Chapter 466

To be honest, apart from being shocked and angry, there was already a bit of fear in Guardian Wei's heart at this moment.

According to his original prediction, those guys in the joint action team must be no match for local snakes like them walking at night in this unfamiliar mountain.

But Protector Wei never expected that there would be a group of guys in the joint action team who could come and go freely in the dark forest.

What's even more shocking is that these guys can always accurately find the weakest guys in their team, and then attack those guys.

Before that, those guys who walked at the back of the team suffered because of this.

After he adjusted the team and put a group of stronger guys at the end of the team, the weaker guys in the middle of the team were bitten again viciously by the opponent.

Of course, the most disgusting thing is that these bastards slipped too fast, and after a successful blow, they turned around and left.

The whole process was like flowing clouds and flowing water, without any pause at all.

Under the rage, even if he wanted to chase, he couldn't catch up at all.

Guardian Fa was not the only one who felt chills in his heart.

Protector Zheng, who was standing beside him, also had a somewhat gloomy expression at this moment.

After a while, he frowned and asked, "Old Wei, should we continue to chase?"

To be honest, he was also a little scared. The current situation was really weird.

If the chase continued like this, maybe the guys in front didn't catch up, and they would be crushed by the sneak attack of the other party.

The corner of Wei Hufa's mouth twitched slightly, and after a while, he gritted his teeth and said, "Chasing, keep chasing for me. Damn, I don't believe it's only three things. Those guys dare to come again?"

To be honest, he is also in trouble now.

If you continue to chase forward, you really need to take the risk of being attacked again by the opponent.

But if they just give up the pursuit, they will lose their reputation as the White Lotus Sect.

The sky and the earth are big, and the face is the biggest.

You know, the Hengduan Mountains are the territory of their White Lotus Sect.

In order to deal with the joint action group in front, their White Lotus Sect has put in a lot of effort.

And a large group of them chased after them angrily, didn't they just want to leave a deep lesson for those guys in front?

But now, if they haven't even seen each other's face, they will be scared away by a few elusive guys.

If this matter is spread, the White Lotus Sect will lose all face.

At that time, how should he explain to the leaders and deputy leaders above?

So for the sake of the White Lotus Sect's face, even if it takes a little risk, Guardian Guardian must continue this pursuit.

Of course, even if he wanted to chase, Wei Hufa quietly lowered his expectations for this trip.

Before that, although Guardian Guardian didn't think of killing the guys in front of him, he still had the idea of ​​severely injuring them.

But now, he felt that if he could cause certain casualties to the other party, even if this large group of them didn't make the trip in vain.

A moment later, under the urging of Guardian Guardian, this large group of cultists of the White Lotus Sect organized their team again and continued to chase forward.

The team started, but this time, many guys in the team felt a little nervous.

The two sneak attacks led by Xu Yang before have cast a large shadow in their hearts.

A moment ago, those companions were still walking with them, but in the blink of an eye, those companions were gone as soon as they said they were gone.

In such a situation, if you want to say that these guys present are not affected at all, it is pure nonsense.

The enemy is so elusive, coming and going like the wind, it is almost impossible to guard against.

Those who died the first two times were those unlucky companions, but whether it will be me who will die next time, no one has a clue.

Guardian Law obviously also noticed the concerns of these guys.

So he adjusted the team again.

Damn it, didn't you just focus on those weaker guys? Well, I will distribute these people evenly in the entire team now, and strive for each weaker guy to have people who can support each other. master.

In addition, Guardian Guardian directly dispatched four stronger squads. Two fronts and two rears, everyone in the squad carried torches and was responsible for investigating the dry grass and rocks on both sides of the road.

At this time, in the woods in front of them on the right, several eyes were fixed on the team of White Lotus Sect.

Well, this is Xu Yang and others who just succeeded in the sneak attack.

Looking at the opponent's face as if he was facing a formidable enemy, one of the guys said with the corner of his mouth twitching, "Tsk tsk, it seems that tonight's actions can only end here."

With the opponent's arrangement like this, it will be quite difficult for them to find a chance to make a move.

"There is no chance, let's go!" Xu Yang decisively gave the order to retreat.

There is really no chance, the opponent has evenly distributed the weaker guys who were originally piled up into the entire team.

This means that if they want to continue their sneak attacks, they must face those powerful opponents.

Regarding this point, it was not what Xu Yang wanted to see.

The purpose of their sneak attack is only four words, which is fast in and fast out.

Rushing in and hitting the opponent by surprise, no matter what the result is, just turn around and leave.

But now, the situation has changed. If they want to sneak attack again, there are too many variables.

As long as one is not careful and gets entangled by those stronger guys, they will have to pay a heavy price in casualties.

For Xu Yang, this is not cost-effective at all.

So he decisively made the decision to retreat.

"Oh, what a pity!"

Before leaving, the other guy sighed very reluctantly.

To be honest, it was the first time in his life that he encountered such a hearty sneak attack.

You know, during the two sneak attacks, they don't need to take care of anything, they just need to go forward and kill people when Xu Yang tells them to do so.

As for other matters, Xu Yang took care of them all by himself.

This includes the determination of the ambush location, the selection of the target of the attack, and the planning of the retreat path...

Anyway, apart from killing people, everything else is decided by Xu Yang.

Of course, this is also the main reason why Xu Yang is the youngest, the youngest, and the lowest in martial arts in this sneak attack team, but these guys present still have to obey this kid.

Just like now, when Xu Yang gave the order to retreat, although that guy was muttering about pity, he followed Xu Yang's footsteps and quickly rushed to the location of the joint action team.

There is no way, even if he wants to not follow, he can't do it, because he is not like Xu Yang who has Tiantian eyes, who can run freely in this dark night with insufficient light.

(End of this chapter)

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