Refining Demon Tutuo

Chapter 460, Encounter on a Narrow Road

Chapter 460, Encounter on a Narrow Road

In the small farmyard.

Niu Fugao, holding an oil lamp and leaning on crutches, said as he walked, "Brother Zhang, why are you back again?"

Opening the firewood gate and looking out, he shuddered, and the wooden crutch fell to the ground with a clang.

Standing outside the door were the four of Liu Mengjun.

Liu Mengjun glanced at Niu Fugao whose expression had changed, and then at the crutch lying on the ground.

She said calmly, "Are you surprised to see us?"

Niu Fugao stammered and replied: "Yes, it was a bit of an accident. Why are you here so late?"

Liu Mengjun: "Just now you said that you came back again, who were you talking about?"

Niu Fugao tried his best to force a smile: "It's a neighbor in the country."

Shen Jieyu didn't seem to want to listen to the nonsense anymore, she pulled a person from behind and threw him directly in front of Niu Fugao.

She said coldly: "You are talking about this person, right? I also learned from him the knock on the door just now."

Niu Fugao moved backwards involuntarily, but his legs and feet were not very good, and he couldn't stand firmly when he moved backwards, so he fell to the ground with a plop, and the oil lamp rolled out of his hands.

He Yuan didn't go into the farmyard, but waited quietly outside the door, walking further away on purpose.I don't want to see how people deal with traitors inside the door.

When sending off Master Yang today, the two secretly agreed on a place to meet.

He Yuan thought about it for a long time, and he was being followed by people as soon as he arrived in Hanzhong.Nothing more than three possibilities.

On the way here, Xingzang was missed; someone from the beggar gang tipped off the news, and he really considered this possibility; there is another one, they met a person today, that is Yunzhean's registered disciple.

Niu Fugao, who has retired, lives in Hanzhong Mansion, He Yuan doesn't want to guess how likely it is that he can be alone.

After he told Liu Mengjun and others what he thought, the women refused to believe it.

He didn't argue, and after leaving Li Ji's old store, he sent Tian Laoliu and Gui San'er to monitor in two places respectively.One is the sub-helm of the beggar gang, and the other is this farmyard.

Sure enough, there are people waiting here.Until I saw this person with my own eyes and found out his identity.The women were furious, and immediately came to look for this reclusive disciple.

There has been no movement in Li Ji's old store.For now, the beggar gang is relatively safe and reliable.

After a while, four women came out.

He Yuan didn't pay attention to their expressions, and asked, "Have you dealt with it?"

Several people nodded.In addition to their ugly faces, they also had a trace of shame, and they didn't know how to speak to He Yuan.

He Yuan didn't ask any further questions, he patted the dust off his sleeves and said, "Let's go, let's wait for news from Master Yang."

In Hanzhong City, inside a brightly lit mansion.The butler led the two of them into the study in a hurry.

After the transmission, Ying Xiaowei saw Sun Shiling dressed as a Confucian scholar.This Sun Shiling is capable of both literature and martial arts, and likes to call himself a celebrity.He had a beard and was tall and burly.

Seeing Xiaowei Ying come back, he took a closer look at the changes on his face.

Sun Shiling asked, "How is the matter going?"

Captain Ying said submissively: "This subordinate is not doing well. It's a mess."

Sun Shiling snorted, "Tell me what happened."

Ying Xiaowei explained the matter again.Sun Shiling narrowed his eyes and thought for a while.Rang Hou said to himself: "Master Yang has come forward. Unexpectedly, this person actually has someone we know in Hanzhong. This is a shock, and the person is afraid to leave immediately. Forget it, anyway, this kind of thing is also very important." None of our business."

He raised his voice and said, "Housekeeper, take my name card, go to Commander Wu, and tell him the matter."

The housekeeper stepped back, and Sun Shiling waved his hand.The servant led Captain Ying out of the room.

Sun Shiling thought for a while in the study, and said to the door: "Come here!"

A personal entourage entered the study, and Sun Shiling ordered: "Go and invite the second son to come to the house for a talk."

Half an hour later, two figures used lightness kung fu to climb over the city wall.They ran extremely fast, and disappeared on the road outside the city in the blink of an eye.

Early the next morning, He Yuan and the others were waiting at the intersection to Nanzheng.

After waiting for a while, Yang Zhixiao led people to the intersection in a hurry.

When he saw He Yuan, he said straight to the point: "I probably understand the question. Old Monster Sumeru took people to Sichuan in the name of collecting medicine. There were five people from the secret camp and one person with him. No one else would recognize it. That man is indeed one-armed."

He Yuan was finally relieved.He cupped his hands and saluted: "Thank you, Master Yang."

Yang Zhixiao said: "When you arrive in Nanzheng, remember to change into Sichuan horses. Your horses are difficult to pass on these mountain roads. Sichuan horses are more suitable for mountain walking."

He Yuan thanked Master Yang, and after saying goodbye, they rushed to Nanzheng.

On the way, Song Yuhua saw that He Yuan was anxious, so he wanted to comfort him.

"Master He, don't be in a hurry. Although this person set off a day earlier than us, but Master Uncle and the others are on their way, most likely we will meet them."

He Yuan said: "It's good if your classmates don't bump into Siming Sanren, we can chase along the road. If we do meet, Siming Sanren has help. You are not afraid of any danger to your fellow disciples? Besides, Niu Fugao Will the news of Yunzhean's reinforcements be leaked?"

When he said this, the reactions of the women were not so strong.

Yang Ruoxi said: "Master's martial arts are not inferior to Master's, he should be able to defeat the injured Siming Sanren."

He Yuan said: "I hope so."

He flicked his whip violently.The horse neighed in pain and galloped forward.Several other women hurriedly followed.

Jinniu Road, Lizhou Road.

Several young women, surrounded by three nuns who have become monks, are walking on the Golden Bull Road.

Part of the Jinniu Road is very steep, and many places can only be passed by one person.

A group of people carry swords and have high martial arts skills, and those rough and dangerous roads will not stop them.

A strong woman asked: "Master, we will be able to reach Thousand Buddha Cliff tomorrow."

A middle-aged nun said: "If there are no problems on the road, it should be almost the same."

The nun is tall, but she speaks very softly. When she walks, her sleeves flutter and she doesn't carry a weapon.

The youngest disciple next to him said: "I have never traveled far, let alone seen Qianfo Cliff."

A disciple who was walking ahead to explore the way heard the woman's words and said with a smile: "Thousand Buddha Cliff is a scenic spot on the Jinniu Road. It was excavated in the previous dynasty, and there are countless Buddhist statues on it. Let's take a rest there .”

Roads are sometimes built along rivers or near cliffs, and rarely run on flat ground.It is considered a smooth journey if you can pass through some gentle valleys.

Along the way, occasionally caravans or pedestrians walking together passed by.When they staggered past the women's team, most of them just meowed, and they were no longer disappointed.

Only, when a member of the single gang passed by, he took a second look at the disciples.
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(End of this chapter)

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