Chapter 132
The enemy brigade attacked Xiangyang City?
Guo Jing and the others showed expressions of incomparable surprise.

There is no room for them to have a calm judgment.These days, they were immobilized by the elusive Ming army. After hesitating and discussing for a long time, they resolutely decided to come out with a large force to meet the Fujian reinforcements.

When they left the city, they had made up their minds to die.Even after rendezvous, they are actually on guard against enemy surprise attacks at any time...

During this period of time, the elusive Ming army has made them very afraid.

If that Ming army coach Zhu Yuanzhang had mobilized the main force, today outside Xiangyang City, it might be the end of a fight to the death.

Unexpectedly, the enemy didn't seem to come to besiege the team outside the city, but attacked Xiangyang with all their strength while the defenders were leaving the city.

There is no room for a pause, the two armies gathered together and hurried towards Xiangyang City together.

In the Northern Dynasties, there was a writer surnamed Luo who wrote a romance novel about the melee at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, in which Lu Bu took advantage of Liu Bei's army to go out of the city and attacked and captured Picheng.

Guo Jing had never read this popular novel of the Three Kingdoms at that time, but he had heard of this story. Although the situation at this time was quite different from what happened to Uncle Liu Huang back then, he couldn't help but feel bad:
If I insist on going out of the city, is it true that the Ming army can take advantage of it, and even lose Xiangyang like Liu Bei lost Xuzhou?
Thinking this way, he became even more anxious. On the surface, he calmly ordered the soldiers to move quickly, but his heart became more and more worried.

After marching for half an hour, they could already see the flames of Xiangyang city, and heard the sound of drums beating.

Look at this posture, the opponent is really attacking Xiangyang City with a large army.Guo Jing hurriedly ordered the troops to rush to the city, and cooperate with the Xiangyang defenders to deal with the Ming army.

But at this moment, a powerful arrow flew straight at Guo Jing.

The mere cold arrow naturally poses no threat, Guo Jing stretched out two fingers and caught it.But his face turned serious.

——The arrows shot at Guo Jing were just one of the rain of arrows in the sky.

The rest of the soldiers didn't have Guo Jing's ability to catch arrows empty-handed, so they were all hit and fell to the ground with serious injuries.

Fortunately, the army of Xiangyang City has been drilled well, and the troops brought out at this moment are all elites. Most of them are veterans who have been fighting for many years. When they were attacked suddenly, they responded quickly.

Yang Guo, who was the best next to Guo Jing, said to Guo Jing, "The army attacking Xiangyang turned around and came to us!"

Guo Jing was shocked, and also found that the Xiangyang city was empty again, and a group of people in the distance turned to attack the Xiangyang army and Fujian reinforcements outside the city!
And nearby, after the random arrows, a group of almost ten thousand heavy cavalry riding tall horses and wearing tight armor seemed to suddenly appear from the ground, and charged over in an instant.

The head of the man looked rough, with bushy beards, angry eyes, and a terrifying expression, like an evil spirit coming out of a portrait, acting as a vanguard, really brave and unstoppable!
Yang Guo didn't know that this person was Zhu Yuanzhang's fierce general Chang Yuchun, but he was still amazed.

Under the leadership of Chang Yuchun, this team of cavalry rode on horseback and rushed wantonly. They were heavily armored, and ordinary weapons could not hurt them.

And behind this team of heavy cavalry, there were still several times the number of infantry, formed a square formation, attacked, and fought with the Xiangyang team that had almost been dispersed by the cavalry—or it could be said that it was a one-sided killing for the time being.

Jinlun Fawang, Qiu Qianren, and Duan Yanqing were also among the enemy troops.Their martial arts were compromised in the battle formation, so they didn't end, they just looked at Guo Jing, the intention was naturally to contain the brave and invincible Guo Jing.

On the other side, the Ming army that was attacking Xiangyang City had already attacked, and the first person shouted: "Xu Da has seen General Guo of Xiangyang City, and he is here to see you off today!"

Guo Jing, Yang Guo, the masters and generals of Xiangyang City all showed tragic expressions, knowing that they might die here today.

Will they die?

Xiangyang city head.

The extremely clever Huang Rong had guessed the Ming army's intentions when Xu Da's army suddenly turned around and retreated.

In Xiangyang City, there are still [-] troops, although they are not as good as the elite troops that Guo Jing brought out of the city, they are still powerful.

At this time, if they pursue them, they will surely break Guo Jing's siege.

But the enemy might just pretend to retreat, the real intention is to lure the defenders of Xiangyang to come out and fight a decisive battle under the city.

What's more, Guo Jing had confessed before coming that he would stick to the city gate no matter what.

If due to a momentary decision-making error, Xiangyang City is empty and occupied by the enemy, it will be a sinner.

Huang Rong looked into the distance, it was where the Ming army garrison was, and there was a very deep city mansion there, the commander of the Ming army, Zhu Yuanzhang.

Will she lead an army out of town?

Siege of a city, especially a big city like Xiangyang, which has been heavily fortified for more than ten years, is a very difficult challenge.

Even if the strength of the opponent is five times or ten times that of the opponent, it is extremely difficult to capture a city.

Therefore, although the Ming army was well-prepared this time, with many soldiers and generals, and [-] heavy cavalry brought from the north, they were not in a hurry for success, but focused on siege.

Moreover, Zhu Yuanzhang, the new coach of the Ming army, had his own calculations and was unwilling to forcibly capture Xiangyang City at the cost of heavy casualties.

At this time, he was sitting firmly in the tent of the Chinese army, with only military adviser Liu Ji beside him.Outside, Yang Dingtian and other decision-making experts and five thousand personal guards guarded him, so he could sit back and relax.

Liu Ji said at this time: "According to the general's wishes, the whole army has been rectified and ready to attack Xiangyang at any time."

Zhu Yuanzhang closed his eyes and meditated for a while, then said: "Sir, Huang Rong, Lady Huang... Will she lead the army out of the city to meet the besieged Guo Jing?"

Liu Jidao: "If she goes out of the city, there will be very little troops left in Xiangyang, and it will be time for our whole army to attack and break through the city wall in one fell swoop. Zhuge, a middle-aged woman, will definitely be able to count on this consequence, so she will not take risks.

The problem is that if we just sit back and watch the reinforcements be cut off by us, even if Guo Jing outside the city escapes back to Xiangyang City unharmed, they will just stay in the city for a while longer, waiting to die.

Therefore, at this time she is already in a dilemma.If you put me in her current situation, I can't think of any good solution. "

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded and said: "In other words, General Xu Da's plan of attacking east and west is to predict that even if the opponent sees through it, there is no way to deal with it.

Although it is a trick, he is not afraid that people will know that he has used this trick, and it may be called a conspiracy. "

Liu Ji sighed and said, "General Xu is invincible, not without reason."

Zhu Yuanzhang said with a smile: "Sir, you have clever calculations, and you have never missed anything."

His smile slowly spread until it became a little distorted, "You are indeed under my command. General Xu's invincible battles are always small victories. He has been silent in northern Xinjiang for so many years, and no one in the world knows his name."

Of course Liu Ji understood what the Lord meant, and he also knew what to say at this time, "If the world belongs to you, Lord, why worry about General Xu, General Chang, and General Li not being famous?" What is obvious.

If Xiangyang City is captured at this time, the emperor of the Northern Dynasty will strike while the iron is hot and unify China.

Zhu Yuanzhang is fledgling, and he is likely to be killed.

In fact, Zhu Yuanzhang had sensed early on that the Holy Majesty had long suspected him. The cavalry in Northern Xinjiang had just been formed and he was about to be transferred to Xiangyang. The purpose was not to let him support himself, but also to use the Xiangyang battlefield to reduce his trusted troops. .

Therefore, no matter what today, Zhu Yuanzhang will not really bring down Xiangyang City.

But if he could consume the strength of Xiangyang City at a very small price, or even kill Guo Jing, he would not mind doing it. This was also a gesture to reassure the emperor of the Northern Dynasty.

Therefore, before Xu Da and Chang Yuchun sent troops, Zhu Yuanzhang had a secret order: If the time is right, all the enemy troops outside the city can be wiped out.But if the whole Xiangyang army attacks, don't be brave and retreat immediately.

At this time, Zhu Yuanzhang put on the marshal's armor again and ordered the main force of the Ming army to march towards Xiangyang City.

The appearance still needs to be done, he wants the whole world to see how tragic the Xiangyang battle is.

How dire will it be?
Time moved forward in an orderly manner, and the steps were as graceful as the orthodox nobles who had been passed down for many generations.

More than two months have passed since the battle in Xiangyang, and the world is still talking about what happened that day.

Rumors are always exaggerated, and there always seems to be an amazing character as the axis to drive this story line.

Of course, no one is more suitable to be this hero than Guo Jing. According to rumors, he became the real "enemy of ten thousand people". The heavy cavalry of the Ming army.

He raised his left palm to the sky, summoned the third prince of the Dragon King of the East China Sea, and breathed out the flood, drowning thousands of Ming soldiers in an instant.

He hit the ground with his right palm, and the ground trembled for dozens of miles around, and huge cracks appeared, swallowing the Ming army one by one.

In short, it was Guo Jing, who descended from the gods, to save the people of Xiangyang from the fire and water with various miracles.

This is almost a myth, just the nonsense of the ignorant people after dinner.

There is another saying in martial arts, that it is difficult for masters of the rivers and lakes to fight against the army no matter what. Guo Jing's one enemy is a thousand, which is the limit.

But that day, Guo Jing was indeed brave, he frightened the enemy and boosted the morale of the Xiangyang army.Although Guo Jing was powerful, the Xiangyang army was able to withdraw safely to the city that day, depending on every soldier.

It is said in the martial arts that after that battle, Guo Jing broke through the martial realm of a great master of martial arts and became another master of the extraordinary realm in the martial arts.

When Guo Jing was a great master of martial arts, he was not afraid of extraordinary masters. Now that he has become extraordinary, apart from Shaolin Living Buddha and Wudang Immortal, no one can say that he can definitely defeat him, not even the female sword god of the Demon Sect.

This kind of statement is not outrageous because of the mythological factors, but there is a third statement, trying to analyze it from the level of battle strategy:

Zhuge Huangrong, a woman in Xiangyang city, saw the Ming army's plot, so she spared no effort to empty the city and sent out all the troops to fight the Ming army outside the city.

Although the Ming army did have superior numbers and types of arms, but the morale of the Xiangyang army was high, and everyone looked at death as if they had eaten cow's blood. Therefore, the Ming army had to retreat in Huangrong, and even the coach Zhu Yuanzhang had to lead the army to respond.

The third theory seems to be close to the truth, and even many people present at the time thought it was the truth.

On that day, more than 7000 people were killed or injured by the Xiangyang and Fujian reinforcements, while the Ming army only lost [-] people, many of whom were killed by Guo Jing and Yang Guo.

It's hard to say who won, because Xiangyang City still got the most needed food and grass, and can continue to support it until the Ming army retreats, or the next time—I don't know if there will be a next time— support.

In short, for Xiangyang City, the result of this battle was not very good. Fortunately, it was not the worst. The soldiers and civilians in the city just got by and lived a procrastination and living.

Considering that most of us are living meaninglessly, regardless of the pressure caused by the Ming army's routine siege every once in a while, and the fact that the Ming army began to dig ditches around Xiangyang City to completely cut off Xiangyang City from the outside world Leaving aside the fact that the Ming army even sent out some people to reclaim wasteland outside the city to farm and stockpile grain, it was obvious that they were prepared for a long-term siege, but the situation in Xiangyang City was not too bad at this time.

A big battle is always accompanied by a long period of recuperation. It is impossible for a person to be highly tense forever and always have to adjust and relax. Therefore, even though it is still under siege, the city of Xiangyang gradually calmed down.

When Xiao Wu came out of the hatred of the [-] dead in Xiangyang City and began to envy Guo Fu and Yang Guo for getting too close, when Wei Xiaobao, who had never left Xiangyang City, began to complain about being bored every day, this peace seemed even more real.

On this day, Wei Xiaobao insisted on pulling Yang over to find Guo Jing, and said: "I have stayed in Xiangyang City for more than two months, which is too long, although I am also worried about the situation in Xiangyang, but Hero Guo, I have no choice but to go back and report to my master. "

Guo Jing clasped his fists and said, "Your Majesty Wei Xiang, you are being polite, this time we are able to tide over the difficulties temporarily thanks to the food and grass raised by your Heaven and Earth Association.

If the war is not urgent, I will keep you for a longer period of time no matter what.Now the situation is not optimistic, but I dare not let Wei Xiangzhu you take risks. "

Yang Guo also reluctantly said: "See you next time, I don't know where we are."

Wei Xiaobao's treacherous eyes rolled a few times, and he said to Guo Jing, "I have one more merciless request."

Guo Jing said: "Master Wei Xiang said it's okay, as long as I can do it, I will naturally try my best to help you do it."

Wei Xiaobao smiled and said: "To be honest with Mr. Guo, when I came here, I was escorted by brothers from Tiandihui. Because the Ming army besieged the city, they couldn't come in. I can only let them go back first, and then use lightness kung fu to sneak into the city alone. Now on the way back, only I It's really dangerous for me."

Guo Jing had already seen that Wei Xiaobao didn't know martial arts, and he always wondered how he got through the siege of the Ming army and entered Xiangyang City. In fact, some people suspected that Wei Xiaobao was a spy that day because of this.At this time, when Wei Xiaobao said that he was able to enter the city alone because of his knowledge of lightness kung fu, he was even more skeptical.

Wei Xiaobao laughed and said, "I'm not afraid of Guo Daxia's jokes, I'm not good at martial arts, but I know how to run for my life twice."

While talking, he took two steps in the room with magical and ever-changing footwork.

Guo Jing had great eyesight, and praised: "It really is incomparably exquisite, far superior to all the lightness skills I have seen before."

After thinking for a while, he said again: "Wei Xiangzhu, your footwork is somewhat similar to Guo'er, it seems to come from the same source."

(End of this chapter)

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