Jun Youyun

Chapter 215 Ending

Chapter 215 Ending
"At that time, although most people didn't know the true identity of Mr. Yudi, they all had to admit that Mr. Yudi's wealth was unmatched even in Xuanwei City, where rich businessmen were everywhere. Snow lotus in Tianshan Mountain , Coral from the deep sea, mink fur from the extreme north, pearls like the moon, each piece of luxurious items, the joy beyond imagination, are sent out one by one from the hands of Mr. Yudi, only for one person.

Jiang centrifugal. 19-year-old Jiang Lili.

That day, it was Jiang Lili's music that hooked him. Her hands not only plucked the strings of the piano, but also plucked the heartstrings of Mr. Yudi.

In this way, half a year has passed.

The envoy of the big family finally found Xuanwei City, but Mr. Yudi sent him away.Until later, the person in power in the big family, that is, the father of Mr. Yudi, came in person.When they came, Xuanwei City officials, big and small, greeted them, and directly set up a banquet in Qingge Building.The banquet is a farewell banquet, and I bid farewell to everyone in Xuanwei City for Mr. Yudi, because he is about to leave here and return to his family in the north.Although this farewell, no matter how you look at it, is too forced.

Perhaps this huge family does not allow a singing girl to marry the son of the clan, or perhaps it is because Master Yudi, as the heir of the big family, has already been engaged in a marriage contract.Anyway, this time, Mr. Yudi must leave.But at that time, besides compromise, there was actually another way.It was Jiang Lili who proposed it. When she proposed it, she looked at Mr. Yudi with expectant eyes, but only saw the indifference on her face.

This road is called elopement, which means giving up all the glory and wealth and elopement wandering around the world.

Obviously, Young Master Yudi did not choose this path.On the day of his departure, at the time of the annual Flower Drunk Conference, there was a lot of voices in the Qingge Building, and everyone celebrated with wine, but Jiang Li, who was supposed to be the protagonist, sat quietly Drinking wine on the pavilion, looking at the long queue going away with a lonely face.Finally, when no trace of him could be seen anymore, Jiang Li gently sang the most beautiful melody in the world, and sang the most bizarre legend of Xuanyuan City.

In just a few lines of poetry, Jiang Lili's mouth sang such a high-pitched, so sad.So that the people of the world will sigh for it, and the world will regret it.After Jiang Li sang, she jumped down, and people saw that her hair had turned from blue silk to white hair. "

It's not a long story, accompanied by the sound of a woman's pipa, it's sad and touching, the young man in white sighed repeatedly at the end, looked at the old man and said: "Young man of the family, you look arrogant and unruly, don't let everything in the world go!" In my eyes, if one day, I find that I will lose the family behind me, that kind of arrogance, that kind of arrogance, will disappear."

The old man picked up a chopstick on the table and tapped the teacup lightly: "How many years has this story been told?"

The female musician shook her head and said: "I don't know anymore. It must have been decades. At that time, my family had just come to Qingge Building not long ago, and now even the boss of Qingge Building has changed a few times. The only person left is the slave family."

"Is it possible that a story that has been told for decades is actually false?" the old man said quietly.

The female musician trembled slightly, then quickly regained her composure, and continued: "This is a legend, as long as people like to hear it, so what if it's fake?"

The old man ignored her, and continued on his own: "Perhaps Mr. Yudi loves not Jiang Lili, but another woman? Or maybe the black hair is not because of the tragedy of the song, but for other reasons?" ?”

When the female musician heard this, her face couldn't help but change again and again, and the pipa in her hand became tighter and tighter.

"Let me tell another story." The old man took the jug on the table, poured out the remaining tea in the teacup, and changed a glass of wine, "In my story, it was not Jiang who fell in love with Mr. Yudi. centrifugal."

The young man in white also changed himself a glass of wine, and looked at the old man with a half-smile.

"Actually, Mr. Yudi had already been to Xuanwei City three months before he met Jiang Lili. That time, in the middle of the night, he was sitting on the bow of the boat playing the flute, and the whole lake was filled with such elegant and graceful voices." The melody, however, seemed so lonely. Suddenly, a pipa flashed out from a painting boat not far away, blending with the sound of the flute, interweaving an infinitely warm melody on the lake. Mr. Yudi put it down After playing the flute, he ordered the boatman to steer the boat to the side of the painting boat. He saw a woman, embracing the pipa, shining like a beautiful jade with flowing brilliance. The woman also saw the young master of the jade flute, who was dressed in white like snow, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, The jade flute master who looks like a god. That woman, of course, is Yun Wanjin under the pipa moon. The jade flute master gave Yun Wanjin the Linglong jade, a treasure inherited from the family, and Yun Wanjin also gave a gift from Wuxia Liang The flute made of jade. Their legend begins here.

Because of important matters, Mr. Yudi left after a few days.It was not until three months later that he returned by boat again, dressed in white like snow.Only this time, in order to deceive others, he pretended to agree with Jiang Li, and had a tryst with Yun Wanjin in private.However, since Mr. Yudi can touch Yun Wanjin's heartstrings, Jiang Lili may not be able to escape either.

But what a clever woman Jiang Li was, she soon discovered that Mr. Yudi's heart was not with her.Finally, after being drunk once, the words "Yun Wanjin" kept spit out from his mouth, and she understood everything.Just like her favorite song.Butterfly loves flowers, flowers have no heart, but butterflies narcissistically love flowers.

After that, Young Master Yudi's father came.

Thus, Young Master Yudi and Yun Wanjin began planning to elope.Jiang Li had a panoramic view of all of this.So in private, she began to blackmail Mr. Yudi.Gradually, he couldn't bear it anymore, and Mr. Yudi became murderous.

Finally one day, he handed Jiang Lili a glass of poisoned wine in the best private room in Qinggelou.The name of the poison is "Baifasan". The beard and hair of the poisoned person will be white, and they will not survive a cup of tea.It was this bizarre poisoned wine that created the legend of Zhaosi Muxue, but it was too ironic.Jiang Li knew it was poisoned wine before taking it, but he drank it without hesitation.Afterwards, she sang the swan song and plunged into the calm spring river, causing ripples and creating the most beautiful legend of Xuanwei City.

When Yun Wanjin arrived, Jiang Lili was jumping out of the window.She looked at Mr. Yudi, the one who killed her favorite friend, but he didn't say a word after all.Afterwards, the story ended, Mr. Yudi returned to his family, and Yun Wanjin disappeared. "

The voice of the old man is not as gentle as that of a woman, but the sense of sadness and vicissitudes of life when he tells the story is not inferior. Whether it is a boy in white or a female musician, they are all immersed in the story.

"Su Baiyi, let's go." The old man put down his cup, got up and stood up.

"If I write it, there will be an ending to this story." The boy in white murmured while looking at the cup in his hand.

The old man frowned slightly, and the female musician turned to look at the boy.

"The poison was not caused by Mr. Yudi, but by Jiang Li himself. She is a very smart woman. A cup of tea is enough time for her to write her legend, and it is also enough for Yun Wanjin and Mr. Yudi Create an eternal estrangement." The boy in white stood up, looked at the female musician, and said softly, "If the story is written like this, wouldn't it be more desolate?"

"Let's go!" The old man walked straight forward.

The female musician put down her pipa and exclaimed, "Su Jian!"

The old man walked downstairs as if he didn't hear it.

(End of this chapter)

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