Martial arts crossing rivers and lakes

Chapter 125 Breaking into the Western Xia Palace, Li Qiushui Appears

Chapter 125 Breaking into the Western Xia Palace, Li Qiushui Appears

Su Xinghe was slightly taken aback, he didn't expect Jiang Hu, the new head of the Xiaoyao Sect, to be so ruthless.

However, Jiang Hu's so-called "kill all" won his heart deeply.

Xixia and Northern Song fought several times, and the relationship between the two sides was bad. Xixia even established the Xixia Yipintang specifically for the martial arts in the Central Plains, with the intention of destroying the Jianghu forces in the Northern Song Dynasty. It must not be kind to Xixia's military forces.

Being kind to the enemy is cruel to yourself.

Although his master Wu Yazi is noble and arrogant, and ignores the political affairs of his family and country, he, Su Xinghe, always pays attention to him, and he especially admires Gangzhu Qiao who devoted himself to the great cause of resisting the Liao Dynasty.

After the two of them finished their discussion, they immediately set off and headed for the Xixia Palace.

On this day, the two of them went outside the city of Xingzhou, the capital of Xixia, jumped over the moat, climbed up the city wall, and slipped down gently.

I saw groups of armored cavalry holding torches high and patrolling back and forth.

Jiang Hu couldn't help feeling secretly: "Although this Xixia is not as prosperous as the Northern Song Dynasty, this army is really not to be underestimated, and the atmosphere is good."

The two of them leaned against the high wall and walked towards the northwest corner. After walking for more than three miles, they saw a tall building soaring into the sky, and after that, there were many grand houses built on top of each other. The roofs were magnificent and glazed tiles were used.

Su Xinghe whispered: "This is the Xixia Palace."

As soon as the words fell, Jiang Hu hurriedly stretched out his pointer to instruct him to keep silent.

Suddenly several people came out from behind the high wall, silently patrolling from east to west, followed by four more people looting from the west, patrolling from west to east, they were in good shape and strong in martial arts weak.

Su Xinghe was secretly startled: "Careless."

Jiang Hu whispered: "There are quite a few good players in the Xixia Palace."

Su Xinghe nodded repeatedly and said yes, he couldn't help but feel lucky that he didn't bring his apprentice Feng Asan, otherwise it would be a burden.

When the patrolling guards walked away, the two of them immediately performed the Xiaoyao Pai Qinggong and jumped over the palace wall without a sound.

Although Jiang Hu said "as long as we kill everyone who sees us, no one will find us", but it doesn't mean that we just rushed all the way from the main gate into the palace, that would be too silly.

The two of them were not in a hurry to land. After jumping over the palace wall, they swam against the wall like a gecko in the dark. They didn't swim until they found a peony bush, and hid in the peony bush.

Lying down in the peony bushes for a while, waiting for several imperial guards to patrol, the two immediately got up, walked quickly, and penetrated into a large rockery.

This rockery winds its way to the north and stretches for fifty or sixty feet. Every time the two walk a few feet, they stop and hide for a while, waiting for the patrolling imperial guards to pass by before continuing on.

Walking through the rockery, they came to a sleeping palace, which is the residence of some royal family in Xixia, Jiang Hu and Su Xinghe immediately sneaked in and hid in the toilet room.

"As expected of an imperial palace, it's really exquisite. The place where you go to the toilet is actually so fragrant." Jiang Hu secretly thought, the musk of this "royal hut" actually smells pleasant, and when you think about it, you should feel it. Enjoy it.

The two of them waited for a while in this "royal hut", but they didn't wait for anyone from the Xixia royal family to come in to go to the toilet. Instead, they heard someone talking about the movements of the princes. It seems that the identities of the people in this palace are quite different. In general, I'm afraid it's the mother of some prince.

Jiang Hu and Su Xinghe looked at each other, nodded, and immediately left the "royal hut".

Both of them are extremely advanced in lightness kung fu, and when they came out there was no sound at all, only a few imperial guards were reporting something to a beautiful woman in palace attire, it seemed that this beautiful woman in palace attire had a lot of tricks, and she even matched up with the imperial guards to find out about the palace. foreign affairs.

Jiang Hu immediately strikes, flicking with both hands, Shaoshang sword with thumb, Shangyang sword with index finger, Zhongchong sword with middle finger, Guanchong sword with ring finger, Shaochong sword with right little finger, Shaoze sword with left little finger.

There was only the sound of "chichichichichichichi..." breaking the wind, and the invisible sword energy was like rain, instantly piercing several imperial guards into sieves and taking their lives.

"Bang bang bang bang..." The bodies of the imperial guards fell to the ground one after another.

The beautiful woman in palace attire was so startled that she was about to cry out, Jiang Hu immediately used "Lingbo Weibu", rushed up and covered her mouth.

"Scream again? Tell me to wipe your neck with a knife!" Jiang Hu threatened her.

Only then did the beautiful woman in palace attire calm down, not daring to make a sound, not even daring to breathe.

Su Xinghe hurriedly washed the floor, quickly cleaned up the blood on the floor, and then hid the bodies of those imperial guards under the bed.

Jiang Hu and Su Xinghe changed into the clothes of imperial guards, and continued to coerce the beautiful woman in palace attire, forcing her to lead the way to the palace of the current empress dowager.

After some cross-examination, they learned that this beautiful woman in palace attire was indeed a concubine of the current emperor. She had been in the palace for many years, her son was seventeen or eighteen years old, and she was quite familiar with the terrain of the palace.

They pretended to be imperial guards and followed the concubine all the way to Li Qiushui's bedroom. The concubine knew very well that Jiang Hu's martial arts were strong, like a fairy, and could kill people from a distance, so she didn't dare to resist, for fear His own life is in danger.

The three of them were walking in the palace, many imperial guards and palace maids saw this concubine walking around with two guards, although they felt it was strange, they did not dare to speak up and cause trouble.

After walking for a long time, the three of them finally came to the most luxurious bedroom. According to what the concubine said, this bedroom was the residence of the imperial concubine.

Jiang Hu and Su Xinghe took the concubine carefully into this luxurious bedroom, the room was brightly lit, but there was no one there.

Suddenly, a gust of dark wind blew in, and all the candles in the room were extinguished.

The concubine was about to cry out in fright, Jiang Hu immediately covered her mouth, and silently released his divine sense, covering the entire bedroom. After these days of adaptation, he gradually mastered the use of divine sense.

Suddenly, he sensed a person attacking him from behind, at extremely fast speed, like a ghost, hurriedly lifted Su Xinghe, performed "Lingbo Weibu", slashed to avoid it, and at the same time pressed his right thumb out, shooting out Shaoshang's sword energy , pierced through the concubine's heart, in case someone who attacked from behind rescued her, and asked her to go out to rescue soldiers.

The man let out a "huh", and then attacked Jiang Gourd with his palm. The power of his palm was so strong that Jiang Gourd could feel the strong wind blowing his face sorely.

In the darkness, he couldn't see anything clearly. Fortunately, his divine sense sensed the person's position, so he didn't have time to think about it. He immediately performed the "Small Formless Kungfu" and used the "White Rainbow Palm Technique" to meet him. Although this palm is powerful, The strength is gentle, and the momentum is very small, so that it will not attract the guards in the palace.


Jiang Gourd's palms hit the man, making a slight sound, only felt that the man's palm was extremely soft and soft, but the inner strength in the palm was very thick, the true energy hit like waves, each wave was higher than the wave, and the stamina was quite strong.

He immediately performed the "Beiming Divine Art", intending to use his palms to absorb the person's true energy, the person immediately noticed that the true energy in his body swirls by itself, producing a force of back suction, preventing the true energy from flowing out. Some of the body protection skills in the book have the effect of saving life at critical moments.

Jiang Hu had guessed the identity of this person a long time ago, and now she was finally sure, who else could it be if it wasn't Li Qiushui?
(End of this chapter)

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