Refining Demon Tutuo

Chapter 663 Who is the prey

Chapter 663 Who is the prey

If an ordinary person, or a person with average martial arts, suddenly tripped like this, he would definitely fall hard.

However, the assassin's martial arts were exquisite and his reaction was quick. Although the matter came in a hurry, when he fell forward, he exerted force cleverly, and with a light flick of his left hand, he had already turned around without making any movement.

The person flicked his left hand downwards, and according to expectations, it should be lightly borrowing force on the ground.Coincidentally, his palm touched a sharp object.This frightened him so much that he didn't dare to press his palm down any more. In a split second, he gently rubbed the edge of his palm against the sharp thing.

The person's martial arts is also taken seriously, just such a touch, the borrowed strength is enough for him.In an instant, the man moved sideways to the left for a moment, avoiding possible danger.

The first trip may be an accident, but the second time it hits a sharp object. If there are two accidents, it is not an accident.

When he shifted to the left, he waved his palm, and a gust of wind blew out, hitting the direction where the enemy might still be hidden.

This strong wind was gently dissipated invisible by a palm.

A voice said faintly: "You are really powerful, you actually hid from him."

The person who sneaked into the tent stood firmly on the ground, and saw the person who spoke stood up slowly, it was a tutuo.

When He Yuan sat down to rest in the tent, he wanted to call out Tian Laoliu and Gui San to guard the surroundings, but among these esoteric monks, there were indeed some monks who practiced hard.Some monks' martial arts are not as good as He Yuan's, but their beliefs are extremely strong.It is estimated that the reason for practicing the law is very pious, so Tian Laoliu and Guisan dare not approach.

This is also how long they have been tempered by the six-armed Dharma Body.In the past, when meeting these monks, they would not dare to leave He Yuan.Even so, because there were too many monks outside, the two could only guard around He Yuan, so they were not discovered by Tian Laoliu until someone approached the tent quietly.

He Yuan became alert, and the other party silently touched the side of the tent. This man's martial arts is definitely not low.

He remained calm, quietly counting the man's steps after entering the room.After calculating the position, he stretched out the coral staff, trying to trip the man.

However, the man was agile and did not trip.He Yuan watched the opponent's hand want to borrow strength on the ground, and pointed the tail of the staff on the coral tent at his Laogong acupoint, but it missed again.

After the failure of the two moves, the continuous movement has made Pubba wake up.

The old monk saw that He Yuanyu and the assassin had made two moves in a row, neither of them could do anything to defeat the other.He was horrified, the other party was so bold that he sent out an assassin for the second time.At the same time, he was also horrified that it was He Yuan who discovered the assassin first.

The timing of the two seemingly simple ambushes just now was very ingenious, and they were all cracked by the assassin.

Puba sat on the felt, and did not stand up in a hurry.His left palm shook lightly, and an invisible palm force slapped the assassin.

He Yuan reached out the weapon in his hand at the right time, and stabbed towards the opponent.

The assassin was attacked from the front and back, a black shadow pierced through without a sound, and took over the palm force from Puba.

The old monk Puba praised him, shook his wrist, and the rosary returned to his arm. He slapped his right hand, and his whole body followed the palm, and rushed towards the second assassin.

The second assassin who came in turned slightly and greeted him with one palm.

The sleeve of the old monk's left hand flicked forward, and a strong wind was blown out, which was deftly deflected by the assassin's right hand.The two quickly exchanged two moves.

He Yuan had already exchanged hands with the first assassin who came in.

The man was dressed in a bulky servant's costume, which did not limit his dexterity in the slightest.He quickly dodged the tail of the stick stabbed by He Yuan, and approached him nimbly, with his left hand grabbing the door in front of He Yuan, and his right palm like a knife, cutting towards He Yuan's wrist.

The tent was very dark, and the opponents could only judge each other's moves by hearing. The four of them had to react in the shortest time to resolve the opponent's moves.

Being approached by the enemy within a very short distance, He Yuan didn't panic at all. He turned the head of his stick and blocked the opponent's two moves one after another.

He swung the coral wand with all his strength and pushed it forward violently.As soon as the assassin received it with his hand, he immediately knew that his opponent was too strong.

The internal force in his hand turned into emptiness, he let go of the attacking force, and at the same time jumped out from the back of the stick.

He Yuan followed closely, and continued to roll out weapons.The assassin kept releasing his strength, but was pushed back again and again by He Yuan.

Several people stepped forward to fight, and the sound of strong wind rang out. Although the time was short, it still woke up the guards.Some of the guards immediately lit oil lamps and torches, and some rushed over to protect thousands of households.

The assassin who was fighting with He Yuan lost his strength three times in a row, but couldn't get away from the attack.He kicked violently at He Yuan's knee.

He Yuan didn't dodge, he pressed his knee against the Yongquan acupoint on the sole of the opponent's foot.

With a bang, the two touched each other.He Yuan had a vague feeling that the circulation of the other party's internal energy was not as majestic as he imagined.However, the strength of this blow is not small, and this person's strength is weird, which should be derived from the external skills he has cultivated.

The assassin kicked, but was carried back by He Yuan. The force of the shock made the soles of his feet ache.

He took a step back. Unexpectedly, the road in the tent was not smooth, and the gorgeous felt on the ground was also dripped with sheep oil by some sloppy ghost.

The assassin's soles were slippery, and in normal times, it would not be difficult for him at all, but in a dangerous situation where the two are fighting, such a flaw would be very dangerous.

He Yuan saw the change, held a staff with one hand, and pointed at his opponent with his left hand.

Although the assassin quickly regained his balance, it was too late to resist the blow.

In an instant, He Yuan heard Puba yelling fiercely, "Be careful behind."

He Yuan noticed that there were a few quick-response guards looking at him in horror.He sighed in his heart, he was about to take down his opponent, and the reaction of the people around him must be the enemy coming from behind him.He didn't dare to continue attacking, just to be on the safe side, he moved sideways abruptly to the right, and a gust of wind hit his back.

The assassin who was attacked by He Yuan took the opportunity to roll down and get out of danger.

When He Yuan was dodging the attack, he didn't stop moving. The coral stick quickly drew half a circle to guard against possible attacks.He jerked back with his left hand, only to hear a chichi sound, and a force of finger was shot out from his hand.

There was the sound of clothes fluttering from behind.

He Yuan shot a stick with his backhand, trying to send back the strength from his hand, knowing that the new opponent might be stronger than the first assassin.Then, a strong wind blew from above.

The surrounding guards saw another assassin break in and hit He Yuan on the back.

After He Yuan dodged it, he immediately fought back.

The assassin and He Yuan changed their moves, jumped up immediately, and slapped downwards in the air.

He Yuan raised his left elbow to block the assassin's palm.

The two broke apart as soon as they touched each other, and each stepped back.
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(End of this chapter)

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