My Taoism leads to the prehistoric

Chapter 149 Invaders: Primitive God Ape and Yang Mei

Chapter 149 Invaders: Primitive God Ape and Yang Mei

The hundreds of thousands of mortal troops in the Grand Canyon of the Shuangtuo Mountains have already collapsed and fled.

On the ground, there are only hundreds of martial arts from the Wu Sect who are still at a loss, while the monks on the side of the Xian Sect return to the towering gate tower. Wu Wu outside.

Han Shou's mind was shocked, his eyes narrowed slightly: "Other universes?"

"The heavens... have other universes been discovered?"

You Chu held back the shocking news that Han Shou revealed in his previous words, and answered honestly:
"Such a thing has indeed happened in the rumors of the heavens!"

"It is rumored that 600 million years ago, there was an extraterrestrial visitor from another universe in the Great Flame Universe."

"Xiao Wang was born 16 years ago, and he only heard about that battle from the ancestor witch god."

"It is rumored that 600 million years ago, the heavenly world, the mortal world, and the cycle of the underworld were still one, and they were not divided into three realms!"

"The Shenting back then was not called Shenting, but Dishu!"

"The one who rules the entire Great Yan Universe is Emperor Yan Zu, who is also the predecessor of Emperor Shenting Tian. It is rumored that Emperor Yan Zu was invincible, omnipotent, omnipotent, and possessed immeasurable supernatural powers!"

"Compared to Emperor Yanzu, the Heavenly Emperor of Shenting can crush him to death with one finger!"

Han Shou's heart throbbed: "Is it not going to be worn out for ten thousand calamities?"

The Witch King Youchu glanced at Han Shou in surprise, nodded heavily: "Yes!"

"According to what the Twelve Ancestral Sorcerer Gods said, it is true. When Emperor Yan Zu ruled the Great Yan Universe, the Twelve Ancestral Sorcerer Gods of my Sorcerer God Department were still generals under the emperor's command."

Seeing that Han Shou stopped interjecting, You Chu continued to speak:

"Six million years ago, aliens from the outer universe invaded, and Emperor Yanzu led the emperor to fight against the invaders from the outer universe!"

"The Great Yan Universe was severely damaged in that battle, and it was torn apart and divided into three. Only then did the three worlds of heaven, mortal world, and yin and samsara come into being."

"The smallest part becomes the samsara of the underworld, the residence of dead souls and ghost cultivators, the ordinary world is the land of Great Flame and Five Continents, and the largest part becomes the current heaven."

Han Shou listened quietly, his heart agitated.

You Chu yearned with emotion: "Only Shenting and the high-level officials of the Wushen Ministry, Foyuan Temple, Yinshen Palace, and Shenshou Mountain fought against it in the battle 600 million years ago."

"It's just about the detailed process of that battle. All the great powers who have witnessed it are all silent. The only thing we know now is that not only Emperor Yanzu fell, but also dozens of immortal kings died in the battle!"


You Chu went into every detail, and told all the information he knew without missing a single bit.

"The reason why the four major forces in the heavens occupy one side is because they refuse to accept the emperor of the gods."

"The four major forces were all established by the important officials under the command of Emperor Yanzu back then, and the Heavenly Emperor of Shenting was one of the strongest immortal kings under the command of Emperor Yanzu."

"Since we were all ministers in the same palace, and Emperor Yanzu didn't have the power to suppress everything, it is inevitable that the heavens cannot be unified."

The Witch King Youchu let out a long breath: "Xianjun, this is all Xiao Wang knows, Xiao Wang dares to swear to the Heavenly Dao, if there is even the slightest deception, he will be punished by Heaven to kill Xiao Wang on the spot!"

Han Shou flicked his fingers: "Since the invasion 600 million years ago was a disastrous victory in the end, you... not only are not worried about the invasion from the outer universe, but you are happy to hear about it. Could it be that you are looking forward to another invasion like this?" ?”

"Then they will drive you out of the heavens and take back half of the blood of the heavenly shamans and gods to get involved in the war. It's better to have a loss for both sides, so as to clear the way for you to return to the heavens?"

Facing the half-smile Han Shou, You Chu smiled wryly: "Xianjun, you are joking!"

"If it wasn't for the Ministry of Witches and Gods, how could Xiao Wang exist? How could he have such malice?"

"Xiao Wang is just thinking about whether he can also hunt and kill an alien invader, and learn from it a cultivation method that is different from the witch and god department but has the same goal!"

"That's why I'm happy to hear about it!"

"Although the detailed process of the battle in 600 million years is kept secret, the battle is not only bad, but also has great benefits!"

"There are only two intruders from 600 million years ago."

"One is called the Primordial God Ape, and the other is called Yang Mei. It is precisely because of the heavenly and heterogeneous inheritance from the remnants of the fallen Primordial God Ape that we have the unparalleled body training method of our Wuwu clan. "

"It's a pity...the alien invader called Yang Mei seems to have been escaped by him in the end, or...the remains were secretly obtained by some of the great powers who participated in the war."

"Otherwise, today's Immortal Dao will only be stronger!"

Han Shou was already in a daze, and he didn't react for a while, so he let You Chuxu babble and say a few more words.

After taking a breath, he suddenly came back to his senses, his mind was tense and he almost lost his composure and asked: "Wait!"

"You just said that one of the intruders was called... Yang Mei?"

You Chu was stabbed by Han Shou's sharp sword-like eyes, his heart tightened, and he hesitated: "Yes... yes!"

"One of them is called Yang Mei!"

"The other one is called the Primordial God Ape!"

"Xianjun, is there... is there something wrong?"

Han Shou suppressed the throbbing in his heart: "This primitive god ape and...Yang Mei, are they self-exposed names or..."

"Should...should be their original names... right?"

"The result of the battle 600 million years ago was that the primitive god ape fell, and Yang Mei disappeared?"


"The alien invader named Yang Mei, do you know anything special about it? For example, supernatural powers?"

You Chu cautiously said: "This...Xiao Wang really doesn't know, what I just said are all legends and myths that Xiao Wang heard when he was in the heavens!"

"Please forgive me, all the myths and legends have not mentioned the details of that battle. Xiao Wang naturally doesn't know what is special about Yang Mei in that battle!"

Han Shou nodded silently, with all thoughts flying in his heart.

Things are getting more and more interesting!

Heaven God Court.

The Ministry of Witch Gods, Foyuan Temple, Yinshen Palace, and Divine Beast Mountain!

The battle of alien invasion 600 million years ago in the mist, and the primitive god ape and... Yang Mei!
600 million years ago, Emperor Yan Zu who fell without a thousand calamities!

One by one, the puzzles kept turning and surging in his mind.


Two days later.

The edge of the endless sea beyond Xizhou.

Han Shou stood on top of the auspicious clouds with his hands behind his back, and the Witch King Youchu shrunk his ten-foot real body to the minimum height of two meters, obediently and honestly slightly hunched over his waist and hands drooping, like a servant standing behind Han Shou.

In front of him was a void but extremely solid boundary wall.

Beneath the auspicious clouds is a blue and turbulent ocean.

So far, Han Shou has traveled all over the five continents of Great Yan, and personally established the world of Great Yan, or the ordinary world of the Great Yan universe, which is a flat ellipse.

The sun, moon, and stars in the sky are all outside the boundary wall, and the boundary wall is extremely tough. Even with his strength comparable to that of Xuanxian, he can't penetrate the boundary wall and touch the outside of the boundary wall.


"Dong Dong~"

"Boom boom boom!"

Han Shou closed his eyes and listened attentively. He could faintly hear the slow rhythm of the drum beating in his ears. If he listened to the beating drum sound for a long time, he would be shocked to find the beating of the heart. The sound of beating drums overlapped.

At the moment when the beating of the heart coincided with the beating of the drum, Han Shou was in a trance, his eyes darkened and he seemed to see a pair of empty eyes.


The moment he looked directly into his eyes in the darkness, Han Shou let out a cold sweat in shock, and opened his eyes with a breath of foul breath.

"You Chu!"

"Did you hear it?"

"Listen... what did you hear? Xianjun!"


"The beating of the drum coincides with the beating of the heart!"

You Chu had a black question mark face on his rough cheek.

"That's it!"

"That's it!"

"Let's just leave it at that!"

"I will return to the Southern Wilderness, you don't have to follow me anymore, you'd better go back to your West Continent and continue to be the Witch King!"

"Xianjun..." You Chu became anxious.

Han Shou interrupted with a vertical palm: "By the way, I heard that you have taken the enchanted true water before, and you only have ten years of life left. What is the enchanted true water?"

(End of this chapter)

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