What did she promise?"

"She promised..." Su Baiyi's smile gradually froze on his face, then he lowered his head and muttered, "I said I like you, senior sister said yes, she promised... what did she promise?"

Mu Nianhua picked up the fan beside him and knocked on Su Baiyi's head: "You are so stupid, how could you be so smart when you plotted against me? Your senior sister promised you to like her. I also promised you to like me, do you like it?" , It’s your business anyway. What is this? You should ask, Senior Sister, can you be my wife when I come back from Kunlun?”

"So suddenly?" Su Baiyi was taken aback.

"You're sudden enough, why can't you be more sudden?" Mu Nianhua reached out and hooked the chin of a beautiful girl beside him, "Ru Xue, don't you think so?"

Ruxue lowered her head and smiled, her face was already blushing: "I think that since this little brother's senior sister said yes, she must be interested in her too."

"Yes. I agreed, of course I did it on purpose." Mu Nianhua let go of his hand and looked at Su Baiyi, "So if you have anything to say, hurry up and run over to your senior sister now."

"Oh oh oh." Su Baiyi turned around and wanted to run, but after taking a few steps, he still retreated. He scratched his head, "Master Mu, I found that sometimes courage is only once. I suddenly lost courage..."

"Do you know how to write counsel?" Mu Nianhua asked suddenly.

Su Baiyi was taken aback: "Congxin?"

"Run now!" Mu Nianhua pointed at Su Baiyi's chest with a folding fan.

"Okay!" Su Baiyi turned around and ran, but he couldn't help but slow down when he trot all the way outside the Yaowang Pavilion. He quietly walked into the Yaowang Pavilion and found Nangong Xi'er lying on the sickbed, already asleep. passed.With a soft sigh, he carefully moved a chair and placed it beside the sick bed. After sitting down, he quietly looked at Nangong Xi'er.

Forget it, let's wait until I return from Kunlun to say those words.

Mount Qingcheng, Tianshi Mansion.

Dongfang Xiaoyue and Daojun are playing chess, and Mo Chen is waiting by the side, making tea for them.

"Yesterday you looked at the stars all night, but you can see what's coming?" Dongfang Xiaoyue said with a bit of disdain.At this moment, he looks like a little boy, while Mr. Daojun looks like a master of Taoism. They sit opposite each other and play chess, which looks a bit funny.

"I think it's going to rain today." Daojun said lightly.

Dongfang Xiaoyue looked out of the window, the sky was covered with overcast clouds, it seemed that it was going to rain anytime, he smiled and shook his head: "It's been so many years, why do you just look at the stars or just the weather?"

Daojun shrugged and dropped a son: "The celestial masters can see the luck of this world by looking at the stars, but I can only see the weather, because I think luck lies in people, and people cannot be counted. Just Like this chessboard, as long as the chess pieces are in your hands, every move is a game change, how do you calculate it?"

"Then look at people, you have seen all my disciples, which one do you like best?" Dongfang Xiaoyue asked.

Daojun didn't even think about it, and replied directly: "Of course it's Nangong Xi'er."

"Why?" Dongfang Xiaoyue asked.

"Because she is the most beautiful." Daojun said it as a matter of course.

Dongfang Xiaoyue was not surprised, she just shook her head: "With you like this, can you still become a fairy?"

"This female apprentice of yours has an exquisite heart, a sword spirit in the sheath, and a heroic spirit can be seen between her brows, but there is a bit of charm passed down from her mother in her graceful posture, and her eyes are as clear as yours. The Langyue Pond in Langdang is like that, I really can't imagine that there are such women in the world." Daojun dropped another son, "You lost."

Dongfang Xiaoyue looked down for a while, then shook her head: "That's not necessarily true. Where are my other apprentices?"

"They haven't even met you a few times, so they can be regarded as your apprentices? Su Baiyi, that's obviously Xie Kanhua's apprentice." Daojun laughed, "Those three male apprentices of yours, Su Baiyi looks like It is a ray of sunshine on a sunny day. No matter how much bitterness and hatred is hidden in the heart, it also gives a very warm feeling to the people around. Fengzuo Jun is like his surname, is the wind, and has the domineering power to sweep the world , simple and direct."

"I like Brother Feng." Mo Chen suddenly said, "When shall we invite him to visit Mount Qingcheng?"

"Then what about Brother Xie?" Daojun turned his head and asked.

Mo Chen thought for a while: "Brother Xie, he is more serious than Brother Feng. When we get along with him, I don't know what to say..."

Daojun took a sip of tea: "Xie Yuling, like snow. He is very clean, but he is contaminated by this world. At the same time, he is also very cold and wants to be independent from the world. He has always been in this middle point, so he is very entangled. So he always has a lot of things hidden in his heart."

Mo Chen nodded: "Yes, his brows are always frowning."

Dongfang Xiaoyue sighed softly: "The last time I saw him, I was a little worried about him."

"But fortunately, he met Feng Zuojun, Nangong Xi'er, and Su Baiyi. Because of these friends by his side, the snow in his heart was pure and flawless last time I saw him." Daojun laughed. , "Among your disciples, the one I most want to teach is actually him."

(End of this chapter)

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