Chapter 138
Facts have proved that the level of alcohol consumption can determine the order in which the alcoholics will fall.

Just listen to "clang".

Before Hou Wanshan, who was ridiculed by him, fell down, Song Zhongwei, who was too strong to drink, had already fallen headlong on the nanmu table in the lobby of Xu's restaurant.

Similarly, the other dozen bandits from Qingfeng Village were not spared.

After Song Zhongwei fell, they also fell one after another.

The only difference between them is the posture of falling down.

Some fell forward, some leaned backward, and some fell limply to the ground.

The most pitiful thing is a guy who slammed his face on the plate of drunken shrimp.

The force was so strong that not only smashed the high-quality white porcelain disc on the table, but also his weather-beaten black face was bloodied on the spot.

On the contrary, Hou Wanshan, who was the first to show his drunkenness, kept staggering there and refused to fall.

At this moment, he seemed to understand something.

He pointed at Xu Yang crookedly with his right hand that could not be lifted at all, and said vaguely: " shop, is a black shop."

At the same time, Zhang Tianxiang, who walked quickly, quickly picked up the two wine bottles containing Lao Baigan on the table, turned the bottom of the bottles up, and poured them twice to his mouth.

In the end, not even a drop of wine was poured out.

Disappointed, Zhang Tianxiang saw that the guy surnamed Hou was still trembling and refused to fall down, so he rewarded him with a wine bottle on the spot.


Hou Wanshan, who still had a sliver of clarity just now, completely passed out now.

This scene left Xiong Weile and the others dumbfounded.

They thought they had finally waited for the opportunity to make a call, but they had been secretly on guard.

Prior to this, Xiong Weile and the others thought that Elder Xie hadn't taken any action, and just wanted to let the guys who had an affair with the Matou Mountain robbers have a full meal before sending them on their way.

Unexpectedly, they waited and waited patiently, but the other party was completely knocked down by Xu Yang, a boy who was just about to regain the ability to walk.

It's fine if you don't get a chance to make a move on Matou Mountain.

After all, Xu Yang has already used his own injuries to prove that the situation on the top of Matou Mountain is indeed quite dangerous.

But this time, they are fighting at home, and the opponent's number is only as small as theirs.

Originally, this opportunity for them to show their talents was once again snatched away by Xu Yang, a disabled person covered in injuries.

How can you say this embarrasses Xiong Weile and others who are full of hope?

Elder Xie, who had a smile on his face, didn't have the heart to pay attention to the dissatisfaction of these guys.

Being able to bring down the opponent conveniently, quickly, and without any damage is what he wants most.

He stroked the long beard under his chin, and smiled at Xu Yang in relief.

Ruzi is really teachable!
Just now he just winked at Zhang Tianxiang a few times, telling Zhang Tianxiang to inform Xu Yang of the situation in the lobby, before they make a move and accidentally hurt Xu Yang who is unable to move.

As a result, Xu Yang, who was unable to move, unexpectedly gave him such an unexpected surprise.

Without moving a knife or a shot, just take down the opponent directly.

You said how could Elder Xie not feel relieved?

But the smile on his face was obviously only aimed at Xu Yang.

When Elder Xie turned his head and saw that Xiong Weile and the others were still standing in a daze, he immediately cursed: "Why are you all just staring blankly? Why don't you hurry up and kidnap people and wait for me to invite you to dinner?"

Damn, this is a group of stupid wooden fish, if you don't knock it, it won't ring.

Compared with Xu Yang, this group of young people who are not a few years younger, why is there such a big gap in doing things?

After being scolded by Elder Xie, this group of young people with high-sightedness and low-handedness rushed forward to tie people up.

His uncle, it's a big loss, they came here all the way to do all these shitty aftermath work.

But after thinking about it, they didn't think they were losing money at all, at least they were quite proficient in the job of kidnapping people and beheading them.

While the kidnappers were comforting themselves, the five merchants Song Zhongwei brought over were so frightened that they almost peed their pants on the spot.

Damn it, what kind of god did they offend, and they had to torment these helpless businessmen like this?
When they met those guys who looked like bodyguards and bandits before, they felt that they were bad luck for eight lifetimes.

In the end, before they could find an opportunity to escape, they encountered this group of even more terrifying black shop gangs head-on.

Even those guys who looked like darts and bandits were neatly brought down by this group of black shop gangs.

How could the five businessmen, who were already frightened, be calm?

If there is regret medicine in the world, no matter how expensive it is, they will buy one.

They swore that if there was another chance, let alone rushing to the next county to do business, even if the old emperor died in the next county, they would not dare to go this way again.

The next moment, one of the merchants, who was a little smarter, plopped and knelt down in front of Xu Yang.

While kowtowing his head, he shouted with tears all over his face: "The hero, spare your life, the hero, spare your life!"

The other four guys followed suit, quickly knelt down in front of Xu Yang, and shouted for mercy.

This time, it was Xu Yang's turn to be embarrassed.

What the hell, what I was doing was to eradicate violence, but in the end these guys had to treat him as the shopkeeper of the black shop who was making human meat buns.

Are you depressed?

Those guys who are tying bandits are happy to see Xu Yang make a fool of himself.

They were quite unbalanced in their hearts, instead of explaining to Xu Yang, they even made fun of it.

"Shopkeeper, there are not many human flesh in the store. Will you slaughter two guys with thin skin and tender meat later to replenish the supply?"

"Isn't that right? There's not much bone soup left in the kitchen. I'll finish cutting the meat later. Those bones can't be thrown away. I boil it all night, and I just keep it for tomorrow's soup."

These ridicules that make one's scalp tingle, successfully scared the five merchants who were already frightened to death.

This time, apart from the angry and funny Xu Yang staring there, the group of booing guys also looked at each other in blank dismay.

Damn it, they just want to embarrass Xu Yang who is stealing their limelight, who would have thought that these five guys would be so unintimidated.

Elder Xie, who was in a good mood at first, was also pissed off by these unreliable guys.

These guys are purely lacklustre, good-looking, and they have to come up with these moths.

Just when Elder Xie was about to speak to teach those fools a lesson, he heard a burst of footsteps outside the gate of Xu's Restaurant.

(End of this chapter)

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