Refining Demon Tutuo

Chapter 557, 9 dead and 1 alive

Chapter 557, Nine Deaths

He Yuan saw that the ravine under the stone beams behind him had been filled with snow.

The first wave of snow has just passed, and the second wave is coming.

Shen Jieyu was in a coma, and Liu Mengjun was awake all the time. She was grabbed by He Yuan at first, and she struggled a few times shyly.Seeing He Yuan running fast, he knew that he would not be able to catch up no matter what. If he insisted on walking by himself, it would only delay things, so he didn't resist anymore.At this time, seeing the majesty of the heaven and the earth, people couldn't give birth to the idea of ​​​​contesting. She was so frightened that she turned pale and asked anxiously: "What should we do?"

When He Yuan was asked, he aroused a strong force, he gritted his teeth and said, "I can't wait to die."

The second wave of snow came from the peak on the left.Although they have run hard, they still cannot run away from natural disasters.

The trees growing on the mountain, as well as earth, rocks and various sundries, were engulfed in ice and snow and rushed over together.

He Yuan watched the white waves surge up on the left side of the mountain.The snow waves were a few feet higher than the trees, and they shot over like mountains and seas.

Their left and right sides are not well covered. If they are photographed by ice and snow, they don't know what they will be crushed into.

In desperation, He Yuan called out to the monk: "Jump to a higher place."

He used his lightness kung fu with all his strength, leaped about Zhang Xu in one vertical leap, and when he passed a big tree, he stepped hard on the tree trunk, and with the help of the bouncing force of the trunk, he jumped up again.With such two consecutive vertical jumps, the height he jumped far exceeded the tallest treetop.The man was in the air and saw the top of the snow wave.

Monk Tanyin grew up in a mountainous area and had seen avalanches before.He ran down the mountain in a panic just now, and he regretted it only now, but it was too late.The monk saw He Yuan jumping up with lightness kung fu, so he jumped up vigorously and followed He Yuan.

When He Yuan landed, Xuelang reached his feet.The momentum of the avalanche looks overwhelming, but the snow itself is soft and has nowhere to rely.He Yuan had no choice but to turn with the power of the waist horse to ease the fall.He saw gravel and big trees mixed in the snow waves, and he had already spotted a foothold.

He Yuan held the person in both hands, and landed like a bird, stepping on a giant tree rolled up by snow waves.

Monk Tanyin followed his example and jumped onto a log.

Trees and debris rolled in the snow and ice, appearing and disappearing from time to time.He Yuan didn't dare to stand on the giant tree all the time.When the giant log turned, he jumped up to avoid the ice and snow, and when the log became a little more stable, he landed on the log again.At this moment, he seemed to be standing on a sampan, swimming among the turbulent waves.

He Yuan and Monk Tan Yin stood at the two ends of the giant tree, one behind the other.They took off three times on the giant log, and as the snow wave had already rushed over a low mountain, they were about to hit another mountain.

If he followed the giant tree and bumped into it, he might be crushed to pieces.

The speed of the snow wave was too fast, and He Yuan saw a mountain next to him rising up with a huge rock.He said to the monk: "It's dangerous ahead, look at that boulder, and jump over it when it gets close."

Monk Tan Yin took a look, "It's too far away, I'm afraid I can't reach it."

He Yuan said: "Whether you can catch it or not, you can only fight hard."

Seeing that there are still tens of feet away from the huge rock, as long as there is a little hesitation, giant trees and snow waves may pass by.

He Yuan jumped up suddenly, and stepped heavily on this giant tree.In the snow waves, one end of the giant tree went down, and the other end stuck up.

The monk didn't react too slowly, taking advantage of the power of poking up, he jumped upwards, somersaulted twice in the air and rushed towards the huge rock.

He Yuan stepped on the giant log, took two quick steps, came to the middle of the giant log, stepped on it again, and jumped up with two people, rushing towards the giant rock!
The giant tree quickly sank into the snow waves.

When He Yuan was still a few feet away from the giant rock, his jumping strength had already exhausted.

Monk Tanyin got up and jumped a little earlier than him, and he threw the rope in his hand in the air.A rope head loop hangs on the corner of the boulder.He dragged the rope and lay prone on the edge of the boulder.Just as the monk stabilized his figure, he turned around and saw He Yuan jumping in the air, and started to fall halfway.

In a hurry, the monk threw out the wooden stick in his hand.

Although the wooden stick was not big, it finally gave He Yuan something to borrow.

He Yuan saw the position, kicked on the wooden stick, and jumped forward again.

He was holding one person with each hand, and he had no way to stabilize his body with his hands.In a hurry, he handed Shen Jieyu to Liu Mengjun to grasp, and freed his left hand to pull out the coral staff that had been pinned to his waist.When you get close to the boulder, look at the gap on the boulder, poke the tail of the stick into the gap, hold the body of the stick with your left hand, and fix yourself.

He grabbed Liu Mengjun with his right hand, and Liu Mengjun grabbed Shen Jieyu.The three of them were dangling and fixed on this huge rock, under which was the white snow that had just rushed past.

Monk Tanyin heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that several people escaped from danger.He was about to climb up when he suddenly heard the booming sound coming again.He yelled: "No, climb up quickly."

The monk grasped the rope and climbed up.

He Yuan fixed it with one hand and grabbed the person with the other. He could only barely use his feet to step on the huge rock. Just as he was testing his strength, snow waves had already rushed over.

The first wave rushed past Monk Tanyin's back.The monk was so frightened that his head was covered in cold sweat and his hands and feet were numb.As soon as he turned his head, he saw that Xuelang had passed He Yuan and the three of them.

The monk was stunned.

Soon, the snow wave passed, and the three of them were still tenaciously hanging on the boulder.

Relying on his arm strength, He Yuan held onto his weapon tightly, and finally poked his head out from the snow waves. Although the three of them rolled into snowmen, they finally did not disappear.

Monk Tanyin was about to speak when another snow wave rushed over.Xuelang quickly passed the place where the three of He Yuan were hiding.After the snow wave passed, Monk Tanyin looked in the direction of the three of them again, and there was only a lone crutch left beside the huge rock, nailed into the crevice of the rock.

Monk Tanyin opened his mouth wide, his mind went blank.After getting along for a while, they experienced hardships and became friends. Seeing the three friends disappear in front of his eyes, the monk was so sad that he forgot to react, let alone how to vent his emotions.

At this time, another snow wave came.The sound startled the monk.Only then did he come to his senses, using both hands, he tried his best to climb to the top of the giant rock.

The top of the giant rock is only two feet in radius, and it is rugged. The monk climbed up and barely sat on a relatively flat rock.

Sitting on it, his hands and feet were already weak.Out of breath, he watched Xuelang pass by, not past the place where He Yuan and the others hid just now.

The crutch stood stubbornly on the stone wall, like a raised finger, as if provoking the snow waves.

The monk sat blankly on the huge rock.

On the other side, under the leadership of Hierarch Luo Jiaoliang, seven people managed to find a shelter and avoided the first wave of snow.

They hid on the backside of the rock, and even though they were partially wiped by snow, they were still able to move.After a snow wave passed by, Leader Liang immediately changed places with a few people and found a new high ground, only then did he escape the snow wave behind him.
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(End of this chapter)

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