People are in the rivers and lakes, playing the role of Xiongba

Chapter 147 A piece of horse manure that changed fate

Chapter 147 A Piece of Horse Dung That Changed Fate
"Everyone, my opinion is that it is best for us not to go out for the next few days, and we will go out again after the limelight passes."

Xiao Shan looked at everyone.

He is also helpless, although he wants to seek revenge from the world, but he has to save his life.

Although he is qualified to sit here to eat and discuss things with the Chu family.

But he knew very well that he was actually just cannon fodder.

Just like in the past few days, he was doing all the things that went out to rob the Tianxiahui.

And the consequence of doing so is that if the world finds out, he will definitely be the first to die.

Therefore, he wanted to find a way out for himself.

Hearing this, Chu Xi and Chu Xiaoyun looked at each other, Chu Xiaoyun was about to speak, but his father stopped him with his eyes.

"Brother Xiao, I know it's dangerous for you to be outside, but you should know that we are just going to make the world mess up.

If we stop our activities now, then those thoughtful people in various cities will definitely think that we can't make a difference.

If this is the case, then our anti-Tianxiahui will hardly make any sense.

Don't worry, I have already contacted Liangjiao, Beiyang, Liusha and many other small and powerful people in the city.

As long as we carry it on for a while longer, they will rise up at the same time to overthrow the rule of Tianxiahui.

Moreover, even if you don't believe me and those people, don't you still believe Mr. Liu?
I think you know about Mr. Liu's origins. With them as backers, what is there to be afraid of? "

Chu Xi's words were full of temptation.

Xiao Shan opened his mouth, but before he could speak, Mr. Liu next to him spoke.

"I have already passed the news to my family, and the master will send reinforcements in seven days at the latest.

At that time, we don't have to hide. "

The corner of Mr. Liu's mouth was raised, and he looked at Xiao Shan with gentle eyes.

"That's all! Since Mr. Liu has said so, let's wait another seven days!"

Xiao Shan sighed and said.

"Haha! That's right! Brother Xiao, don't worry, if the world will be brought down, the four cities to the north and north of this city will be given to you by the Xiao family.

With four cities, your Xiao family will definitely be more prosperous than ever. "

Chu Shi laughed loudly.

Although Xiao Shan smiled in agreement.

But his heart was cold and bitter.

He really hated that the world would kill his whole family and take away his ancestral family business.

But now, he also wants to live.

Through the conversation just now, he knew that the Chu family and Mr. Liu were making big cakes for him!
Thinking about it now, it was a mistake for him to join in the first place.

How can the world be so easy to deal with.

Now Yan Xiong can't even do anything to Sha Haizong, how many of them?

By Mr. Liu?

This Mr. Liu's martial arts is indeed powerful, but if he encounters danger, he may be the first to run away!

Xiao Shan had no taste for this meal.

All he could think about was what to do.

Before you know it, night has fallen.

Tonight's snow is heavier than usual.

This made Xiao Shan feel a little more at ease.

The bigger the snow falls, the faster the traces they left during the day will disappear, making it harder for the world to find where they are.


The cold wind was piercing, and heavy snow fell, making the whole world a vast expanse of whiteness.


Xu Xian grabbed a handful of snow and stuffed it into his mouth, chewed it for a while, then leaned over and crawled on the snow to look carefully.

He was born with night eyes and can see at night.


His eyes lit up, and regardless of the coldness of the ice and snow, he pushed aside the snow on the ground with his red hands excitedly, and found a frozen black object from the snow.

He put the black object to his mouth and licked it with his tongue.

"Hahaha! I finally found the trace. Let me see where this direction is."

An immature face was full of joy, he took out a sheepskin from his waist and spread it on the ground.

"The line is the stone, the fragrant flower, the horse, the snow block.

Hahaha, I see, the bandits are in Majiabao or Shuangyi Village. "

On the sheepskin was a crude map.

There is only one line on the map, and place names represented by various common things in Mobei.

Xu Xian was illiterate and poor, so he couldn't afford a map.

Therefore, he could only make a crude map, because there are many white stones in Beiyuan City, so he drew a stone.

Yuxiangzhai is full of wild flowers with various fragrances in spring, so he painted a flower.

As for Majiabao and Shuangyi Village, he drew a horse and a block of ice respectively.

At this moment, he was sure that there were only Majiabao and Shuangyi Village in front of him.

Xu Xian's father used to be a hunter, specializing in hunting wild wolves, wild cattle and sheep in the wilderness, and taming wild horses to buy in the city.

Days are not too bad.

However, a year ago, when his father and others were hunting in the wilderness, they encountered horse bandits.

The horse bandit took a fancy to their harvest, hacked his father to death with a single knife, took the goods and walked away.

Without his father, his life became more and more difficult.

In order to make a living, he could only hunt prey by himself at a young age.

But he doesn't know martial arts, and he doesn't have companions, so naturally he can't hunt good things.

For half a year, he was hungry almost every meal.

What made him even more desperate was that the snow this year was extraordinarily heavy.

In this kind of weather, the prey on the wasteland had already moved to the south.

Without prey, what awaits him may just die silently in that dilapidated small room at home.

Just when Xu Xian was so desperate that he wanted to find a place to commit suicide, Beiyuan City was under martial law.

It turned out that some thieves robbed Tianxiahui's caravan in the wasteland. Tianxiahui was afraid that the thieves would come to attack the city, so it imposed martial law.

Because the thieves came and went like the wind, they almost ran away after grabbing the goods, so the Tianxiahui has not found their lair so far.

For this reason, the Tianxiahui issued rewards in various cities.

As long as someone finds the trace of the bandit, he will be rewarded with 500 taels of silver.

How much is 500 taels of silver?

Xu Xian had never seen it before.

The most silver he saw was 30 taels.

That was a year's harvest while his father was still there.

So, even though he knew it was extremely dangerous, he resolutely put on all the clothes at home, wrapped himself into a rice dumpling, bought a few steamed buns with the last few copper coins, and headed towards the wasteland.

For the first two days, he found nothing in the ice and snow.

Even, he almost froze to death the night before.

Fortunately, he survived.

Might be luck.

Just today, he unexpectedly found a place of dead bodies that had just been killed.

The clothes on those corpses are so eye-catching.

Xu Xian had dreamed countless times that he could wear this kind of clothes one day.

That is the costume of the Tianxiahui.

The corpses in that place belonged to the caravan of Tianxiahui.

Xu Xian did not stop in place.

After touching a few bags of dry food from the corpse, he resolutely chased in the direction the horseshoe left.

Naturally, the speed of a man and a horse cannot be compared.

What's more, he is an ordinary person.

Many times he almost lost it, but he forcibly dug horse dung out of the snow, dug out wheel marks, and chased here directly.

Xu Xian looked up at the sky.

Snow flakes fell from the sky.

He knew that the trajectory of his life might change from this piece of horse manure.

 The first update tomorrow morning may be a bit late

(End of this chapter)

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