Chapter 487
The ash gun shaft in the front is fairly tough, but not as hard.

But the eyebrow-aligning stick made of rosewood in front of him is quite hard.

The force he used just now was also not too strong, but the hard eyebrow-leveling stick also broke in response.

This shows that the humble kitchen knife in his hand is indeed quite sharp.

At this moment, the depression that was pent up in Xu Yang's heart finally dissipated a lot.

After all, with such a sharp weapon in his hand, he might be able to take advantage of it when fighting others.

Just imagine, the other party is holding a hard brow-leveling stick in his hand, trying to knock it off his head.

However, Xu Yang only needs to pick up the kitchen knife and block it upwards, and the weapon in the opponent's hand will be broken in two.

In such a situation, the opponent didn't spit out a few mouthfuls of old blood on the spot, even if his mental quality is not bad.

But in this way, Xu Yang didn't dare to throw weapons casually anymore.

You know, before this, even Xu Yang had been using kitchen knives as weapons.

But most of the time, Xu Yang used the kitchen knives in the system exchange area as hidden weapons.

At certain critical moments, he threw several handfuls at once.

So much so that his opponents suspected that the kid they were facing was either selling kitchen knives or sharpening kitchen knives.

Otherwise, why would you carry so many kitchen knives with you?

But now, with such a kitchen knife worth 5000 taels in his hand, he couldn't be so capricious.

At least before throwing the kitchen knife, you have to see clearly whether the weapon in your hand is this expensive black iron sword.

At this time, another thought suddenly came to Xu Yang's heart.

Since this kitchen knife can easily cut off the eyebrow-level stick made of rosewood, can it cut iron like mud like the legendary treasured knives?

After this thought arose, Xu Yang couldn't decide to do this experiment for a long time.

Being able to cut rosewood does not mean that you can cut iron products.

And the price of this knife is as high as 5000 taels of silver.

If the cut is missing when killing people, there is nothing to say.

At the critical moment, Xiao Ming was willing to give it a go, how could Xu Yang have the heart to feel sorry for a kitchen knife?

But if the knife is broken during the experiment, it will be a big difference, after all, this thing is too precious.

After hesitating for a while, Xu Yang gritted his teeth and made the decision to continue the experiment.

Grandpa's, isn't it just a knife, no matter how expensive it is, you have to take it out and use it, right?

As soon as Xu Yang was cruel, he swung his knife and chopped off an ordinary long sword on the weapon rack.

Fortunately, the worst didn't happen.

Hearing a "ding", the ordinary long sword, like the wooden brow-level stick before, broke into two pieces on the spot.

Xu Yang raised his eyebrows slightly, then raised the kitchen knife in his hand and observed carefully.

There is no break, no gap, not even a single scar can be seen on this inconspicuous blade.

Without further ado, Xu Yang waved his hand again and slashed at the ghost-headed machete next to him.

The back of this ghost-headed broadsword is quite thick.

Compared with the previous double-edged long sword, it is at least twice as thick in thickness.

However, this black iron sword worth 5000 taels of silver can indeed be called cutting iron like mud.

Such a thick ghost-headed sword still couldn't stop the kitchen knife in Xu Yang's hand.

After Xu Yang consciously increased his strength, the thick ghost-headed broadsword also broke in two.

Checking the kitchen knife in his hand again, this black thing is still unscathed.

Afterwards, Xu Yang gritted his teeth again, pulled out a few hairs from his head, and blew them on the blade of the kitchen knife.

Don't ask him why he did this, when he watched martial arts dramas in his previous life, he had seen many heroes of the rivers and lakes use this trick to test the sharpness of their weapons.

The black iron sword in Xu Yang's hand lived up to his expectations. The moment it touched the blade, those few hairs broke in two instantly.

This time, Xu Yang felt happy.

Hehe, this precious sword worth 5000 taels of silver seems to be worth the money.

At least the eight characters of cutting iron like mud and blowing hair and breaking hair did not escape.

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps not far away.

Xu Yang immediately threw the black iron kitchen knife into the system inventory, and began to clean up the mess here.

It is gratifying to get a weapon that cuts iron like mud and blows hair and hair.

However, it is not advisable to destroy public property at will like now.

It's just that before Xu Yang cleaned up the mess on the ground, Zhao Weiming, Elder Zhao, rushed in.

When Elder Zhao saw the broken knives and broken swords on the ground, he frowned.

"It's fine, why did you break these weapons?"

Xu Yang smiled impressively: "Hey, Elder Zhao, I want to test the durability of these weapons. I didn't expect these weapons to be so useless."

Elder Zhao, who obviously came here for other things, did not continue to dwell on this issue.

Canglongmen supplies these weapons used by the majority of disciples, if you insist on saying how well-crafted they are, it is pure nonsense.

No matter how good the quality of this kind of bulk purchase is, it can't be much better.

After Elder Zhao reminded Xu Yang not to forget to compensate according to the price, he suddenly changed the subject: "Xu Yang, you are already old, have you considered getting married and having children?"

As soon as these words came out, Xu Yang didn't know how to answer them.

Although in this world, there are many people who get married and have children at the age of [-] or [-], but Xu Yang, who will only turn one month later, feels that he is still a child.

"Uh, what, Elder Zhao, I'm only 17 years old, isn't it a bit early to start discussing this issue?" Xu Yang said helplessly.

When Zhao Weiming heard this, his face darkened a lot.

After a while, I heard him say quietly: "You are not in a hurry, but our girl is already twenty..."

Speaking of which, First Elder Zhao was also quite depressed. Early in the morning, he was blocked at the door of his house by the head of Xu Shuqing.

Fearing that Xu Yang would be poached by other sects, the head of Xu Da had to ask him to come to Xu Yang to implement the major life events of getting married and having children.

Elder Zhao has nothing to criticize about Xu Yang.

It is hard to find a young man who has made such an achievement at the age of 17, even with a lantern.

But the problem is that when other people look for a son-in-law, it is the man who comes to propose marriage on his own initiative.

Unlike him, he actually came forward to urge him.

What's more annoying, this kid doesn't seem to give face.

Damn, the person who is about to arrive, but doesn't want to get married and have children, what kind of monster do you want to be?

If we wait a few more years, his girl will be in her twenties.

At that time, if this kid refuses to accept his account, who will he, Mr. Zhao, talk to?

(End of this chapter)

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