God catch

Chapter 594 Illusory Star Sea

Chapter 594 Illusory Star Sea

It is certain that these skeletons and broken bones should be Chu Yu's personal guards back then.

Because some golden broken armor was scattered everywhere.

It can be inferred that at that time, there was a Golden Armored Army with no fewer than a thousand soldiers protecting Chu Yu's tomb.

And these soldiers of the Golden Armored Army were all crushed by a sword, one man fighting 1000 people, and he was the most elite Golden Armored Army in Dachu, what kind of courage should that man have?

Xiao Qiyue's heart was filled with a surge of 'five body casting'.

Going forward, turning a few turns, I found that this section of the road was full of mid-to-high-end magic circles and organ arrangements, and they were all destroyed.

That person should still be an organ magician.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to destroy so many mid-to-high-end organ circles.

At this time, a ray of light swept across the Karma Hall, and the bronze coffin trembled for a moment, the Nine Dragons Coffin Pulling Totem twisted and deformed together, and a powerful karma implicated the mother to the depths of the cave.

Does it have something to do with the starry sky?

Xiao Qiyue was shocked and excited.

A water curtain appeared in front of him.

It is actually a waterfall formed by an underground river. The waterfall is very strange and forms a natural portal.

And the causal line is shot into the waterfall, it seems that the secret is in the waterfall.

Xiao Qiyue didn't dare to act rashly. In this mysterious underground palace, there are powerful masters coming in. The settings inside are very dangerous. If you are not careful, you may lose your life.

Some seemingly simple things are actually the death hook of Hades.

With the Karma Eye and the pair of giant pupils scanning the mysterious waterfall, Xiao Qiyue suddenly felt dizzy, as if she had suddenly fallen into a kaleidoscope world.


At this time, one of the nine dragons on the coffin roared, Xiao Qiyue woke up instantly, and immediately, his whole body was drenched in cold sweat.

In just a moment, Xiao Qiyue's two lives almost fell.

What a powerful phantom array!

His mental power, which was as strong as a ninth-level spirit king, fell in an instant, which shows how powerful this phantom formation is.

At this time, "The True Explanation of the Heavenly and Star Formation" lit up, and the black and yellow thick book that existed in the lake of consciousness seemed to be flipped by an invisible hand, and soon stopped.

'Cathode Big Dipper Magic Star Sea'.

The rank of this formation has reached level eight, and with the Big Dipper as the cornerstone, it is a fantasy sea formation with a trace of starry sky elements laid out amidst various changes.

The starry sky is like the sea, and finding the Big Dipper can break the array.

However, in order to break this formation, a real baby with a trace of primordial spirit foundation is required to go out of the body, find the seven 'star stones' in the form of the Big Dipper in the formation, and after collecting them, the formation will be destroyed without attack.

Otherwise, once the physical body enters, it will undoubtedly be destroyed.

come for nothing...

Xiao Qiyue couldn't help feeling cold in her heart.

What is a real baby with a trace of primordial spirit foundation, that can only be possessed by the peak and strong in the realm of the gods.

Fang Tianyu has never heard of the Divine Aperture Realm at all. So far, the most powerful and living warriors Xiao Qiyue has seen are Chu Jiangshan and Little Eagle King, and they are at the third and fourth-level Spirit King Realm at most.

Even they, compared with the powerhouses at the peak of the Divine Aperture Realm, are still a thousand miles away.

Just give up?

Then how to fulfill the promise to Master Duanmuhai?
Xiao Qiyue has always been a person who keeps promises and keeps promises all her life. The ghost mother is too difficult to find, so she must not miss this opportunity.

His eyes swept across the dantian of the sea of ​​stars, and Xiao Qiyue's heart skipped a beat.

I don't have a dantian, that sea of ​​stars is my dantian.

And my real baby is in that sea of ​​stars, how about throwing that starry sky towards the waterfall, doesn't it mean that my real baby is out of body?
Of course, this kind of out-of-body should be opportunistic, a counterfeit version of out-of-body.

However, it is still a little bit short, a trace of primordial spirit, this is not a coincidence, because that is the standard equipment for the strong in the 'Shenqiao Realm'.

Where can I find this?

Xiao Qiyue was depressed again, and her eyes inadvertently flashed across the three "self-images" in the Karma Hall.

What the hell is this self-image representing Buddha, Demon, and Taoism?

They are definitely not mortal bodies anymore, they seem to be all spiritual bodies, empty.

And the primordial spirit is said to be the condensate of the spiritual body, could it be that they are their own primordial spirits?

However, Xiao Qiyue felt a little absurd and ridiculous. She was only a perfect baby, so where did she come from?

However, since the three selves are like incorporeal bodies and are spiritual powers, can we replace them with a method?
Evil grows from the gallbladder, and preciousness seeks in danger!
Xiao Qiyue decided to fight for the ghost mother pill.

However, since it is necessary to deal with ghost mothers, the Buddha is the nemesis of ghosts, but Taoist priests are even more powerful ghost hunters.

Therefore, Xiao Qiyue decided to use the Taoist self-image that appeared last.

As soon as the dantian moved, the starry sky where Jiulong pulled the coffin threw a net towards the waterfall.

And the Hall of Karma is already connected to that starry sky, so naturally there is no need to do anything else.

Soon, Xiao Qiyue discovered that her starry sky dantian had seeped into the waterfall.

Moreover, it caused the waterfall to tremble.

The next moment, Xiao Qiyue was even more shocked to find that the 'Cathode Big Dipper Phantom Star Sea Formation' placed in the waterfall seemed to be frightened, and it was infiltrated and fused in just half an hour, while Xiao Qiyue's real baby stood on the waterfall among.

Looking up, the seven star stones were shining with light.

Xiao Qiyue's real baby moved and reached out to pick it up.Suddenly, the petrified stars turned into ancient ferocious beasts roaring and rushing towards them.

Don't be afraid!
They are fake.

Xiao Qiyue comforted herself in her heart. Thinking about it this way, it was really amazing that she could easily pocket the Star Stone.

Suddenly, the waterfall disappeared.

Xiao Qiyue fell into a magnificent underground palace.

Letter to the letter - Xingwang Palace.

Xiao Qiyue saw that the dome of the palace was covered with stars.

I was taken aback for a moment, it was too similar.

Because, this starry sky is the same as the starry sky I saw when I looked up in the capital, as if it was specially copied as a dome.

There is a dragon chair in the main hall, and sitting on the chair is a middle-aged man who looks mighty and domineering, wearing a jade crown dotted with a star diamond.

However, the man seemed very unlucky, a sword carved with seven stars passed through his chest and was nailed to the dragon chair.

But the man was really strong, and before he died, he struck the assassin to death with a single palm.

It was a kneeling man, wearing a black robe, but on the robe was embroidered with a gloomy ghost king's head.

The man with the jade crown hit him on the head with one hand, and the man with the ghost king's head seemed to be sucked dry by the man with the jade crown before he died.

Who are these two guys?

Could it be that the man with the jade crown is the owner of this underground palace, Prince Xing Chuyu?

But who is the assassin?
And the sword marks left everywhere outside were left by this person?
It's just that the two of them are dead, and it seems that there is no blood or suicide note left behind. Xiao Qiyue looked for a long time and couldn't find any strong evidence.

As for the ghost mother, she seems to have disappeared until now, and she didn't even respond to her ghost search array.

Could it be the wrong place?
Xiao Qiyue began to doubt her own judgment.

However, since we are here, even if we make a mistake, we have to find out.

After all, the previous line of cause and effect pierced into this hall, so it must have something to do with King Wu's secret.

"Boy, I want to thank you." At this moment, a stern voice came, and Xiao Qiyue was startled. She turned her head and saw that Zhao Yingying's bodyguard, the second elder Zhang Qian from Luoyue Pavilion, was staring excitedly at her. look at yourself.

I was careless, and I didn't realize that I followed him in. Xiao Qiyue was very annoyed, because it was fatal.

During this period of time, I have been proud of myself. Not only has my ranking risen, but I have beaten my opponent hard, and my strength has also strengthened, which makes me a little swollen.

I think that with the eye of cause and effect, I have the self-confidence that I knew all about the world.

(End of this chapter)

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