Refining Demon Tutuo

Chapter 312, Insect Master Mo Xiaoqi

Chapter 312, Insect Master Mo Xiaoqi
Shopkeeper Sun saw that he couldn't deny it, so he knelt on the ground with a plop, kowtowing like garlic.

"Everyone, all heroes, listen to me."

Chan Master Can Ye said, "You tell everything."

Shopkeeper Sun saw that several people had no intention of doing anything for a while, so he quickly talked about the matter.

"This evil animal has been running rampant in the vicinity for many years. The people in the vicinity are dying or fleeing, and they dare not live nearby. I am also from my hometown, and I am reluctant to leave my hometown, so I ran farther and started opened a small shop.

I didn't mean to harm you.Originally, we also spent money to invite some powerful experts to deal with it, but all the people who went there died.Everyone has no money.In desperation, an expert passing by had an idea.It is said that there are hidden dragons and crouching tigers in the rivers and lakes, and there are many talented people.If there is fate, I might bump into one or two of them when they pass by the small shop.From then on, I began to pay attention, and whenever people who walked the rivers and lakes passed by and looked like capable people, I would tell them where the temple was.I hope that when the expert passes by, he can get rid of the scourge. "

Li Dayuan said: "Nonsense. If you want to, why don't you say it clearly?"

Shopkeeper Sun said: "No one believes what I said, and some people don't want to cause trouble, so they deliberately avoid it. I also made a bad plan. My lords, apart from this disaster, you have done a lot of good deeds! Please forgive me."

He Yuan smiled and said, "I want to ask you something. How many years has this bastard been running rampant here?"

Shopkeeper Sun said, "It's been more than ten years."

He Yuan asked again: "Why is the centipede hiding in that temple?"

Shopkeeper Sun said: "I don't know why. Oh, people around us say that the monks in the temple used to raise centipedes to deal with poisonous insects and pythons in the wild. But no one knows whether it is true or not. Since After those monks disappeared, the beast lost control and often went out to hurt people."

He Yuan said: "You are really stubborn, and you dare to deny it at this time. Look at your method of dispelling the centipede just now. This is not the ability of ordinary villagers."

Shopkeeper Sun kowtowed again, and said while kowtowing, "Masters——"

As soon as these four words were uttered, He Yuan heard the sound of the machine spring.



When shopkeeper Sun kowtowed, a crossbow bolt shot out from his collar on the back and went towards Chan Master Can Ye.

At the same time, shopkeeper Sun raised his hand, and a puff of yellow smoke flew towards everyone.

Several people hurriedly avoided.

Chan Master Can Ye raised his hand and struck the crossbow arrows away with his wooden staff.He Yuan mobilized his internal energy and shook off his robe sleeves.His internal strength has improved compared to before, and he can move with thoughts.

The sleeves of the robe flicked twice, blowing away the puff of yellow smoke.A part of the smoke rolled back towards Shopkeeper Sun.

Shopkeeper Sun has a way of not being afraid of poisonous smoke. Although he was puffed by the smoke that rolled over, there was no abnormality.He nimbly rolled on the ground, then jumped up and fled into the distance.

The sudden attack caused many people to be unprepared for a moment, some backed up and some resisted, giving Shopkeeper Sun a chance to escape.

Can Ye and the others reacted, and immediately someone used a hidden weapon, chasing Shopkeeper Sun and hitting him.

Shopkeeper Sun jumped up, shook his hand, and flung half of the rope from his sleeve.The rope accurately knocked down all the hidden weapons.

He sneered, turned a somersault, and ran forward again.

He Yuan didn't move where he was, and he muttered something.

Everyone watched shopkeeper Sun run away nimbly, unable to catch up for a while.

Shopkeeper Sun jumped forward and ran towards a cypress tree, wanting to step on it for strength, but he didn't want to step on it, and then bumped into the cypress tree.


Shopkeeper Sun fell to the ground hard.

When Shopkeeper Sun jumped up, his movements were very agile, and his technique of knocking down hidden weapons was also uncommon.Unexpectedly, when he was borrowing strength from the branch, something went wrong and he fell to the ground with a very funny movement.

Several young knights couldn't help laughing out loud.

Everyone was afraid that he would run away again, so they immediately surrounded him.Chan Master Can Ye said: "Be careful of his insidious methods."

Shopkeeper Sun fell to the ground, but he still wanted to escape with all his strength.He struggled to get up, wanting to continue running.


Flying over a few stones, first hit Shopkeeper Sun's Huantiao acupoint, causing him to stagger.Then, another stone hit the Dazhui point on his back.

Shopkeeper Sun let out a scream and fell to the ground immediately.

Surrounded by several young knights, each of them used the skills taught by their masters, some used the bone removal method, and some used the grabbing hand.

Shopkeeper Sun kept screaming and being greeted by several methods, it was really heart-wrenching.

Several young chivalrous warriors narrowly escaped death, recalling the situation at that time, they are still terrified.

They hated Shopkeeper Sun for his vicious thoughts and leading people to death.I practiced kung fu hard for more than ten years, and I almost fell into this unknown wilderness.The hatred in the hearts of several people was hard to get rid of, and they were even more merciless when they attacked.

Shopkeeper Sun screamed in pain. He couldn't take it anymore and immediately begged for mercy.

Chan Master Can Ye motioned for everyone to stop, and he said to shopkeeper Sun: "Your surname is not Sun, and the poor monk remembered that there is a name like you in the world. Mo Xiaoqi, the worm master, the poor monk is right."

Shopkeeper Sun panted heavily, and asked in surprise, "Who are you? How did you recognize me?"

The old monk said: "Tianning Temple leftovers. My poor monk has heard of your name. You did a lot of evil things in the Southern Dynasty."

Shopkeeper Sun, no, it should be Mo Xiaoqi who said angrily: "You have a lot of people. I can't beat you."

Chan Master Can Ye said, "Do you think there will be no retribution for doing these evil things?"

He Yuan said: "Tell me exactly what happened."

Mo Xiaoqi said, "It's fine if you want me to speak out. You have to promise to let me go."

Chan Master Can Ye said: "It's useless if you don't say it. The poor monk can call you by name and know your enemies in the Jianghu. You have to think about it."

Mo Xiaoshou said: "I have waited hard for three years. After planning for a long time, I actually made wedding clothes for you."

He reluctantly told the truth.

Mo Xiaoshou was born in the Five Immortals Sect.In this sect, the Yue people are the main ones.They are very wary of Han Chinese.Mo Xiaoshou just learned some superficial means of using poison.Later, he could not bear the oppression and apostasy.

When he traveled the rivers and lakes, he got a set of tricks to drive insects away.Later, the combination of using poison and repelling insects became his unique kung fu.

Ordinary people in the rivers and lakes simply cannot stand up to his vicious methods.Three years ago, when Mo Xiaoqi wandered here, he accidentally found that big centipede, which made him feel like a treasure.

He wasn't sure he could take down the centipede.So, after planning for a long time, I set up a small shop to guide people from the rivers and lakes to the temple.

If these people lose to the centipede, they will be eaten by the centipede.If someone can clean up the centipede, it doesn't matter.Ordinary people don't know the benefits of centipedes, and most of them will keep the biggest benefits.

At that time, he only needs to pick up a bargain.
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(End of this chapter)

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