Chapter 300
Looking at the gleaming kitchen knife in Xu Yang's hand, Zhang Tianxiang froze.

The hand that was about to reach into his arms stopped there.

"Shopkeeper, would you believe me if I said that I just wanted to stretch my hand into my bosom to scratch it?" Zhang Tianxiang sneered.

Xu Ruwei shook the kitchen knife in his hand with a half-smile, but didn't comment.

But the look on his face clearly showed: I believe you, you bastard, you're a bad old man!

Seeing this, Zhang Tianxiang immediately showed aggrieved face and said, "Well, shopkeeper, you know me well, am I that kind of person?"

Seeing that the kid was still talking nonsense, Xu Yang casually snatched the stack of bank notes that he was holding.

"It doesn't matter who you are, the important thing is that one thousand nine hundred and thirty five taels of the stack of bank notes in your hand is mine." Xu Yang pouted with disdain.

Then count out 130 five taels from it, and throw it into the opponent's hand, "Don't worry about the others, take them, these are yours."

Holding a few thin banknotes in his hand, Zhang Tianxiang immediately looked mournful.

Damn, just now I lamented that the fate of life is really impermanent.

The result is to the point.

Just a moment ago, he was holding a huge sum of 2000 taels in his hand.

The next moment, there was only such a layer of skin left.

This life of ups and downs is really too impermanent.

Seeing this boy's pitiful face, Xu Yang was angry and funny.

He casually took out another 15 taels of silver bills, and threw it into the opponent's hand again, "Don't pretend to be pitiful to me, you boy, take it, and make it up for you!"

To be honest, this kid is also righteous.

When he was not optimistic about the situation, he followed him to bet without hesitation.

Although the bet is a bit small, the spirit is worthy of praise.

Zhang Tianxiang, who took the bank note from Xu Yang, had a bright face.

"Thank you shopkeeper, let's find another handicap bet later?"

Compared with 2000 taels of silver, 15 taels of silver is not much.

But no matter how small the mosquito is, it is also meat!
On the first day I helped Xu Yang sell sour plum soup, my throat was sore, and the reward I got at that time was less than 15 taels of silver.

Now he just pretended to be pitiful and got 15 taels of silver for nothing. What else is Zhang Tianxiang dissatisfied with?
"Stop talking about those useless things, and get the hell out of here." Xu Yang scolded with a grin.

After finishing speaking, he put the thick stack of banknotes into his arms.

Hey, people don't get rich without windfalls, horses don't get fat without night grass!

The ancients never lied to me!

He had calculated before that in the past three days, he had earned more than 300 taels of silver.

But now, in less than a cup of tea, he has earned more than 300 taels of silver.

Assets doubled in one go.

Damn, it's really a pleasure to make this money.

As for Zhang Tianxiang's suggestion to find another handicap bet, Xu Yang simply ignored it.

Gambling is a must.

Occasional entertainment is good for your physical and mental health.

Just like today's game, he originally only wanted to bet 50 taels of silver for fun.

What happened later was purely to drive ducks to the shelves.

If you want to use it as a means of making money, it probably won't be long before you have to go bankrupt.

You know, the rivers and lakes are not run by your family.

That is to say, it was fair to meet Fatty Liu in Mingjianlou, let them win the money away.

If you meet someone with a bad heart, even if they let you win money, but if you make a lot of money, do you have the ability to protect it?
Fatty Liu, who was considered fair by Xu Yang, felt suffocated when he saw Xu Yang put the large stack of banknotes into his arms.

Would he be able to feel better if the 1000 taels of silver that almost belonged to him fell into someone else's pocket?
Fatty Liu covered his chest, opened his mouth wide, and took a few mouthfuls with all his strength, and then he slowly regained his strength.

On the other side, Zhang Tianxiang, who had earned 100 taels of silver in this gambling game, was walking towards Jia Bufan with a sullen expression on his face.

As he walked, he slapped the bank notes in his hand.

"Tsk tsk, as long as you have a good vision, it's really easy to make money. It took less than a cup of tea, and it actually doubled."

After all, he deliberately tilted his head and glanced at Jia Bufan.

This kid, who was arrogant enough just now, dared to break ground on the forehead of the black-hearted shopkeeper.

If you don't give him some color, this kid really doesn't know that Prince Ma has three eyes.

It's just that Zhang Tianxiang at this time completely forgot that his vision is actually not very good.

If it wasn't for righteousness, he followed Xu Yang to the side of Mingjian Tower, and the little money in his pocket would have been wasted long ago.

Hearing this, Jia Bufan, who was already heartbroken, was instantly distraught.

Damn it, this guy in front of me is too insignificant.

In order to dig a hole for Xu Yang, he has already lost 1000 taels of silver.

This guy from Flying Eagle Fort actually ran over to add insult to injury.

Jia Bufan, who was about to lose his mind, waved his hands, and was about to step forward to fight this inhuman guy.

As a result, Zhang Tianxiang, who was provoking him, had slipped away by Xu Yangti before he could move his legs.

Holding Zhang Tianxiang's collar, Xu Yang taught him a lesson: "Can you grow up, kid? He has already lost so badly, and you still run over to tease him? If you get mad, you will be the one to sue for life." To fight or I to fight?"

"Take a ten thousand step back, even if you are not mad, if someone has a bad idea and falls at your feet to blackmail you, will your 100 taels of silver be enough to compensate you?"

Jia Bufan, who was already so angry that the three Buddhas were born and the five Buddhas ascended to heaven, was blinded on the spot and fell down immediately.

Zhang Tianxiang turned his head to look, and was taken aback immediately, "My good fellow, this kid really wants to blackmail people, everyone has to testify for us, but we haven't even touched his hair."

This time, there was no need for Xu Yang to continue to mention it, Zhang Tianxiang himself had already stepped forward quickly, and hurriedly escaped from this place of right and wrong.

He was also worried that if he really pissed off that kid, wouldn't his elders come over and trouble him?

After earning this sum, Xu Yang didn't participate in any gambling games all afternoon.

He calmed down and listened to a few martial arts lectures, which can be regarded as benefiting a lot.

It was getting dark gradually, and with the end of the last lecture in the form of debate, the third day of the Yuntai Mountain Martial Arts Conference had come to an end.

It stands to reason that today's itinerary is over, everyone should go back to their respective homes and find their own mothers.

But in fact, there are many guys who have been following Xu Yang's ass, for fear of being run away by him.

Seeing these guys following so closely, Xu Yang was a little dumbfounded.

"Everyone, I have already said that all you need to do is wait at the Taibai Restaurant in Yuntai Town. Tonight, your stuttering will definitely not be missed."

(End of this chapter)

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