Refining Demon Tutuo

Chapter 219, Vicious means

Chapter 219, Vicious means

The bowl of wine in He Yuan's hand was in a hurry.The woman rolled her eyes from being choked, and then coughed violently.

Seeing that the woman was also poured a bowl of poisoned wine, shopkeeper Li's face twisted in a hurry, and he screamed.It's a pity that he couldn't yell out after being tapped.

"Boom-" He Yuan threw the wine bowl on the table.He flicked the wine from his hands, and wiped his hands clean on Shopkeeper Li's clothes.

Then, he sat down and said calmly, "Everyone is here, and I drank too much wine. Tell me, why did you poison the wine?"

Before he finished speaking, the curtain of the back door moved, and two people rushed in suddenly.After the two jumped into the house, their feet did not touch the ground, and they rushed towards He Yuan like swallows.

A person rushed in first, and slapped He Yuan silently with his right hand.The strength of the palm did not reach his back, and He Yuan already felt the icy cold.

Another person rushed to shopkeeper Li who was restrained by He Yuan, trying to rescue the shopkeeper and his wife.

He Yuan still sat steadily.With a kick with his left foot, the stool that the shopkeeper and his wife were sitting on moved sideways, leaving the rescue hands empty.

He Yuan turned around and raised his palm, using the power of the Vajra palm, he accurately intercepted the attacker's blow.


He Yuan felt that cold internal force coming again.He was already very familiar with this kind of kung fu, and thought to himself, he really did not make a mistake.

Yin Han's internal force was sucked away by the six-armed dharma body, He Yuan exerted force again, and added another palm force.

The sneak attacker met He Yuan's palms, turned somersaults in the air, and flew back upside down.

The other attacker failed to save the man, so he just grabbed the grass and beat the rabbit, put one foot on the table, then rose into the air again, and kicked He Yuan's three vital points in a row.

He Yuan dodged to dodge, and hit the coral stick with seals, breaking the front legs, and with the last blow, the tail of the stick slammed into the opponent's waist and eyes.

The man wanted to dodge upside down in the air, but he couldn't dodge in time and was hit by a stick.

He groaned and fell to the ground.

The person who was sent flying by He Yuan fell to the ground at this time, and before he could stand still, he took two steps and went to help the person who fell on the ground. The two looked at Toutuo in amazement.

He Yuan smiled and said, "Don't be so strange, we are old acquaintances."

The older attacker asked, "Why are you all right? You've been drinking too."

He Yuan smiled and said, "You can still think about this at this time? You should worry about yourself."

The two raiders squared off, ready to fight.

He Yuan said: "I dare to come to you, of course I am sure. However, if you want to waste time," he pointed at the shopkeeper twice and said: "I don't know how long they can last."


The two sneak attackers did not give up, and rushed up while He Yuan was speaking.

The two planned to fight He Yuan together, and their moves were similar, so they split up and attacked together, one from the left and the other from the right, hitting He Yuan's many vital points at the same time.

Instead of retreating, He Yuan took a step forward.The left arm circled to distract the opponent's palm, and the elbow poked, breaking the move of the person on the left.

He didn't care about the attack on the right, and took the opponent's palm with his shoulder.

He had already picked up the iron shirt with the golden bell cover, and the blow had no effect on him.The cold internal force was still sucked away by the six-armed Dharma Body.

At the same time that He Yuan received a slap, his two fingers of his right hand poked the opponent's Jianjing acupoint.The finger force of this blow made the man unable to resist, and fell to the ground like a wooden stake.


The younger assailant, seeing his brother being captured with one move, wanted to fight back with all his strength, but the person who fell on the ground yelled, "Run!"

This "run" made the attacker hesitate for a moment, and also made him lose his chance.

He Yuan sent floating clouds back and forth, and the clouds covered the mist with two moves of Chiba's hands, entangled the attacker.

In this small space, the two made six or seven moves in a row.The defeat of his companion frustrates this person's spirit, and he can't use his moves. He Yuan hits the middle-term door acupoint with a move, and he also falls to the ground.

He Yuan looked at the messy wine shop, walked to shopkeeper Li, and unlocked the acupuncture points for him.

Shopkeeper Li didn't dare to move.

He Yuan said: "I'll ask you an answer, and when I understand the question, I'll let you find the antidote."

The reason why I chose shopkeeper Li.It was because He Yuan remembered a comment made by the teacher when he explained the article Peacock Flies to the Southeast when he was in school.There is a paragraph in the comments, which talks about the differences between men and women when faced with the choice of life and death.Women's choices are often emotional, but men are different.

He Yuan saw that shopkeeper Li's mind was obviously more active, and people with many ideas should be more afraid of death.

Sure enough, shopkeeper Li agreed immediately.Three times, five divisions and two divisions will explain everything.

The shopkeeper's surname is Li, and it is true that he has opened the shop here for 20 years.But shopkeeper Li had worshiped a stranger from the rivers and lakes as his teacher.This stranger in the rivers and lakes is Mr. Bi and his master—Ruisong Taoist.

The senior brothers hid in the palace, and shopkeeper Li responded from the outside and passed on the news.

Last night, the few of them were separated during the pursuit of the palace.Two people fled back here, preparing to hide for a while.

As for what these senior brothers are trying to find in the palace, only they know.

He Yuan nodded and asked shopkeeper Li to get the antidote.

Shopkeeper Li immediately took out the antidote from the woman, gave it to his daughter-in-law first, and then took the antidote himself.

He Yuan asked shopkeeper Li to carry the two guys aside, and then waited beside him.He himself dragged the two men to him.

"If you don't want to die, tell the truth about your affairs."

The two bowed their heads and ignored him.

He Yuan picked up the wine jar and shook it. Hearing the sound, there should be some wine in the jar.

He Yuan turned his head and saw the older man with a trace of disdain on his face.

He didn't care either, and said with a smile: "It seems that you are not afraid of this kind of poison, so it doesn't matter. I have some vicious methods, and I don't want to use them easily. However, if the two of you keep silent, I will Use the method of soul searching, let you tell the whole thing obediently. But after using this method, you two will become fools."

"Do you think we are cowards?" said the younger man.

He Yuan nodded: "I'll show you." Say it!He then called out Tian Laoliu and Gui San'er.

Then, he pretended to chant a spell for a while, and pointed with his hand: "Look at the two of them."

Immediately afterwards, the eyes of shopkeeper Li and his wife became blurred, but they were shouting: "What's going on? It's dark?"

"Master, I can't see anything."

"This master, this joke can't be taken."

The two people stared wide-eyed, just saw something, and even started to grope with their hands, like two blind men.
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(End of this chapter)

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