Song Qingshu of Wudang Mountain

Chapter 365 The End Doubtful

Chapter 365 The End (V) Doubtful

Zhu Yuanzhang walked ahead like a dragon and a tiger, and the others followed suit.

At this time, the imperial city is still majestic, but it can no longer be seen by Zhu Yuanzhang. In his eyes, everything in this imperial palace should be overthrown and rebuilt, and a bigger and more magnificent one should be built, which is more in line with his temperament and temperament. Only when he comes to the powerful palace can he demonstrate Zhu Yuanzhang's great achievements.

Suddenly, Zhu Yuanzhang stopped, and Xu Da who was behind him immediately ran forward, standing faintly in front of Zhu Yuanzhang, watching the front vigilantly.

Because at this moment, on the stone steps not far in front of them, there were seven or eight corpses lying impressively. The blood had already congealed, and it seemed that they had been dead for a while. Judging by the clothes and attire, they could be righteous eunuchs and maids.

"They're all dead!" Xu Da whispered.

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded, signaled Xu Da to get out of the way, and then strode forward, passing the dead bodies and continuing to walk inside.

Everyone soon discovered that the more they walked in, the more dead bodies there were, and some of them were luxuriously dressed Mongolian women.

"It seems that that person not only killed the emperor, but also killed all the people in the palace!" Xu Da said.

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, he suddenly seemed to think of something, and said to Huang Yao who was beside him: "Go and send someone to the mansions of those Tartars to see if they have all been killed!"

Huang Yao nodded solemnly, and then left with hundreds of guardians.

Xu Da leaned forward and asked: "Marshal, what do you mean, that man killed all the Mongolian dignitaries in Dadu?"

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded: "Not bad."

"Kill it, kill it, it's best to die!" Xu Da said indifferently.

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at him and said, "If these Mongolian officials are all dead, where are the remaining Mongolian troops? Who is leading them?"

Zhu Yuanzhang hit the nail on the head and pointed to the crux of the problem. As he said, at first he just thought that the Mongolian dignitaries had all run away, so that no one resisted his army. But now it seems that none of these Mongolian dignitaries have run away. He died inexplicably, so where did the remaining Mongolian troops go?
Xu Da frowned and guessed: "We have killed not only 50 Mongols, but also [-] Mongols. It stands to reason that the Tartar army should not only have this number of people, even if some escaped, but There should be at least [-] people, where did they go?"

"Either it is to go to the grassland, or" Zhu Yuanzhang murmured.

Xu Da followed up and said, "Either way, just keep hiding."

In an instant, the faces of the two turned livid, as if they had seen a hundred thousand Mongolian soldiers come out of the ground, and cleaned up their Ming army like chopping melons and vegetables.

Zhu Yuanzhang said in a slightly trembling voice: "Tiande, don't make wild guesses. This possibility is very small. After all, this does not conform to the combat habits of the Mongols. They always like to fight on horseback. But you still have to remind brothers Let's be careful."

Xu Da responded, "Yes, brother!"

Regardless of what Xu Da told his subordinates, Zhu Yuanzhang had already stepped over the dead body and came to the most honorable and authoritative place in the imperial city. This was the place where the Mongolian emperor met his officials.

The originally spacious and bright hall was now covered with corpses, and the emperor's throne, which symbolized the supremacy, had also been pushed aside. The entire hall gave people the feeling of endless desolation and decay.

Standing outside the hall, Zhu Yuanzhang looked at the scene inside the hall, and retracted the legs that had already been taken.

Seeing this, Xu Da couldn't help asking: "What's the matter, Commander?"

Zhu Yuanzhang took one last look at the magnificent hall, then turned and left without saying a word, Xu Da and others followed closely, not knowing what happened.

After walking a few steps, Zhu Yuanzhang stopped, as if he was talking to Xu Da, and also as if he was talking to himself: "The hall is full of power and corruption, I don't want to go in, this imperial city, it makes me want to go in." Disgusting people!"

"Tiande, from now on we should all be in harmony with the sky, I like it there!"

Zhu Yuanzhang said so, Xu Da had no choice but to say yes.

At this time, Huang Yao walked over from a distance, and saw his feet move slightly, but his whole body was like a galloping horse, as fast as lightning, and he came to Zhu Yuanzhang in an instant.

Huang Yao knelt on one knee and said, "Commander, I checked dozens of residences of officials and dignitaries in the surrounding area, and they all died!"

Zhu Yuanzhang frowned immediately, and asked in a deep voice, "How did you die?"

"They all died of blood loss!" Huang Yao couldn't help shivering when he thought of the scene he saw, and then continued, "But, there is not even a single drop of blood."

"Did he lose blood but there was no trace of blood?" Xu Da asked in surprise.

Huang Yao nodded: "I've asked all of them, but there's no trace of blood."

Xu Da wanted to ask again, but was suddenly interrupted by a loud noise.

Everyone listened attentively, only to feel that the voice was coming from outside the imperial city, and it was getting louder and louder. It seemed that thousands of people were discussing and talking, and they could faintly hear the sound of cheers.

Zhu Yuanzhang asked: "What happened outside the city?"

Huang Yao smiled and said, "Commander, it should be the voice of the common people in Dadu. Just now when my subordinates came back, they saw people walking on the street to welcome the arrival of the Ming army, and they even shouted Running around to tell everyone, I am very happy."

It was rare to hear good news, so Zhu Yuanzhang smiled and said to Xu Da: "It's just right, Tiande, you go, let all the people and brothers go under the imperial city, let everyone see the Mongolian emperor, let everyone You know, the time has come for us Han people to be the masters of our own country!"

Xu Da replied excitedly: "Yes!" Then he quickly ran out of the city gate.

However, Zhu Yuanzhang walked towards the outside of the palace without haste. The closer he got to the outer wall of the imperial city, the more he could clearly understand the bustle and cheers outside the wall. A feeling of joy from the heart.

Zhu Yuanzhang had a smile on his face, but he was extremely satisfied in his heart. Isn't this kind of voice just the goal of his wars these years?

He walked towards the walls of the imperial city step by step, and with every step he took, his aura rose; every time his aura rose, he became quieter.

When he stepped onto the last step, the excitement was no longer visible on his face, and what was left was only self-confidence and composure, with a bit of domineering and mighty power at the same time.

At this time, there was already a din of people outside the wall, and the huge noise filled every corner of Dadu.

Zhu Yuanzhang opened his arms, and he even felt that there was an indescribable thing pouring into his body continuously. Of course, this might just be his illusion, but that feeling was very beautiful to him.

One more step forward, just one more step forward, people outside the city will be able to see him, and they will be able to see the person who saved them from the fire and water.

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at the old city wall, but suddenly felt a little timid.

But this feeling is only fleeting.

The next moment, he took that step firmly.

(End of this chapter)

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