Refining Demon Tutuo

Chapter 422, Fight Ouyang Feng Again

Chapter 422, Fight Ouyang Feng Again
He Yuan kept his expression on the surface, but in fact he scolded him in his heart, he was really unlucky to meet such a vicious person.

He Yuan said: "Where the owner of Ouyang wants to stay, I naturally have no control. But, what do you mean today?"

Ouyang Feng hummed.

"You broke my business several times. I didn't care about you before, it was for the Huashan martial arts competition. Now, I just have to calculate the things ahead."

He lowered his body slightly, and suddenly jumped forward.He Yuan's eyes blurred, and he could no longer see the other party's trace clearly.

Ouyang Feng slapped out with his left hand, and a wave of palm wind rushed over.

After the battle at Zhongnan Mountain, He Yuan's martial arts had improved greatly, and when he met Ouyang Feng at this time, he no longer had the fear he had before.It's just a matter of trying to see what gaps there are between yourself and the other party.

When his apprentice had an accident, he felt a sense of depression in his heart, but he couldn't really vent it. At this moment when Ouyang Feng attacked him, he also sent a wave of anger to the other party.

The opponent's palm came over. Although he couldn't completely see the opponent's moves under the moonlight, He Yuan pushed out his left hand horizontally based on his feeling, and firmly caught the opponent's palm.

In this issue, the Vajra Prajna Palm is used.At the beginning, the internal energy was reserved, but when he came into contact with the opponent, the internal energy in the palm suddenly spewed out.

Ouyang Feng walked with his palm, bullying He Yuan.

Seeing He Yuan standing still, he secretly scolded his opponent, Tuo Da.When He Yuan pushed out with his left hand, the momentum was completely different from before.No longer immature, he already has the air of a grand master like Yuan Ting and Yue Zhi.

There was a snap.The two faced each other with their palms together, and then stepped back.

They are all on the ridge, and you have to be extra careful with the soles of your feet when you step back.

Although He Yuan retreated, he was delighted to feel that the opponent's internal force no longer oppressed him.He took a deep breath, and his inner breath circulated, and his spirits immediately lifted.He exhaled and made a sound, and swept out the coral staff in his right hand.

Ouyang Feng had a different feeling, when he fought He Yuan before, he could always beat the opponent.However, in today's temptation, he found that he didn't get any advantage.I couldn't help being surprised, every time I fight against the opponent, the opponent's martial arts is always improving.Now it has reached such a level that I dare not underestimate it.

While Ouyang Feng was surprised, he made up his mind.Keep such an opponent, and wait until the second sword debate, I am afraid that the opponent will be his strong enemy.

Thinking of this, he stabbed straight with his snake stick, ignoring the opponent's moves.This move has great internal energy and tricky moves, and the strange snake in the head of the hidden staff is hesitant.

He Yuan swept across with a stick, but the opponent ignored him.While avoiding sideways, he flipped his hand, and the coral staff collided with the other party's snake staff. Under the operation of internal strength, the arms of both of them were shaken.

The second move is to use the weapon move, which is still equal.

They didn't want to give the other party a chance to recover, they jumped up from the ridge almost at the same time, they jumped up and down as fast as lightning, and used their superior martial arts, while dodging in the vertical jump, they dismantled each other to attack.

Two people either use weapons or fists to attack their opponents.

Ouyang Feng's martial arts, he can make moves at will, but also has great power.

He Yuan saw the tricks, and he was not afraid when facing the enemy.He shook off the sleeves of his robe, intercepted the opponent's palm with his fist, and met the opponent's weapon with the coral staff.

When the strange snake of Ouyang Feng's snake stick sticks out, He Yuan will use his maha finger in the sleeve of his robe to slam the opponent's strange snake.

The two moved back and forth between the houses, fighting faster and faster.During the fight, at the beginning, they could absorb their internal strength, but when the fight got dangerous, the implicit internal strength in their fists, feet and weapons became stronger and stronger, and every time they rose and fell, the tiles on the roof would be shaken.

They fought evenly for more than twenty rounds, and the momentum of the fight became louder and louder.

Ouyang Feng failed to gain the upper hand, and he no longer underestimated He Yuan in his heart.His snake stick stirred.Avoiding the opponent's collision, he did not stop when he entered the move.

He Yuanyu was in a hurry when he heard the sound of "Gu——".

He Yuan reacted immediately, and the opponent used his housekeeping skill, Ha Toad Kung Fu.He was happy and fearless, using the kung fu of the Shenzujing, at the same time destroying the supernatural power of Vajra Subduing Demons, and using the Wei Tuo Presenting Pestle to meet the opponent's palm.

Vajra Prajna Palm against Ha Toad Kungfu.


The palms collided together, and there was a muffled sound.

He Yuan was repelled two steps and turned over again, only then did he lose his strength.He used his internal breath to operate, and the annoyance and stuffiness in his chest were resolved.

He took a quick look at himself and found that there should be no internal injuries, so he was relieved.

Ouyang Feng was so angry that the Ha Toa Kungfu was taken over by the other party.The opponent didn't dare to confront head-on before, but now Bo not only took over, Ouyang Feng truly realized that He Yuan's hard attack was so powerful.

Ouyang Feng didn't care about it, he bent his arms and struck horizontally with one palm.

He Yuan noticed that the wind in his palm was sharp, and he had no time to recover, so he could only push straight with his left hand and return a move.He only felt that Ouyang Feng's palm force was coming fiercely, he tried his best to resist it.

Ouyang Feng's quick attack didn't work, so he let out a groan, and at the same time he was slightly surprised, the attack in his hand didn't stop, he stepped forward and slashed with his palm.

In the area of ​​He Yuan's left palm, the weapon in his right stabbed straight towards Ouyang Feng's left flank.

Facing the attack, Ouyang Feng didn't dare to use up his palm.He slammed his shoulders back, and slashed at He Yuan's wrist.The two of them passed each other while leaping.

He Yuan returned his elbow in the air and hit Ouyang Feng's back.

Ouyang Feng turned sideways and slapped his backhand.

He Yuan thumped with the bottom of his elbow, the wind was loud, Ouyang Feng received it with a horizontal fist, and returned the move with the snake stick in his hand.

Ouyang Feng's snake stick contains the methods of stick method, stick method and stick method, and the moves are complicated.

There is a grinning human head carved on the head of the staff, with a ferocious face, and two rows of sharp teeth in the mouth are extremely poisonous.The poisonous snake in the hole on the head of the staff hovers around the staff, stretching and exhaling, which adds unique tricks to the staff technique and is unpredictable.

The two people's fist moves were mixed with weapon attacks, and the fight became more and more dangerous.

The two fought for fifty or sixty rounds, but Ouyang Feng was undefeated by He Yuan.Start to use hidden weapons in the moves.As long as he presses the upper handle of the snake staff, a vicious hidden weapon will shoot out from the head of the staff.

He Yuan was unprepared for a moment, and the fight was a little cramped.

Seeing the fight between the two, it spread to the surrounding people.They have already made a lot of noise, and there are faint people gathering here with torches.

With a false move, He Yuan stepped on the roof under his feet, shaking many broken bricks and tiles.

The broken tiles hit Ouyang Feng like a storm.He Yuan himself took the opportunity to evade the hidden weapon and sprinted into the dark alley.

Ouyang Feng knocked down the broken tiles and looked for He Yuan's trace.His eyesight was astonishing, he fixed his eyes on He Yuan's whereabouts, and quickly chased after him.

He Yuan turned a few times, and his opponent chased after him.

Seeing that he couldn't get rid of Ouyang Feng, he felt ruthless in his heart, so he didn't stop, and ran directly in the direction of Gong's mansion.
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(End of this chapter)

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