Chapter 564 Chain Reaction
To be honest, Xu Yang never expected that the third brother in front of him, after being attacked by him, would run away directly.

What the hell, didn't you just get two silver needles on your thigh, but you kid is also a guy whose martial arts cultivation has reached the first-class middle-grade level.

Is it really good to just turn around and run away when other parts of the body are fine?

Of course, it's not that Xu Yang is being mean, and he has to let the other party have a hard fight with him.

Xu Yang just felt that if he knew this earlier, there was no need to go to such lengths to let that old boy Ma Minghui act out such a play with fear.

At this time, Xu Yang had no idea how much his several confrontations with the cult members of the White Lotus Sect had had on the ordinary disciples of the White Lotus Sect.

But at this time, that third brother secretly hated his parents, why didn't he grow a few legs for himself back then.

Although he was already running forward with all his might, the silver needle that had just been shot into his leg still affected his running speed to some extent.

No, the kid behind him with the kitchen knife was chasing him at a speed not slower than him at all.

The distance between the two parties was not far, and seeing the other party slowly approaching him, the third brother felt really anxious in his heart.

But just worrying is of no use at all.

And the next moment, the third brother also found that a kitchen knife whizzed towards his back.

Seeing that the kitchen knife was about to reach his back.

The third brother could only do his best to dodge to the right, narrowly dodging the attack of the kitchen knife.

Unfortunately, this is just the beginning.

Just as he dodged to avoid the kitchen knife, another kitchen knife came out of Xu Yang's hand.

The passage in this basement was not wide at all, and as they ran forward, the width of the passage became narrower and narrower.

The width of the passage narrowed, and the room for dodging and maneuvering also became smaller.

When Xu Yang threw out the fifth kitchen knife, the third brother had nowhere to hide.

There was only a sound of "噗嗤", and the kitchen knife, which he couldn't dodge, sank directly into the third brother's back.

After a gust of blood surged up, the third brother, who couldn't bear the pain, let out a scream from his mouth.

At this moment, the third brother really fell into despair.

A handsome young man, how the hell did you bring so many kitchen knives?

The next second, with a pale face, he simply gritted his teeth, turned around, and rushed towards Xu Yang.

"Baby bastard, I will fight with you."

Your uncle, is it over yet?
Rabbits bite people when they are in a hurry, dogs jump over walls when they are in a hurry, let alone humans?
Since your kid is so persecuted, then don't blame your third master for fighting this old life with you.

Although this guy who had reached first-class middle-class martial arts but had given up early, although he showed his fierce face at this moment.

But the needle wound on his leg and the knife wound on his back had a great impact on his actions.

In addition, when he stepped forward and slashed at Xu Yang, Xu Yang spent all the spicy points on his body and used the star-absorbing magic skill to suck away the internal force just raised from the dantian by the guy who jumped over the wall in a hurry.

The next second, the third brother, who was inexplicably soft on his feet, could only watch the kitchen knife in Xu Yang's hand, and directly chopped off his head.


The moment his head fell to the ground, the third brother who wanted to escape but couldn't escape could only stare at his eyes wide open.

If there is an afterlife, this third brother from the White Lotus Sect will definitely give a piece of advice to his fellow disciples.

If you meet this kid who looks like a god of death in a very short distance, you might as well save your energy and just pull your neck down and be slaughtered.

Of course, Xu Yang is not some kind of god, and he didn't know that the third brother had such weird thoughts before he died.

After killing the opponent, looking at the underground passage leading to nowhere in front of him, Xu Yang felt a little depressed.

What's the matter, in the system exchange area, there are no violent explosives that can be exchanged.

And he doesn't have any tools at hand, how do you ask him to destroy this seemingly solid underground passage?

The disciples of the White Tiger Gang who rushed over afterward were helpless against Xu Yang's request.

In their hands, there are only swords for killing people. It is really not very suitable to destroy an underground passage that is as tall as a person and can walk three people side by side.

At this time, Xu Yang saw that the door frame at the entrance of the tunnel seemed to be much thicker than ordinary door frames.

His heart skipped a beat, did this thing play a role in bearing weight?

If there is, just remove the door frame, maybe he can achieve his goal.

Thinking of this possibility, Xu Yang immediately started to implement it.

I saw him aiming at the door frame and kicking directly.


The door frame was not broken, but the tunnel trembled.

Looking at the falling dust, Xu Yang was overjoyed.

It seems possible to do so.

So Xu Yang asked Ma Minghui and others to follow him.

After all, this door frame is still made of wood, even though it is much harder than ordinary wood, and its thickness is two or three times thicker than ordinary door frames.

But after being kicked more than a dozen times by these guys, this so-called strong door frame finally fell apart.

Xu Yang was indeed right.

This fairly solid door frame does play a load-bearing role.

At the moment when the door frame fell apart, there was a "crash", and the soil on the top of the door frame was smashed down in large chunks.

Seeing that the tunnel was about to be blocked by the mud that fell from the top of the door frame, the corners of Xu Yang's mouth turned up slightly.

My lord, after working so hard for so long, I'm finally about to settle this matter.

Hehe, the tunnel was blocked without anyone noticing it. If Han Qizheng and the others still wanted to escape this way, then they would be able to catch the turtle in a urn.

But before Xu Yang was happy for too long, he discovered a fatal problem.

As the soil on the top of the door frame continued to collapse, it seemed that clods of soil began to fall from where they were.

Xu Yang's heart tightened, sir, could it be that kicking down that door frame caused a chain reaction in this tunnel?

Feeling something was wrong, Xu Yang told Ma Minghui and others to retreat out quickly.

It's a good thing to block the enemy's retreat, but if the tunnel is collapsing and burying them alive, it's no fun.

He, Xu, is only now, but he hasn't lived enough. If he was buried alive in this tunnel, it would be a big joke.

At this time, not to mention Xu Yang, even Ma Minghui and the others felt something was wrong.

The clods of soil falling from the top of the head are getting bigger and bigger, as if the tunnel will collapse in the next second.

(End of this chapter)

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