Chapter 170
Of course, Xu Yang made the final decision, but the two old boys were still arguing,
For this kind of scene, Xu Yang is used to it. The best way to deal with it is to see what is out of sight.

So he directly poured two catties of monkey wine from the wine bag, and immediately walked to the backyard.

There are still many things waiting for him to do in the backyard, how can Xu Yang have time to accompany these two old boys to knock their teeth there.

Soon, the sun was rolling down the hills in the west.

When night fell, the neighbors in Taiping Town came to Xu's Restaurant one after another.

However, these neighbors did not come empty-handed. They each brought some vegetables, vermicelli, salted fish, bacon and other ingredients to the backyard of the restaurant.

There are hundreds of people, and the lobby of the restaurant must not be crowded.

So this wide backyard became the main place for their gathering today.

It was completely dark, but the backyard of Xu's Restaurant was brightly lit.

I saw that Xiao Yu'er had borrowed more than thirty large black pots from those neighbors in the afternoon, and they had already set them on the simple stoves in the backyard.

And in these simple stoves, a raging fire is burning.

Of course, Xu Yang didn't intend to let these guests enjoy the scene of steel smelting, so in the big pot lined up in this row, the broth made of wild boar bones and duck racks as the main materials was rolling.

Due to limited conditions, Xu Yang, who only has one hand available for the time being, plans to give everyone a buffet hot pot feast.

Otherwise, relying on him as a half-handicapped chef, how could he cook dishes that could feed hundreds of people in a short while?
It's just that this kind of novel banquet stumped everyone present.

There are no tables, no stools, just a long row of big black pots, how can they eat?
As the owner and host of the banquet, Xu Yang naturally wouldn't make things difficult for everyone.

I just heard him greet loudly: "Come on, everyone, don't be dazed, go get the bowls and chopsticks by yourself. The dishes and seasonings are placed on the surrounding shelves. Whatever dishes you want to eat and what seasonings you want to use, just go to the shelves. What to pick up, then put the vegetables in the pot and cook for a while, then you can pick them up and dip them in seasonings to eat."

Xu Yang said while doing a demonstration.

These days, not many people are naturally dumb.

After seeing Xu Yang's demonstration, someone immediately picked up the guy and went into battle.

Seeing someone move like this, others naturally moved accordingly.

Thinly sliced ​​wild boar meat, various vegetables that have been washed and cut, and the salted fish and bacon brought by the neighbors were thrown into the pot one after another.

After these ingredients were tumbling in the broth for a while, they were put into bowls, dipped in their own condiments, and then delivered to their mouths.

Although these ingredients can't be said to be high-end, and the cooking process is very simple, after everyone put the dishes in their mouths, they all showed expressions of surprise.

Damn, these dishes are just boiled in a pot, how come they taste so good?

Xu Yang just smiled and didn't answer these guys' questions.

There are two secrets to making hot pot delicious.

One is the soup base and the other is the dipping sauce.

Not to mention the package of more than a dozen spices in the pot, such as pepper, fennel, cinnamon, cloves, and grass fruit.

Just talking about the soup made from wild boar bones and duck racks for an afternoon, many people present have never tasted it.

Then dip it in a dipping sauce composed of various seasonings such as sesame, pepper, chili, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate, vinegar, etc., can this taste bad?

You know, in an ordinary family in this world, having some soy sauce as a seasoning is considered a luxury.

It is the first time for most people to enjoy such a complete set of seasonings.

So after the chopsticks went down, they couldn't stop their chopsticks anymore.

These guys kept putting their favorite dishes into the pot, and kept putting the cooked dishes in their mouths, without stopping for a moment with their hands and mouths.

In addition, this kind of buffet style, which has no seating ranking and does not distinguish between high and low, also allows everyone to eat more freely and unrestrainedly.

They can eat whatever vegetables they want, and they can share the same pot with whomever they can chat with.

This free and easy way of dining allows them to enjoy and relax at the same time.

So soon, a bustling scene appeared in the backyard.

Of course, some people like freedom, while others pay attention to the rules of traditional diet.

Just like the people sitting at the table in the lobby, they don't like the noisy atmosphere in the backyard.

What they uphold is the ancient rule of not talking when eating or sleeping.

You see, they are sitting there without saying a word, staring at the little door that leads to the back yard.

Well, the above is pure nonsense.

These guys are actually waiting for Xu Yang to serve.

Xie Baoshan, Yu Guangyou, Xiong Weile, Ma Taihou, Zhang Tianxiang, Zhao Qianru, Qian Xianer, these guys have made actual or verbal contributions to the three sets of Beggar Chicken.

In addition, Liu Xishui and several senior Jianghu seniors formed this big table.

After a while, Xu Yang came back from the backyard with his two right-hand men, Xiaoyu and Erdan.

Back with them, there are two balls of burnt black mud.

Xu Yang, who had just settled the neighbors in the backyard, greeted the people at this table with a smile.

It's a pity that his kindness was ignored, because everyone's eyes were fixed on the two mud balls in the tray.

Seeing this, Xu Yang didn't intend to whet everyone's appetite.

At his order, the two mud balls were smashed apart by his two assistants.

When the lotus leaf in the mud ball was carefully peeled off by Xiaoyu and Erdan, a tangy fragrance filled half of the lobby in an instant.

The guys sitting at the table were not calm on the spot.

This strong aroma made up of the aroma of wine and chicken immediately lured those guys to drool.


Seeing the two three sets of beggar chickens that were grilled to a bright yellow color, being brought to the table by Xiaoyu and Erdan, the sound of swallowing saliva came from the side of the table one after another.

It's just that the chicken is whole, and they still have to swallow their saliva until it is divided.

After Xu Yang's two little assistants finished dividing up the two sets of beggar chickens, Xu Yang smiled and stretched out his hand to everyone, "Everyone, please use it slowly!"

Following Xu Yang's order, in the next second, these guys who had kept silent all this time turned into evil ghosts who had just been reincarnated, and rushed directly to the two three-set beggar chickens.

None of them intends to be polite, you take a chicken leg, I pull a chicken wing, if it doesn't work, they just grab a chicken paw and stuff it directly into their mouths.

(End of this chapter)

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