Chapter 140

Just as the two sides were coming and going, shouting loudly, the five merchants who had fainted from the fright before woke up one after another.

When they heard someone outside the door threatening the black shop gang in the lobby with words, a strong desire to survive suddenly arose in their hearts.

Although the previous encounters have made them understand a truth: the enemy's enemy is not necessarily their friend.

But at this moment of life and death, they can only gamble desperately.

If the enemy of the group of enemies outside the door is still their enemy.

Then they can only bow their heads and resign themselves to their fate, and go directly to the underworld to complain to Lord Yama about the injustice of God to them.

In the next second, the five guys who wanted to escape for their lives jumped up from the ground at the same time after making faces with each other, and then ran to the gate of Xu's Restaurant with all their might.

When they ran away, they surprised Xiong Weile and the others who were having fun with their mouths.

But after they reacted, they didn't stop the five guys from escaping.

After all, they are not a real black shop gang.

It was their fault for scaring people into unconsciousness just now, and now that they want to leave, they are too embarrassed to say anything to persuade them to stay.

But the guy dressed as a scribe outside the door has already accumulated a lot of anger at this time.

Originally, he wanted to imitate Zhuge Liang in the legend, and waved his fan to make a heart-pounding trick, so that the gangsters with unknown intentions in the door would obediently come out and surrender.

Unexpectedly, the guys inside were sharp-tongued, not only did not take his verbal threats to heart, they even sarcastically mocked him.

The middle-aged scribe, who wasted his words in vain, felt that his personality had been insulted, so he became angry on the spot and picked up the iron bone paper fan, and was about to rush into the door.

It's just that he turned his head towards the gate of Xu's Restaurant, and bumped into the five unlucky merchants who wanted to escape.

My mother, there really is an ambush.

The middle-aged scribe who was taken aback, waved his fan recklessly on the spot and swept forward with all his might.

In the next second, those five unlucky businessmen who thought they would escape to heaven immediately were swept down by him at the same time.

Then, in the posture of a wild goose falling head first on the flat sand, he knocked his head heavily on the bluestone slab outside the gate.

Before they fell into a coma again, a distracting thought flashed through their heads.

Damn, which gods did these five of us offend? The enemies of the group of enemies outside the door are actually their enemies.

The middle-aged scribe who succeeded in one blow did not receive the resentment of these five unlucky guys before they fell into a coma.

At this moment, he was extremely annoyed.

If he had known that the guys hiding in the lobby were so vulnerable, then he still needed some kind of heart attack?

Of course, after this burst of annoyance, an uncontrollable anger rose from his heart again.

Before that, he had racked his brains to win with his wits, but in the end, these guys who made him waste his time were just a bunch of people who would collapse at the first touch.

In this way, wouldn't his hard work just now turn into an idiotic joke?
The middle-aged scribe, who was ashamed and difficult to get into, could only rush into the lobby of Xu's Restaurant with a look of rage.

Xiong Weile and the others, who were just playing tricks, were happy when they saw that the other party went to the meeting alone.

There was no chance to make a move on Matou Mountain, and they also had no chance to make a move when they dealt with the gangsters in Qingfengzhai.

And now, the chance to make a move finally came.

In this case, how can they let it go?

No, there was no need for anyone to give the order to start the war. Xiong Weile, who was holding back his energy, immediately jumped out of the crowd and greeted the opponent.

Although the middle-aged scribe's face was ugly, he didn't pay attention to the guy who rushed to his death at all.

The experience of knocking down five with one move just now filled him with contempt for the group of posturing guys in front of him.

It's just a group of native chickens and dogs, but they still want to jump in front of your uncle Liu, they just don't know what to do.

But as the old saying goes, a proud soldier must be defeated!

Just when the middle-aged scholar surnamed Liu, with an attitude of contempt for his opponent, casually waved the iron fan in his hand.

Xiong Weile, whose martial arts cultivation had already reached the peak of the second-rate top-rank, made him suffer from being looked down upon by others.

If there is a slow motion playback at this time, you will find that the iron bone paper fan that the middle-aged scholar swung at random was about to hit Xiong Weile's head, the focused Xiong Weile suddenly blocked the long sword in his hand, But his right foot had already kicked the opponent's stomach silently.

By the time the startled middle-aged scribe felt a gust of wind hit him, he was already in an embarrassing situation from which he could not hide.


After a muffled snort, the middle-aged scribe was kicked on the spot.

In fact, this unexpected duel had already sown the bitter fruit of failure from the moment the middle-aged scribe made a random move.

One was full of contempt, while the other went all out because of the suffocation in his heart.

Just judging from the attitudes of the two sides fighting, the middle-aged scholar surnamed Liu has already fallen into the lower ranks.

At this time, at the gate of Xu's Restaurant, the bald man who had been frightened and fled in embarrassment once again broke in from the outside with his huge mace on his shoulder.

The scene of the middle-aged scribe sweeping down five people just now made the bald and strong man feel extremely ashamed.

It's just such a bunch of rubbish that scared the crap out of him just now.

If he didn't take the opportunity to go in and teach those trash boys an unforgettable lesson, he would have no face to gain a foothold in the arena in the future.

However, when the bald-headed man crossed the threshold of Xu's Restaurant, he saw the middle-aged scribe who had knocked down five with a single blow just now, was kicked and flew towards him by a young man.

The bald and strong man who had an aggressive face just now was so frightened that he shivered on the spot.

Rita Immortal Banban, these bastards in the restaurant, are they playing with him?
When he fled in a panic, he sent out five garbage that could be dumped one by one.

As soon as he entered the door, a sturdy young man who could kick a middle-aged scholar into the air came up to him.

Just when the fierce and timid bald-headed man wanted to run away in embarrassment again, Ma Taihou, who was also suffocated in his heart, also followed Xiong Weile's example, jumped out of the crowd, and went straight The bald and strong man went away.

In his opinion, Xiong Weile was able to kick the middle-aged scholar away with one kick just now, so this fierce-looking guy who is quite afraid of death should not be difficult to deal with.

(End of this chapter)

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