Refining Demon Tutuo

Chapter 393, The Calm Before the Storm

Chapter 393, The Calm Before the Storm
Zhou Botong was a little depressed because the moves he had thought hard and contemplated didn't work, so he immediately gave up and refused to compare.He Yuan put away his posture and walked back under the shade of the tree, ready to say a few words of comfort.

But Zhou Botong clamored to go back and think of a new move.After getting along for a long time, He Yuan knew his temperament, and would not get annoyed by some trivial matters, so he let him go.

Sitting under the shade of the tree, He Yuan picked up the gourd filled with water and drank two sips of water.The water is a bit cold, but it is very refreshing to drink in your mouth.

I saw the master was idle.Hua Yan leaned over and asked, "Master, you obviously slowed down the move just now. Why is Master Zhou at a loss?"

Shen Jieyu gave Hua Yan a strange look.Knowing He Yuan's master and apprentice for some time, she had a faint feeling that this kid doesn't seem to be really blind, why he can see the moves He Yuan used so clearly.Just listening with your ears won't do it.But this is someone else's sore spot, it's not easy for her to ask.

He Yuan didn't answer in a hurry, his eyes were a little hollow looking at the distance.After a while, he spoke very slowly: "The move is not as fast as possible, it's better to use it properly. Just now, I didn't see what the ambush in Brother Zhou's move was, but I already felt that it was not right. Alright. In the blink of an eye, there is no time to think twice. He has hidden tricks there, as long as I don’t touch them. It’s useless to let him set up any number of ambushes.”

He said this not only for his disciples, but also for himself.

After Huashan Discussing Swords, he saw the martial arts of several masters and how they fought with all their strength, which gave He Yuan a lot of inspiration.His original martial arts methods were tempered by predecessors.However, he is used to defeating ten times with one force, relying on internal strength and external strength to be higher than his opponent, thus forming a suppression.This way.Once you meet someone whose skill is higher than his, it will be difficult to win.

After watching the competition of several masters.He gradually realized that even if the internal strength is not as good as that of the opponent, there is still room to display it.

With these insights, he slowly began to try to make changes in his original martial arts.With the assistance of the Mahapa Ruo Heart Sutra, the scriptures can integrate a variety of martial arts and improve them.

In the process of sparring with Zhou Botong in Chongyang Palace, He Yuan's martial arts power gradually emerged.From being inferior to Zhou Botong in the past, to the sparring in the last few days, He Yuan has been able to draw a tie and sometimes gain the upper hand.

He Yuan stopped his thoughts, came back to his senses, and felt that Shen Jieyu seemed to want to bring up the old things again.He hurriedly said to Hua Yan: "Practice your stick technique. It's still early today, so review your martial arts again."

He Yuan's martial arts has improved, and his understanding of martial arts moves has also changed.Recently, he tried to combine the moves from the subduing magic wand and the little yaksha stick, from which he selected and improved the moves suitable for his apprentices, and taught them to Hua Yan one by one.

When He Yuan was teaching his apprentices, he deliberately removed the characteristics of the origin of martial arts, so as not to cause trouble in the future.There are a total of 24 styles of the staff that he changed, and up to now, he has taught Hua Yan all of them.

Hua Yan began to practice the stick technique seriously.His comprehension is extremely high. After He Yuan taught him once, he was able to hold his position very firmly. Seeing that the apprentice practiced without any problems, He Yuan closed his eyes.

Today's weather is fine, the warm sun shines through the canopy, forming beautiful light spots on the ground.The quiet time, the comfortable temperature, and the undisturbed life made He Yuan feel very comfortable.How great it would be if it could go on like this.

The happy time flies by quickly.While Hua Yan was resting from practicing, they were going back to Chongyang Palace.However, within a few steps, He Yuan saw a Beggar Clan disciple running up the mountain in a hurry.

This person recognized He Yuan's master and apprentice, and when he saw two people from afar, he hurriedly greeted them.

"Master He—something happened."

He Yuan saw this beggar sect disciple running out of breath, so he immediately went up to meet him. "Don't panic! Speak slowly, what happened?"

The disciple ran up to the two of them, panting heavily.After finally recovering his breath, he took a sip from Hua Yan's water bag and said to He Yuan: "Master He, three days ago, a group of foreign monks came to Jingzhao Mansion. These people lived in the new Marshal Du At first, the brothers of the beggar gang heard the news and didn't take it seriously. But yesterday, the helmsman gathered the news from all the brothers and found out. There are several groups of people who are inquiring about your whereabouts, and others are To inquire about the realities of the Chongyang Palace, a brother found out after investigation that this matter may have something to do with the monks.

Qin Ruozhu, after hearing about it, felt that something was wrong, but he was afraid that he heard it wrong.So I sent some brothers to investigate again.However, those people in Marshal's Mansion are very careful.As soon as the brothers approached, they were discovered.

Among the group of foreign monks, there were a few martial arts masters, and the brothers suffered a disadvantage and escaped back.

The brothers who came back said that the monks who did it were not of the highest status.There were a few people who were obviously the leaders, but they didn't make a move at all.

This morning, Qin Ruozhu felt that something was wrong, so he sent me to deliver a letter to you.Let you be careful.When I was halfway there, I was notified by my brother.A group of foreign monks have already left the city and are rushing to Mount Zhongnan.Judging by the direction they are traveling, they are heading towards Chongyang Palace, or they are coming towards you.

The helmsman told me to deliver the message quickly so you can get ready.Whether you want to fight or go, you decide for yourself, when you need the help of the beggar gang, you can speak up. "

He Yuan knew about the matter, and also understood that the Beggar Gang took a huge risk to send him a letter.He said: "Go back and thank Master Qin and the brothers of the Beggar Gang."

After speaking, he sighed again.There is no end to the people in the secret religion, and one wave after another will come again. When will it end.He looked at the disciples of the Beggars' Clan and Hua Yan who were waiting for a reply. He still had to hold on and take care of those close to him.No matter how difficult things are, they have to be solved one by one.

He said to the brother who was sending the letter: "Thank you for your hard work. It's not safe here anymore. You hurry down the mountain and go back to send a letter. Tell Master Qin that we will not fight recklessly. If things go wrong, we will run away immediately." .The brothers of the Beggar Gang should also be careful, and guard against their troubles with the Beggar Gang. Since the other party dares to come, they must be fully prepared."

Brothers from the beggar gang said: "Master He, don't worry, Master Qin has already told the brothers to hide. If you need anything, please give us a call."

The disciples of the beggar gang are about to bid farewell and leave.

"Wait a minute."

He Yuan called to stop the beggar gang disciples.

"Hua Yan will go back with you. There are many brothers in the Beggar Gang, and they are well-informed. If he stays there, he will be safer. Besides, he is still a brother of the Beggar Gang."

"Master, I'm leaving, what should you do?"

When Hua Yan heard He Yuan's words, he asked anxiously.
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(End of this chapter)

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