Chapter 363 Foresight
Hearing these familiar words, Liu Xiaohu, who had already fallen into a dangerous situation, did not hesitate at all, and directly dodged to the right.

Damn it, don't care if he is false or true, first do what Xu Yang said.

Liu Xiaohu, who was in a panic, still maintained a trace of clarity in his heart.

Of course, it was this sliver of clarity in his heart that saved him from danger.

Because at the moment Liu Xiaohu flashed to the right, the long sword in the opponent's hand had already brushed past him from the left.

But before Liu Xiaohu, who had escaped the catastrophe, took time to catch his breath, Xu Yang's new orders came one after another.

"Turn left, swing the sword upward!" Xu Yang's order was short but firm.

Liu Xiaohu, who had just avoided a dangerous situation due to Xu Yang's command, accepted this new command without even thinking about it.

I saw his body turn to the right, and the long sword in his right hand was quickly raised.

Hearing a "ding", the long sword that cut across his waist was swung away on the spot.

On the field, Liu Xiaohu's confidence increased greatly.

Xu Yang only said a few words, and helped him avoid two fierce attacks accurately.

Liu Xiaohu thought to himself, as long as Xu Yang is present, wouldn't he be invincible?
You know, his level of strength is not weaker than the opponent.

Now with Xu Yang's help, what else can the other party do to him?

On the other side, Yu Guangyou was taken aback.

Good guy, Xu Yang's eyesight and predictive ability are really beyond his expectation.

This kid just moved his lips. The serial killings of that guy from Qingyun faction were easily resolved by him.

It is relatively easy to judge the actuality of the previous move.

As long as your eyes are sharp enough, you can generally see the difference between false moves and real moves.

But the sudden dragon wagging its tail in the latter move is not easy to see through.

Because this move of Shenlong Tail was launched at the same moment after Liu Xiaohu dodged.

If you don't have a certain ability to predict, how can you accurately capture this sudden change?
As a result, Yu Guangyou's heart was full of alarm bells.

It seems that Xu Yang really has two brushes.

Although it is just two simple reminders, it can already explain a lot of problems.

Taking a peek at the leopard, this kid will definitely not be simple.

If Xu Yang can continue to maintain this level of command in the next game, this game will be really dangerous.

Facts have proved that Yu Guang's worries are not superfluous.

No, in the ensuing match, relying on Xu Yang's command, Liu Xiaohu not only dodged the opponent's several dangerous attacks one after another, but also carried out some effective counterattacks while defending.

After more than twenty strokes, he squinted his eyes slightly out of the corner of his eye, and couldn't help swallowing.

Damn, in the first round, I'm about to lose.

Sure enough, after three moves, under Xu Yang's concise and effective command, the long sword in Liu Xiaohu's hand was already placed on the opponent's neck.

In the first round, Group A of Canglongmen won.

The score of the two sides is one to one.

Because of the guy who came to the field to explore the way just now, he has already been defeated.

The team leader of group B did not hesitate to send the guy in the group second only to him in martial arts.

So in the second round, Canglongmen's side still had Liu Xiaohu, who had won a victory, as the gatekeeper, while the Qingyun faction had already sent a guy with a second-rate top-rank martial arts to play.

"If you want me to say, in the match just now, Li Weifeng should be sent on the field first." Outside the game, someone from the Qingyun faction said afterwards.

"Isn't it? With his second-rate and high-rank martial arts, cutting that kid is not like cutting vegetables?"

On the Qingyun faction, there are really not a few people who hold this view.

There was even a guy who said indignantly: "Damn it, I don't understand why Lin Junbin left Li Weifeng unused, and had to send that useless guy to deliver food? Could it be that he wanted to keep some food for himself? More show time?"

Those guys from the Qingyun sect were chattering around there.

It's a pity that the guy named Li Weifeng failed their expectations.

It stands to reason that Li Weifeng, a guy with second-rate top-rank martial arts, must be able to deal with Liu Xiaohu, whose martial arts is only second-rate middle-rank, and who has just had a fight.

But in fact, under Xu Yang's effective command, Liu Xiaohu, who had consumed more than half of his internal energy just now, was actually under the opponent's hands, struggling to support eight or eight 64 moves.

This scene turned the eyes of the guys from the Qingyun faction into green eyes.

Damn it, this is so fucking bullshit.

It took a lot of effort for a second-rate high-rank guy to defeat a second-rate mid-rank opponent whose internal energy had already been consumed by half.

If this word is spread, who the hell would dare to believe it?
In the second round, Group B of the Qingyun faction won.

The score was one to two.

Although they had just won a victory and temporarily led the score on the field, those guys from the Qingyun faction felt that they were dishonored.

It's a shame, it's a shame.

Although Liu Xiaohu was able to last so long on the court, it was entirely because of Xu Yang's proper command.

At that time, under Li Weifeng's violent bombardment, Liu Xiaohu was just like a puppet on a string, at the mercy of Xu Yang.

But those guys from the Qingyun faction still felt that Li Weifeng's performance was too embarrassing.

Damn it, wait for the Canglong Gate, if we send that guy with only a second-rate low-level martial arts to play, and Xu Yang continues to command from the sidelines, will that kid Li Weifeng be able to resist?
Those guys from the Qingyun sect felt a little suspicious in their hearts.

Facts have proved that these guys still have a bit of foresight in their hearts.

Under Xu Yang's effective command, that kid Li Weifeng was actually defeated.

It's a big joke that a guy whose martial arts cultivation has reached the second-rate upper-rank realm, with almost [-]% of his internal strength left, loses to a guy whose martial arts cultivation has only reached the second-rate lower-rank peak realm.

Although that second-rate and low-grade guy, after defeating Li Weifeng, has reached the point where his fuel is exhausted.

But this score of [-] to [-] still made those guys from the Qingyun faction feel evil.

Looking at the slightly disdainful eyes of those fellow students, Li Weifeng, who had just lost, felt bitter in his heart.

This defeat was not because he did not work hard enough, nor was it because his opponent was too tough.It was that guy named Xu Yang, whose command was too monstrous.

Damn it, his arm just moved slightly, and that guy named Xu Yang had already told his opponent the correct way to deal with it.

You said, in this situation, who the hell can still maintain the belief in victory?
(End of this chapter)

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