Refining Demon Tutuo

Chapter 256, the scriptures have been exchanged

Chapter 256, the scriptures have been exchanged

The room was silent.

Wan Yanlu was silent for a while, and said to Mr. Wen: "Give them more fire, so that their noise will be louder. In addition, let Shen Jikang take people away, and ask the generals in Ganzhou and Liangzhou to do it earlier." Prepare."

Mr. Wen took the order and left, and the room fell into silence again.

Wanyan Lu opened the window to let the cool breeze in.Only the cold wind can calm his hotness a little.

A ray of moonlight shone in, cooling off half of Wanyan Lu's face.There was a sinister smile on the corner of his mouth, and his half-hidden face was even more terrifying.

Behind Sanshan Village are hills and continuous mountains. Not far to the east, there is also a dense forest with many pines and cypresses in the forest.

The three of them quietly entered the dense forest with two lanterns in hand.

They walked under a big pine tree, one of them took off his mask, it was Meng Qingbi.

She said to the other two people: "Senior brothers, thank you for your caution. Let's go to get things. If there is any movement, retreat immediately.

Lao Chen and Liu Lian nodded.

That day, He Yuan and the others came very abruptly in order to save someone.Several members of the Xuanming Sect didn't know how strong their opponents were, so they didn't dare to carry the scriptures with them.Meng Qingbi hid it in a nearby hidden place, intending to wait until out of danger before taking it out.Facts have proved that their caution was correct.

The three of them escaped Ouyang Feng's pursuit by chance, circled around several times, and waited for a few more days.When he realized that nothing was wrong, he rushed back and took out the scriptures.

The three of them stopped and walked, and they were cautious enough when they acted. The slightest disturbance would make them extremely nervous.

Walking all the way to a huge camphor tree, the three of them stopped.

The camphor tree is very conspicuous. Most of the trees here are pines and cypresses, but there is only one camphor tree here.

Meng Qingbi walked under the tree, pointed upwards with his finger, and signaled to Chen and Liu.

The two nodded, and each jumped onto the branch.Meng Qingbi changed several positions on the branch, squatted on the branch, reached out from a tree hole, and fumbled out a box.

She opened the box and took a look, then nodded to her companions, and the three of them jumped off the branches and started to run outside.

They have been running a long way, hiding and not daring to stay.On the second day, I found a small shop in a remote town to stay.

The three rested for a while, but Lao Chen was still worried, so he asked Meng Qingbi to open the box, and he wanted to take another look.

Meng Qingbi took out the box, opened it, and took out two books.

As soon as the two books were taken out, Meng Qingbi's expression changed.

"No. This is not the Nine Yin Manual."

When Lao Chen heard Meng Qingbi's words, he was struck by lightning.After he realized it, he hurriedly snatched another children's book in his hands, and Liu Lian also came over to read it.

After turning a few pages, the three of them cried out: "Where is the scripture? How did it become like this?"

On the covers of the two books are the Nine Yin Scriptures, but the original two ancient scriptures have now become two half-new books.

All three of them had read the scriptures. Old Chen opened the contents and found that what was written in the book in his hand was not the real scriptures of Nine Yins at all, but Zhuangzi, which was divided into two volumes.

"This—what's going on here?" Lao Chen flipped through it again, and took a book in Meng Qingbi's hand, and looked through it for a long time.Still not giving up, he picked up the wooden box and searched over and over again.

I looked everywhere, but still couldn't find it.

Liu Lian took the book in his hand and read it again, still unable to believe his eyes.

Old Chen asked: "Here, why was it replaced by someone? Who saw you hiding things?"

At this moment, Meng Qingbi was also shocked out of her body.After a long time, she shook her head.

"It's impossible for anyone to see it in such a short time."

Liu Lian threw the thing on the ground angrily, and cursed: "Which wicked person is this? We found it with great difficulty. How could he be so cheap?"

Old Chen said: "It's all right now, I don't even know who has replaced me."

Shocked by the bad news, Liu Lian and Meng Qingbi sat there blankly as if their strength had been taken away.

When they were complaining, Lao Chen was the first to calm down.

He said: "Now is not the time to be sad. Let's change places immediately. It is not safe here. If the opponent keeps watching us, or, the person who changed the truth, watching us, our whereabouts will be discovered. .

Now we don't know who took the scriptures, we have always been the one who took the blame.Many people who have ideas about the scriptures will definitely chase after us.

Keep your spirits up, you really can't escape.As long as we have perseverance, we can still get it back.Two generations of us have been looking for it for so long, is there still a little time left?

All right, don't be sad.Let's go quickly. "

Old Chen experienced a little more, comforted his juniors and sisters, and dragged them away.

As soon as the three of them left, many martial arts practitioners came to the small shop where they lived. After searching for a while, they found nothing.

They found the shopkeeper and the clerk, asked them over and over again, and after asking the three people who understood, two men and one woman, they immediately started hunting.

Not to mention how the Xuanming faction and others escaped.

So, where did the real Nine Yin Scriptures go?

With a smug expression on his face, He Yuan took out the two scriptures and handed them to Wang Chongyang to read.

Wang Chongyang accepted the scripture with a solemn expression.He looked at He Yuan, and asked, "This is the legendary Nine Yin Scriptures? Where did you get it? Isn't it said that people from the Xuanming Sect got it, and then they disappeared without a trace?"

He Yuan said: "It was just a small trick. We and the brothers from the beggar gang went to save people. A few people from the Xuanming faction were lost and started to run away. I guess, we went too fast at that time, and they probably didn't have time to hide the scriptures. It is too far away. If you carry it on your body, then if you run away or get caught, the scriptures will be lost. I also bet that they will hide the books nearby. I searched there carefully for the past few days, and finally I found it."

He Yuan hid some processes.He didn't search for it by himself, but asked two of his subordinates to go to heaven and earth to search for it, and searched every place in the vicinity.Otherwise, in a few days, a person would search aimlessly and find nothing at all.

At this time, Monk Jikong became interested and hurriedly waited for Wang Chongyang to open the scriptures.

Wang Chongyang did not open it in a hurry.He looked at He Yuan and asked, "You just brought it here, don't you want to learn?"

He Yuan said: "I read it again, but I can't understand it. Most of what I learned is Buddhist martial arts, and most of the records here are Taoist martial arts. I am worried that after learning, there will be some restraints."

Wang Chongyang nodded.

"Let's go over the details together."

He opened the first volume, the front is the place where the Sanskrit general outline is recorded.Seeing this, he frowned, glanced sideways at Monk Jikong, and began to look back again.The further he looked back, the tighter his frown became.

After Monk Jikong read the Sanskrit outline, he closed his eyes.
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(End of this chapter)

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