The martial arts start saved the little dragon girl

Chapter 122 122. Military Situation

Chapter 122 122. Military Situation
Huang Rong almost ran at full speed, she was a little out of breath, unexpectedly, Yang Guo not only could catch up effortlessly, but also could talk while running so easily.

She was even more surprised, and slowed down, not only taking a break, but also allowing the soldiers behind to keep up.

"After a while, you disappeared once four years ago. The Quanzhen Sect, you and Uncle Guo were very anxious and tried every means to find you. It was not until a year later that I heard that you had arrived in Hangzhou and later returned to the Quanzhen Sect. .

Where have you been during this time? "Huang Rong asked softly.

Although she seemed to be asking casually, she obviously meant to inquire about Yang Guo's experience.

The life of studying art in Quanzhen Sect and ancient tombs is relatively simple, but what happens and who is encountered when going down the mountain has a lot to do with it.

Yang Guo didn't hide anything, he briefly told Huang Rong about the events of that year.

At the same time, he secretly thought about how to eliminate Huang Rong's doubts about him.

In the original world, Yang Guo believed that Guo Jing and Huang Rong killed his father Yang Kang, so he and Huang Rong could not be honest with each other.

Traveling by myself, I have to find a way to gain Huang Rong's trust, otherwise it may delay the big event, and I always feel uncomfortable getting along with this beautiful Aunt Guo.

'Say directly that you know how your father Yang Kang died, and that you won't hate Uncle Guo and Aunt Guo because of it? '

Yang Guo felt that this method would definitely work for Guo Jing, but for Huang Rong it would only deepen her suspicion.

It is useless for such a smart and multi-minded person to plot against her, but if he is pure and frank, it will be difficult to dispel his doubts, and it will even make her think more.

Yang Guo thought for a while but couldn't come up with any good idea.

Huang Rong nodded after listening to his description of what happened four years ago:
"In the past, you have had a lot of experience. The things you encountered in just one year are comparable to those when you and I traveled together with Uncle Guo. Many of them, such as Lin Yuantu from the Fuwei Escort, Hong Antong, the leader of the Dragon Sect, and I It is only heard, but not seen.

As for the one-armed god nun Jiunan, I am ignorant and ignorant, but this is the first time I have heard that there is such a holy master in the rivers and lakes. "

Speaking of this, Huang Rong recalled the experience of walking with Brother Jing, she couldn't help smiling, and said:

"It's no wonder that you behaved maturely and steadily at a young age. Naturally, it's because you have more experience and you are calm and leisurely in everything you encounter."

Yang Guo said: "Aunt Guo praised it absurdly. I just practiced Taoist Calming Kung Fu for so many years, so I am calmer when things happen."

Huang Rong shook her head and said, "This has nothing to do with meditation and mind cultivation."

Then he asked Yang Guo about his experience on Zhongnan Mountain and his martial arts training in the Quanzhen Sect's Ancient Tomb Sect.

After knowing that Yang Guo had been taught by Wang Chongyang, Lao Urchin, and Lin Chaoying one after another, people like Huang Rong couldn't help but say, "I thought Brother Jing. Your Uncle Guo's adventure was considered a blessing. I never thought of it. Son, you still have it."

She then thought about Xiaowu and Guo Fu who had been able to learn high-quality martial arts since they were young, but they were far behind Yang Guo, and she couldn't help feeling that there was a gap between people.

Yang Guo's entry into the country so quickly was mostly due to the system, so he didn't feel complacent when he heard Huang Rong's praise, so he responded calmly:
"Uncle Guo is an indomitable figure, how can I compare with him."

After chatting with Yang Guo for a while, Huang Rong saw that he behaved politely, responded politely, and was extremely humble, so her suspicion dissipated somewhat.

Yang Guo also felt that the so-called time sees people's hearts and gets along slowly, this Aunt Guo will always let go of her taboos.

Huang Rong "inadvertently" asked Yang Guo some irrelevant detailed questions, such as what he thought of Li Mochou, how he thought Uncle Guo and Aunt Guo treated him, how he viewed the current North-South confrontation, and so on.

Yang Guo also replied sincerely:
"Aunt Guo should have heard that I called myself the Condor Hero a few years ago. It seemed like it was just a joke, but I am willing to do something to punish evil and promote good. It's not that I am noble, but just doing it conveniently. For Li Mochou and I are the same, although I have some relationship with her in the ancient tomb, but if I meet her and do evil things in the future, I don't mind to teach her a lesson."

"Uncle Guo and Aunt Guo have treated me with great kindness. If it weren't for you, I might be living on the street now, or even dead in a corner. If you have a place for me, I will definitely help you."

"A young man like me who speaks lightly doesn't know what is going on in the world. Uncle Guo, Aunt Guo, and people of insight all over the world disregarded their personal safety to resist the Ming army in Xiangyang City. I saw it in my eyes, and of course I knew what was good or bad. What's more, I have heard for a long time that the emperor of the Northern Dynasty colluded with other races, this is an act that people indignant."

After listening to Yang Guo's answer, Huang Rong remained calm, but the suspicion in her heart was a little less.

When she was young, she was clever and able to play tricks on people like Ouyang Feng, and when she was middle-aged, she had read all the world's affairs, and no one could fool her.

Yang Guo's details have been carefully deliberated by her, and there are definitely no loopholes.

At this time, Huang Rong decided that Yang Guo might still have conflicts with the couple because of his father's death in the future, but for now, he is still acting decently, and he is still a young hero.

The conversation between the two made each other—of course, mainly Huang Rong's trust in Yang Guo—and also eliminated the strangeness, gradually becoming like a dialogue between relatives.

At this moment, they saw a person running wildly in front of them.

From a distance, Yang Guo saw a man with ragged clothes and dirty body, he should be a disciple of Beggar Sect.

Huang Rong caught a glimpse of the beggar gang disciple's expression and said, "Happy news!"

Sure enough, the beggar gang disciple ran over, knelt down on the ground, panting and said:
"I report to Mrs. Guo of the Huang Gang that the enemy's camp is flickering and full of noises, creating chaos. Leader Lu asked me to report to you immediately."

Huang Rong was the former head of the beggar gang, he called Huang acquaintance, but he immediately realized that she had handed over the position of head to Lu Youjiao, so he changed his name temporarily.

Huang Rong pondered for a moment, then said: "I see, you rest for a while, then go back to Chief Lu and wait for orders."

The Beggar Clan disciple kowtowed and obeyed, but he didn't rest, stood up and ran back quickly.

When Yang Guo lamented that the disciples of the beggar gang were dedicated to their work, Huang Rong stopped, and after the soldiers behind followed her, she took out a token with two sides, and gave an order to brothers big and small Wu:

"The two of you brothers took my token. Dawu, you go to the front three teams of 5000 people to send a message, and let a few commanders and lieutenants attack immediately to harass the enemy's camp, but remember not to be obsessed with fighting. Make the enemy more chaotic.

Xiao Wu, you go to Uncle Guo with the token and ask him to garrison the army to help, but don't move out easily. "

Seeing Huang Rong's serious expression, Brother Wu and Xiaowu knew that the military order was not a joke, so they didn't dare to disobey it, and hurriedly took the order and left.

Guo Fu saw the big and small Wu brothers who had been by her side leave, she couldn't help feeling a little bored, she came to Huang Rong's side, and said:

"Mom, what about me, and brother Yang, what are we going to do with you?"

At this time, Huang Rong and the others were the officers who made decisions in the army, so Guo Fu's actions were a bit inappropriate to talk about the military situation.

But Huang Rong doted on this daughter very much, she just said: "You just follow us, and when we need to act, I will naturally tell you.

It might be very dangerous tonight, you have to follow me and your brother Yang closely, you know that? "

Guo Fu laughed and said, "Brother Yang is not much older than me, so what's the use of me following him? Maybe in danger, I have to protect him."

Yang Guo didn't say anything, but Huang Rong shook her head and sighed, this daughter really doesn't understand anything, it's worrying.

Continue to move forward, there are still ten miles away from the enemy camp.

Huang Rong asked again: "Guo'er, you mentioned earlier that there is a woman in men's clothing in General Han's tent, who seems to be higher in status than General Han, the commander in chief? What does she look like?"

Yang Guo described her appearance again.

Huang Rong thought for a while and said, "I won't be able to guess who this woman is for a while.

I heard that there was a woman who was good at strategizing in the Northern Dynasties, and she was originally the princess of Mongolia.Later, somehow he defected to the Northern Dynasty. There was a Han named Zhao Min who advised the Ming army and was highly regarded by the Northern Dynasty emperor.I don't know if it is her. "

Zhao Min?

Yang Guo was really taken aback when he heard the words, this main character in the original Yitian world suddenly said it from Huang Rong's mouth, it feels like the timeline is out of order.

Fortunately, after Yang Guo saw the supernatural creature Great White Dragon of the leader of Shenlong, he could accept all the things about changing people by magic.

He recalled carefully, if the woman was Zhao Min, her status higher than General Han, her calm expression as if everything was under control, and even her extremely beautiful appearance seemed to be consistent.

However, why she allowed Yang Guo to assassinate the commander of the Ming army is something she can't figure out.

Huang Rong also happened to ask at this time: "You said that you met her alone later, and she recognized you long ago, but she didn't expose you in the camp?"

Yang Guo nodded and said: "I really can't figure this out, Aunt Guo, you are very resourceful, maybe you can guess her intentions.

Huang Rong said: "Could it be that she wanted you to kill the commander on purpose so that we could send troops to attack late at night? But she secretly set up an ambush?
But... But the price is too high. If we remain unmoved, they will not lose a general in vain.

What's more, if the commander is killed, the morale of the soldiers below must be unstable, which cannot be appeased casually. "

Speaking of this, Yang Guo and Huang Rong looked at each other and shook their heads, unable to figure out why.

Yang Guo asked again: "Aunt Guo, you told Uncle Guo not to send out the main force easily, is it because you are afraid that the enemy really set up an ambush to lure the main force in Xiangyang City out of the city?"

This matter is confidential, he kept his volume very low, and intentionally bundled his voice into a thin line so that Guo Fu and others could not hear it.

When Huang Rong saw Yang Guo's sound transmission method, she couldn't help admiring that his internal strength had reached the point where he could do whatever he wanted, and also replied in a low voice:
"Hey, your Uncle Guo and I have guarded Xiangyang City for many years, and we know that any decision may lead to catastrophe, causing the residents of the city and even all the people in the southern world to suffer.

So you have to be more careful in your actions, and don't dare to let the main force take risks until it is safe. "

Yang Guo nodded, remembering the scene when he met the woman in white robe on the road in the middle of the night tonight.

If this woman is really Zhao Min, her intelligence will not be much lower than Huang Rong's, and it is very likely that she is really prepared.

Yang Guo didn't know anything about fighting, so he positioned himself as an assassin and thug at this time, he just followed Huang Rong, this female Zhuge would definitely have an idea.

After walking for a few miles, suddenly a horse galloped in front of him, stopped the horse when he got close, and a soldier knelt down in front of Huang Rong, saying:

"My lady, I'm overjoyed! The enemy's camp was in chaos. Our troops waited for an opportunity to harass them outside their camp. We succeeded every time. Several attacks killed dozens of the enemy, and we only injured seven or eight people.

Commander Zhao would like to follow your instructions, focusing on surprise attacks and disturbances, and not confronting the enemy head-on, in order to make them more demoralized. "

Huang Rong heard the words and said: "Sure enough, it's good news. I'll give you five taels of silver. Go back and tell Commander Zhao. It's fine to make side-splitting instead of head-on head-on."

The soldier was overjoyed to receive the reward, quickly got on his horse and went back to report the news.

Guo Fu cheered happily after hearing the good news, and said, "Mom, let someone report to Daddy, the enemy has no commander, and there is a great opportunity to take advantage of it, let him attack with the whole army!"

Huang Rong ignored her, there was no joy on her face, instead she was serious and even frowned.

After a while, she looked at Yang Guo and asked, "Guo'er, do you think it's appropriate for your Uncle Guo to lead the main force to surround him at this time?"

Yang Guo knew that she just couldn't make a decision, so he asked casually, and didn't really expect that he could help her make a decision.

So he didn't answer, just smiled wryly at Huang Rong.

Huang Rong sighed, and said to herself, "Just wait a little longer."

A group of people walk another mile.

Suddenly heard the sound of horseshoes, and the soldiers dismounted to report: "Great joy! The enemy has no fighting spirit and neglects defense. Our 3000 troops were divided into several groups and harassed separately. A total of more than [-] enemies were killed. Our army only injured ten. Number of people.

Deputy General Chen ordered us to report the good news to Madam, and asked the little one to ask Madam, can we boldly pursue and take advantage of the chaos to kill more enemies? "

Huang Rong also gave the soldier five taels of silver, pondered for a long time, and said, "Tell Vice General Chen, don't be too aggressive for now, wait and see for a while."

The soldier led the way.

Guo Fu heard it from the side, and said anxiously: "Mother! This is an important opportunity, why don't you act?"

Huang Rong still ignored her, her brows furrowed even deeper, and she remained silent.

Then he repeatedly asked Ming Yang Guo about the details of killing General Han in the first half of the night, especially about the woman.

Yang Guo didn't dare to be negligent, he should say everything, this happened not long ago, basically he can recall everything without missing anything.

Huang Rong said sadly: "No matter how I analyze it, I can't see any tricks from the enemy. But that woman is obviously a very respected figure in the Northern Dynasty, and it is impossible for the Ming army to suffer such a heavy blow. This matter is really difficult. Think clearly, hey."

Yang Guo stood quietly beside him, letting this woman with high IQ think.

At this time, the third messenger also arrived, saying that Lieutenant General Li had killed hundreds of people at a very small price.

Huang Rong said: "Go back and tell Lieutenant General Li not to fight the enemy for the time being, and follow my orders."

The soldier took the order and went away, just as he was about to leave, another person rushed over, Huang Rong recognized Guo Jing's personal soldier, and hurriedly asked: "How is General Guo?"

The soldier said: "General Guo asked me to send a message to my wife: the enemy is in chaos, and seems to realize that our Xiangyang army is nearby, so they have begun to dismantle the tents and retreat backwards!

General Guo has ordered the Ministry of Armed Forces to lead a [-]-man team to be the vanguard to intercept the enemy and prevent them from retreating calmly.And prepare the whole army to attack and fight the Ming army! "

When Huang Rong heard the words "Ah", she took out a token, her face full of horror, and said, "Go back and tell General Guo that you must not let the main force move, and call back the generals immediately! It is extremely urgent at this time, go back quickly !"

The soldier had never seen Mrs. Guo so anxious, and quickly got on the horse according to the words.

Seeing him leaving on horseback, Huang Rong still felt that it was too slow, looked at Yang Guo, and said in an almost pleading tone:
"After a while, this matter is too important. Your lightness kung fu is much faster than a horse running. Please use your lightness kung fu to find your Uncle Guo quickly and let him stay still!"

(End of this chapter)

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