God catch

Chapter 786

Chapter 786
Three more explosions, ask for a monthly pass!
There were two crisp sounds, and the sword energy flew back, directly exploding Tuoba Linghan's uncle and nephew with disheveled hair, turning the world upside down.

Underground, stained with blood.

"Xiao Chuhou, what a domineering Zhengtian Chain." Huang Tianliang gave an eye-catching thumbs up.

"I'm a genius of the six sects, and it's really extraordinary! Sect master, it's well deserved for Xiao to command the Yuye garrison." Unexpectedly, the arresting king, Ye Qiufeng, was also flattered.

Tuoba Linghan, that old face has turned into the color of pig's kidney.

"Old thing! It's obvious that you want to occupy the property of Jinshui Castle and further control Xiangshui City. This has always been your conspiracy.

That's why we cut off Huang Yuanxiong's son-in-law Duanmuhai first according to your plan. Unexpectedly, you wanted to kill me to silence me.

Xiao Gongzi, you are doing well.

Even if the entire Wanjian Villa is destroyed, it deserves it. "Tuoba Shixian saw it through, and laughed wildly while vomiting blood.

"That's right! You arranged for our branch to reach Xiangshui City.

This plan has been going on for hundreds of years, and you feel that the time is ripe, but unexpectedly, you are so despicable and shameless that you even kill your closest relatives.

Mr. Xiao, you kill us.

At least, it's much better to die by your knife than at the hands of this scumbag. "Tuobahao also vomited blood and cursed loudly.

"You bastard, I didn't take good care of your family, it's just nonsense!" Tuoba Linghan was so angry that he wanted to pounce on him again to silence him.However, Huang Tianliang stepped forward and stopped in front of them.

"Family, are you so kind? Why don't you use them to threaten me! Anyway, they are all dead, and you will not let them go. Let me, Tuoba Shixian, and his family go underground to reunite." Tuoba Shixian My heart is dead, I don't care about anything.

"Master Luo, my Tuoba family wants to bring back the people to the village to deal with. This is a matter of my Tuoba family. Please instruct your subordinates to get out of the way." Tuoba Linghan was afraid that these two guys would say something even worse. Yes, said quickly.

"We will not go back with you. From now on, we will leave Wanjian Villa. Mr. Xiao, do it yourself." Tuoba Shixian shouted hastily.

"See this despicable guy clearly now? It's not too late, and I want to tell you that I have sent your family to a secret place, and they are safe." Xiao Qiyue said.

Originally, they wanted to use their family members to intimidate Tuoba Linghan, but now it seems that it is useless.

It's better to take the opportunity to buy people's hearts, anyway, Duanmuhai and himself are still living well.

This Tuoba Shixian is also a talent, a ninth-level spirit king, a powerful servant who is hard to find even with a lantern.

"Woooo..." Tuoba Shixian cried, crying loudly, turning around, his eyes were firm, and he said, "Young Master Xiao, thank you for your kindness. I know I'm sorry for you, so you can cut me into pieces." .But please spare my family.”

"I never thought about killing them?" Xiao Qiyue spread her hands.

"Thank you! I hope that I, Tuoba Shixian, will repay you in the next life! I will be a slave of the Xiao family for the rest of my life." Tuoba Shixian struggled to get up, and knelt down in front of Xiao Qiyue.

"Why the next life, this life is fine!" Xiao Sen suddenly opened his mouth, naturally it was Xiao Qiyue's instruction.

"Master Xiao, can I really become a servant of the Xiao family?" Who would have thought that a ninth-level spirit king would kneel in front of Xiao Qiyue like a dog at this moment.

One is of course gratitude, the other, of course, no one wants to die.

Especially Tuoba Shixian, who has just been promoted to the ninth-level spirit king, and this wonderful life has not yet begun.

"Dogs, how dare you!" Tuoba Linghan almost died of anger, and burst into anger.

"Well, I'll accept you two servants. Xiao Mansion still needs two gatekeepers, Xiao Sen, let's arrange them to guard the gate for now. And don't worry, keep guarding the gate carefully, I will find a solution for your injury." Xiao Qi Yue immediately turned back, and immediately slapped her in the face.

"Thank you, benefactor..." Tuoba Shixian and Tuobahao both looked grateful, their heads hit the floor until there was a loud bang, and blood was all over their heads.

"You two...beast...beast..."


Tuoba Linghan vomited blood again and again, his complexion suddenly turned yellow.

"Lord Luomen, it is a misfortune for the family to have such an animal in the family! I just ask for the return of my ancestor's spirit card."

"Your Tuoba family wants to assassinate the arrester of my sect. Fortunately, Xiao arrester is destined. But, you will settle the account?" Ye Qiufeng said coldly.

"Xiao Chuhou is not dead, and now he is in good spirits. Of course, our Tuoba family can give some compensation." Uncle Tuoba Guang said.

"Since Xiao Chuhou is not dead, there are also some other entanglements involved.

But Tuoba's family wanted to kill Duanmu Hai, and Xiao Chuhou just happened to meet him.

They all live on Fangtian Island, and they all live on Fangtian Island, and they don't see each other when they look down.

The Six Doors are generous and benevolent, so there is no need to hold on tightly to this matter. " said the red-haired witch.

This guy regretted it to death, and scolded the Tuoba family for a bunch of idiots in his heart.

Now, even if I am tired, I have no face to face others.

"That's right, Master Luo, the real culprit has been caught. Besides, it's an accident that he changed his vote to Xiao Chuhou's mansion. Of course, the Tuoba family should contribute some money."

"I don't know how much Patriarch Tuoba can pay?" Tang Shizhong asked with a smile on his face.

"One..." Tuoba Guang stretched out a finger, thought for a while, gritted his teeth and stretched out another finger, "2000 million taels."

"You sent the beggar?" Xie Guitian was quite annoyed.In addition, alchemists are rich, so naturally, they don't look down on the 2000 million.

"Patriarch..." Tuoba Guang didn't dare to be the master, and looked at Tuoba Linghan.

"What are you doing, mother-in-law? 3000 million taels." Tu Yuanyuan took over as the master.This woman wanted to leave Six Fan Palace as soon as possible, so as not to be ashamed of being here all the time.

"Okay, 3000 million taels..." Tuoba Linghan was about to cry.

This Wanjian Villa was robbed by Xiao Qiyue just now, and now, he has to compensate the robber, who wouldn't be sad?
"3000 million taels is quite a lot. I promise to do it on behalf of Xiao Chuhou." Ou Zhan Fangtian nodded quickly.After all, Tu Yuanyuan was about to explode.

"Don't say 3000 million taels, [-] billion won't work!" Xiao Qiyue snorted coldly, not giving Ou Zhanfang any face.

"That's right! Human life is priceless. If Xiao Chuhou died at that time, wouldn't it be in vain?" Ye Qiufeng was bullied by Ou Zhan Fangtian very badly recently, and the Ye family was almost out of breath.You, Ou Zhan Fangtian, want to be a good person, but I will play against you.

"Xiao Chuhou spoke very forcefully. Although 3000 taels is a lot, but the money alone cannot settle this matter." Zhuge Yinyue, the king of arresting, spoke out.

"Are you going to ask Xiao Chuhou to kill him? Others are not the real murderer." Ou Zhan Fangtian sneered.

"The mastermind behind the scenes is worse than the real murderer!" Ye Qiufeng said fiercely, feeling so happy.

Well, finally, our old Ye family also got a chance to vent their anger.

"Okay, Xiao Chuhou, if you have any ideas, just bring them up, and I will make the decision for you with the six doors." Luo Jiabeixiong let out his domineering side.

This gave Xiao Qiyue enough face. Of course, Luo Jia Beixiong didn't want to let the debate continue. Wouldn't it be a rebellion, but a joke for the Tuoba family.

"Simple, since Tuoba Linghan dared to instigate someone to kill me, I won't take any compensation, just let him punch me." Xiao Qiyue said coldly.

"Impossible!" Tuoba Linghan shouted immediately.

"Then today in this hall, I, Six Gates and Wanjian Villa will settle the account of Xiao Chuhou." Luo Jiabeixiong said coldly.

"Patriarch Tuoba, you can take defensive measures. Otherwise, is Wanjian Villa really going to fight the six doors?" Ou Zhan Fangtian seemed to be threatening the Tuoba family on the surface, but he was actually trying to wake them up.

Where there is life, there is hope.

In today's situation, the Tuoba family is obviously at a disadvantage.

(End of this chapter)

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