Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 410 Ji Xuangu's Choice

Chapter 410 Ji Xuangu's Choice
"Get rid of Ye Xiaochai!"

As soon as the five characters came out, the whole yard could hear needles falling.

After a long time, Feng Yuelin snorted coldly, "Your Excellency is so brave to talk about killing my son in front of me."

"Ha!" Yupo chuckled, "I don't speak dark words in front of Ming people. I know better than you the relationship and grievances between the castle owner and Ye Xiaochai. If the castle owner misses this opportunity, I'm afraid I will lose my revenge forever." Opportunity."

"Better than me?" Feng Yuelin snorted coldly, she didn't know that her memory had already been tampered with by Mo Shi, and thought she was really Ye Xiaochai's biological mother, "Then I wonder how much you know."

"Knowing too much is not good for you. The castle owner should understand this truth."

Yupo said calmly.

Feng Yuelin narrowed her eyes slightly, and said after a long time: "Then tell your request, I believe you will not do good things for free."

Yupo nodded slightly, and said meaningfully: "Don't worry, I will never let you pay more than Luo Yuhen."


Just as Yuan Wuji continued on his way to the Ancient Defeng Road, a figure in white blocked his way.

As the man turned around slowly, accompanied by the word 'father', Yuan Zheng's expression seemed excited and complicated.

Yuan Wuji was still calm, just nodded with a smile, "I'm very happy that you have grown into a father. The source of evil in your body, my father will find a way to get rid of it for you. Now, you can continue to lurk by the side of the eight tribes."

"Father, is everything all right?" Yuan Zheng was stunned for a moment, with a look of shock on his face, but Yuan Wuji just shook his head slightly, "There are some things that you can't know."

As he said, Yuan Wuji waved his hand, and a scroll fell into Yuan Zheng's hands, "This is where the Wanxiang Tiangong is located, go back and meet your mother, lest she continue to worry."

"This..." Yuan Zheng showed hesitation, Yuan Wuji naturally knew what he was worried about, and said proudly: "Don't worry, if anyone dares to make an idea of ​​Wanxiang Tiangong, they will be pleasantly surprised."

"Yes, Zheng'er will go back to see her mother now." Hearing what his father said, Yuan Zheng no longer had any hidden worries. Ever since he was a child, his father has been omnipotent in his eyes.

Therefore, when he heard of his father's death on Sheliu Island, he didn't believe it at all.


Hao is within five paths.

To save Mu Lingfeng.

Jixuangu poured out the holy yuan.

However, what Yuan Zheng is controlling is the power of the source of the evil infection. The evil air has already infected the lungs. The holy energy alone can only prevent it from continuing to spread. will suffer.

If it is serious, it may even lead to the failure of viscera and viscera, and life is in danger.

"Senior Brother, this is not the way to go. Now that Confucian swordsmen have become evil, and the eight tribes of the outside world are acting fiercely, Confucianism needs your help. I can't continue to drag you down."

Mu Lingfeng's face was still pale, and he said to Ji Xuangu.

Although he wanted to express his heart, Ji Xuangu still couldn't make up his mind after several days of hesitation.

Until someone spread the word that a piece of Spring and Autumn Headmaster Ting Santie was killed by the enchanted Jianru.

A blow to the head made the entire Confucian sect feel sad.

At the beginning, Yu Lijing used his own wisdom to deal with the eight tribes. Even in the face of countless powerful enemies, the Confucian sect was not damaged. But now, after the dragon head was unsealed, the head of the Western Confucian sect fell.

This is undoubtedly a great blow.

"Brother, you can't hesitate any longer. The swordsman also needs you to control it yourself, so as to prevent him from hurting more innocent people."

Mu Lingfeng also sighed, and then said firmly.

Ji Xuangu was silent for a moment, this is not the time for an affair between his son and daughter, but it is absolutely impossible for him to sacrifice the person in front of him.

"Since Yuan Wuji hasn't returned to find another way to eradicate it, junior sister, it seems that there is only one way now."

Ji Xuangu opened his mouth slowly, although it was difficult, but he had to.

Of course, the most important reason is that Lang has a concubine's intentions.

At this time, Mu Lingfeng's pale face also showed a blush, his body was like a mosquito, "Lingfeng will cooperate with senior brother."

"I will suck out the evil energy in your body for you, Junior Sister, I have offended you."

"When all the disasters are settled, I will make up a wedding for you."

Ji Xuangu's gaze was fixed, and finally he no longer cared about etiquette.


The mighty energy pierces the sky, and the entire Haozheng Second Path is shrouded in holy light, completely isolated.

Immediately, the pure white holy light gradually turned red.

That is festive red.

The whole Haozheng was covered with a layer of blush.

For a moment blurred.

The two figures cuddled together, and with a cry, a red flower was reflected on the white bed sheet.


On the other side, Yuan Wuji finally returned to the ancient path of Defeng.

"How is Master Jade's affairs?" Yuan Wuji asked curiously, opposite him was Yun Wanggui.

"The principal's situation can still be maintained, your Excellency this time?" Yun Wanggui didn't trust Yuan Wuji, so he asked directly.

Yuan Wuji didn't take this seriously, "I have found Ai Po, exchanged what he needed for the skeleton of Lord Ghost Qi, and dragged a friend to hand it over to the eight tribes. Now I think it has been resurrected, and I will come to Confucianism soon. Sect, but I don’t know if the Confucian Sect is ready to deal with it?”

"Thank you, Confucianists will try their best to deal with this matter." A look of joy flashed across Yun Wanggui's eyes, and he replied neither humble nor overbearing.

While the two were talking, suddenly, a cold and murderous aura swept over.

Yuan Wuji raised his head in astonishment, a cold and sharp front approached his throat.

At a critical moment, Yuan Wuji pinched Sha Feng with his two fingers together.

A familiar sword, a familiar person.

The sword was given by him, and the people were saved by him, and even more forcibly accepted as his disciples.

But now, it has become a enemy.

His pitch-black eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, and his low and hoarse roar was filled with unprecedented anger.

Immediately, the divine sword spun again, threatening to kill.

Yun Wanggui was stunned for a moment. Although he didn't know why, he didn't like Yuan Wuji very much, but Yuan Wuji was a guest after all, and he couldn't do anything to his Confucian school, so he threw his sword in front of Yuan Wuji.

"The sword is so close, why is that?"

Yun Wanggui asked in surprise, he knew that Jian Zhiji had a very close relationship with Yuan Wuji, but now, seeing how Jian Zhiji treated Yuan Wuji, it was like killing his father and enemy.

"The sword is so close, what happened?" Yuan Wuji was also puzzled and asked anxiously.


But Jian Zhiji ignored it, reappeared the frenzy of the past, his moves were dangerous, the sword killed his life, and Yuan Wuji was not given the slightest chance to breathe.

"I'm helpless!"

Yuan Wuji sighed, and then he pointed to the sky, the surrounding invisible energy surged, transforming into thousands of swords, and attacked together.

The sword on the opposite side transports thousands of swords back to the clan, condenses thousands of sword qi together, and further integrates the might of the sword soul, sweeping away the wind and clouds.

"What the hell is going on here?"

Yun Wanggui sees the tricks and breaks the tricks, and blocks the aftermath of the two of them.

"It's irrational. It seems that I can only capture you first."

Yuan Wuji shook his head and sighed, then turned his palms over, and in an instant Fang Yuan was completely trapped in the domain of floating hands.

Buoyancy, gravity, gravitational force, and magnetic force instantly made Jian Zhiji's body unbalanced.

"The Floating Hand's First Change: Clouds, Mountains, and Fogs!"

Yuan Wuji grasped the majestic clouds, and in an instant, the clouds were thick for several miles, covering the scenery, no one could see Yuan Wuji in front of his sword.

With a roar, the clouds and mist cleared, and the person near the sword was already in a coma.

And Yuan Wuji's shoulder was also pierced by a sword, and the bright red blood soaked his clothes.

At this time, the movement here also alarmed other people, Jing Tianhuai and Yu Junheng had also appeared, and it was unknown what happened.

Afterwards, Yun Wanggui said a few words, and then everyone took Jian Zhichi to the hermitage.

At this time, in the room where Jian Zhiji's mother and son lived in seclusion, a white silk dress was hung, and Xi Duanhong stood on the stool, looking up at the sky, with crystal tears streaming down his eyes.

Xi Duanhong, who suffered from sword insanity, had already broken the seal set by Yuan Wuji at that time, and remembered everything.

He thought of everything he had encountered when he was hit hard in the strange city of mountains and seas and was in a daze.

Xi Duanhong felt ashamed to face everything, and the grief in his heart was uncontrollable.

"Huo'er, for no reason... I'm sorry!"

The final farewell was accompanied by a soft sound, and the stool under her feet fell to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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