Refining Demon Tutuo

Chapter 113, Temple of Wind and Rain Mountain

Chapter 113, Temple of Wind and Rain Mountain
After leaving Fucheng, among the group, Li Jing and Liang guides were the best at riding, and they led the horse team forward.

He Yuan's riding skills are not very good, but when the horse is running, he can ride on the horse without falling off.

Not far from Jingzhao Mansion, he already started to feel uncomfortable.Constant suspicion, the place against the saddle may be blistered.It's fine in normal times, but at this time, if you are injured and encounter the enemy again, it will be troublesome.

I took the time to look at the people around me, and found that many people also began to show uncomfortable expressions.The old servant Liu Zhong was physically weak, and he showed it most obviously.

Li Jing noticed the situation of his companion, and deliberately controlled the speed, letting the horse walk and run for a while.

Running long distances, it is impossible to let the horse run all the time.People can't stand it, and neither can horses.They have no spare horses, so they can only cherish them.

In order not to tire the horse, sometimes it will stop to give both the horse and the horse a rest.This ensures that there are no accidental attrition.However, in this way, the speed of their progress inevitably slowed down.

away from the bustling town.All I saw along the way were the desolate scenes of winter.

Before leaving, according to Liu Shaopei, Liu Cunwen's family walked along the route of Fenyang-Hejin-Jingzhaofu.Therefore, He Yuan and the others can follow the official road on this route to meet them.

A group of Xiaoxing stayed overnight, and nothing happened on the first day.

The next day, I left the post where I was staying and continued on my way, but encountered heavy rain on the way.In order to hide from the rain, everyone stayed in one place for too long.As a result, there is no way to rush to the next station or town as planned.

He Yuan and his party stood in a forest, looking worried at the sky.The sky was covered with dark clouds and there was no way to judge the time, only an approximate estimate.Seeing the sky darken.Everyone had different opinions on whether they should move on or rest nearby.

He Yuan found out that Liu Shaopei made a wrong decision, that is, he didn't designate a person in charge, and let several people discuss and deal with the situation.However, when these few people disagreed, they all looked at He Yuan in the end.This made him very uncomfortable.From a young man when he first came out of the mountain gate, now he is the backbone of others.This role change gradually made He Yuan feel the pressure.After all, this is about the safety of many people.

Watching the rain gradually lighten down, there is no way to stay around.If it is a night of sleeping in the cold in the field, a group of people will definitely fall ill.

He Yuan asked the leaders what they thought, and decided to move on.

Go back to the official road and continue to look for a campsite.The land was drenched with rainwater and muddy, and there was no way to sleep in the open.Occasionally seeing a dense forest, several people feel that it may not be safe.After choosing and choosing, a group of people are already thirsty and tired.

Everyone else is fine, the oldest Liu Zhong is almost lying on his horse and can't move.

"There's a place ahead, let's go and have a look." Liang Xian shouted.Through chatting, everyone knew the name of the guide.

He Yuan looked in the direction he pointed, and there was a hillside not far away. The hill was not high, it was a small dirt hill.The continuous ups and downs can be vaguely seen behind the mountain, there are sparse trees on the slope in front of the mountain, and there is a faint building.

"Let's go take a look."

Seeing that there was a little hope, everyone cheered up and urged the horses to rush over.

When I got to the front of the mountain, I saw that there was a flat land in front of the small earth mountain, and there was a dilapidated yard on the flat land.

It was only when I got closer that I saw that this was a dilapidated mountain temple.

Encountered this kind of place in the wild, many people felt guilty in their hearts.Everyone turned their eyes to He Yuan again.

He Yuan said: "If there is no more suitable place, I can settle here."

Some people make up their minds, others feel that there is no good way, so they can only follow in.

The yard was also wet and muddy. There were a few bluestones that were originally paved, but now they were covered with muddy soil.

I found a shelter from the wind under the porch, settled the horse first, and sent out a few people to check the surrounding situation and collect some firewood.

He Yuan entered the Earth Temple and took a closer look.The temple is not big, just a room.The enshrined statue has been dilapidated and there is only one pier left.There were no altars or anything.

The guide Liang Xian pointed to the dust on the ground and said, "It seems that someone has lived here recently."

He Yuan couldn't see any traces, so he thought for a while and said, "Let's pay more attention at night and be careful."

Other than that, nothing unusual.A few people were left to watch and take care of the horses.

The rest went out to pick up some dead branches and dry wood, and came back to light a fire for cooking.It was so easy to start a fire, and the crowd couldn't stand in the room due to the thick smoke.

Slowly relying on the heat of the fire, the firewood was dried, and the smoke from the burning later became smaller.I found some spring water from outside, boiled it and let it cool down.Because the horse is a relatively delicate animal and an important tool for them, the horse should be given water first.The guards found the concentrate and mixed it with hay to feed the horses.

After a group of people had been busy for a long time, they finally sat around the fire and rested.He took out a small iron pot, broke up wheat cakes to cook porridge, and put some chopped bacon in it.

While drying the clothes, the hot porridge boiled.At this time, the condiments are very expensive, and the salt is reluctant to put more.Although the porridge didn't taste very good, it was eaten up by a group of hungry people.

Li Jing assigned a night watchman.Some people watch the fire, and some people are responsible for watching the animals, adding water and grass to the animals.Everyone is ready to rest.

There was no hay, and everyone was leaning against the wall or lying on the ground.

He Yuan sat there unable to sleep, groping for the rosary he won.This thing looks rough, but it is not scratchy to the touch.I can't see any mystery, just treat it as a plaything.

In the dark night, the bonfire is the only light around.There was a wind at night, and the wind blew into the mountain temple and stirred the bonfire.The jumping flames cast strange shadows on the walls of the temple and on the bodies of the people.The changing shadows made people feel uneasy, and the whimpering wind amplified this uneasiness.

He Yuan closed his eyes, and was about to force himself to sleep when he heard footsteps.

In the dark night, the footsteps came suddenly.The voice appeared outside the courtyard gate, hesitated for a while, and then slowly walked into the courtyard.

He Yuan sat up straight and moved slowly.Then, I saw a stooped man coming in from the door.

The movement made by this person after he came in finally woke up the half-dream and half-awake person.Several people looked up.Some people even pressed their weapons nervously with their hands.

After the man saw so many people in the temple, he didn't feel nervous or uneasy, and he saluted calmly: "I'm sorry to bother you all. I passed by here and want to rest here."

By the light of the campfire.He Yuan saw clearly that it was an old man who came in.His whole body was dirty, with a lot of dirt on his robe and shoes.The matted hair and beard are almost rolled into felt.Only some places can see the white color.

The old man's facial features don't look like those of a Han Chinese.From the outside, it looks like a dying person.But look at his long journey.Recalling that before the old man arrived at the temple gate, he heard the sound of footsteps.He Yuan felt a little nervous.The old man looked downcast, probably because his martial arts were higher than his own.
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(End of this chapter)

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