God catch

Chapter 529 You Are Not A Woman If You Are Not Jealous

Chapter 529 You Are Not A Woman If You Are Not Jealous
3 more!
"Brother, I have always kept myself clean. Look, have I ever been to the Fengyue place?" Xiao Qiyue said.

"I haven't been there before, but, Qinxian, you are as beautiful as a fairy. You play the piano like a god, and you are saved with the 'Thousand Layers of Moonlight Dew', which is the treasure of Wangyue Lake. .” There was actually a hint of sourness in Yuhuang’s tone.

Fuck it!
How come this girl seems to be more feminine after she came back to life?

Learned to be jealous?
Xiao Qiyue felt her head was getting bigger.

"Who told you?" Xiao Qiyue hummed.

"Hehe, remember, you are the servant and I am the master." Yuhuang straightened her towering chest, and the place seemed more proud than before.

"Damn 'sharing', I guess Yu Huang has woken up long ago. At that time, in order to save people, the Karma Eye couldn't block the sharing of Tianxin Fish Sauce."

After a few cups, Yu Huang's face flushed slightly, which was even more charming. Xiao Qiyue was dumbfounded, her eyes stared straight.

"Look at eye digging again." Yu Huang looked shy.

"Dig it out, dig it out and hang it on your body as a necklace. In this way, I will stare at you every day, even taking a bath." Xiao Qiyue teased.

"Bah! Dogs can't spit out ivory." Yu Huang rolled her eyes.

"My lord, it's not good." At this moment, the voice of his personal guard Tao Yong came from afar, and Yu Huang's body twisted and disappeared into the air in an instant.

"What's the panic?" Xiao Qiyue's face was serious, this Tao Yong was excavated by Xiao Qiyue.

After investigation, they are the descendants of war arrester Tao Guangyao.

Naturally, Tao Yong also knew that Xiao Qipeng had a killer whale knife, so he paid homage to him as soon as they met. Xiao Qiyue knew that he was worshiping that knife.

Of course, this person also became Xiao Qiyue's first confidant after entering the Jinyiwei Yamen.

"We were besieged, people from the Zhang family and the Hou family. They clamored for us to release them immediately, otherwise, they would come in." Tao Yong said.

"Do you all eat dry food? Just grab them all." Xiao Qiyue said deliberately.

"Catch! How to catch? They are from the Duke's Mansion.

The leader is Zhang Xiaoshu, the son of Duke Huguo.This Zhang Xiaoshu is a well-known difficult person in the capital, and he doesn't follow the rules at all.

Known as one of the six tigers in the capital, and because he is the young prince of the Duke's Mansion, many people are afraid of him. "Tao Yong said.

"It seems that I have to be 'Wu Song'." Xiao Qiyue picked up a broom handle beside the table.

Who is Wu Song?
It's a pity that Tao Yong didn't dare to ask.

There were quite a few people who came, hundreds of them.

A young man with animal skin on his upper body and silk trousers on his lower body, with uneven haircut and rather strange clothes, is gesticulating, swearing at the street, spitting three thousand feet, suspected to be the Milky Way Falling Nine Heavens.

The Jinyi guards in the yamen were so scolded that they didn't dare to look up, and they were so frightened that they quickly closed the gate.

"If you don't open the door again, sir, I will smash the door." Zhang Xiaoshu waved a pair of copper hammers fiercely.

"Open!" Xiao Qiyue snorted holding the broom handle, and his men hurriedly opened the door made of black steel.

Zhang Xiaoshu, who had just rushed to the door, didn't expect the door to open, so he slammed on the brakes.

"Miscellaneous, you finally came out. Hurry up and let my father go, otherwise, I'll smash all your bones and feed them to the dogs." Zhang Xiaoshu slammed the copper hammer with a bang, and immediately, sparks shot out, very majestic.

"Well, Zhang Guogong didn't educate you well, I will educate you on his behalf, you useless bastard!" Xiao Qiyue was not bad at all, he immediately rolled up his sleeves, picked up the handle of the broom and slapped Zhang Xiaoshu immediately. Turning around in a daze, almost fell to the ground.

"You dare to hit me, don't you know that I am called the Six Tigers of the capital? I'll kill you bastard." Zhang Xiaohu was so angry that he jumped up from the ground, swung his hammer and jumped into the air to strike down violently.

Needless to say, this kid is really talented.

The copper hammer danced two arcs, forming two sharp rings that cut towards Xiao Qiyue's head.

This is the rhythm of killing people with one hammer.

"I'll poke, poke, poke!" Xiao Qiyue yelled, and poked the broom handle into the ring like a spear, and suddenly, with a bang, the copper hammer fell to the ground.

But Xiao Qiyue was so unreasonable that she slapped Zhang Xiaoshu several times, and suddenly, Zhang Xiaoshu's silk trousers were ripped that day, revealing half of his buttocks.


Jin Yiwei and the onlookers all laughed.

"Father, I'm going to use a unique trick, dig out my ears!" Zhang Xiaohu yelled, sprinted to the ground, took out a pair of small copper hammers and pinched them in the air, there was a bang, the sound of wind and thunder, and an electric arc struck To Xiao Qiyue's ear.

"Well, Cheng Yaojin is reincarnated, is the next trick 'cutting off the head'?" Xiao Qiyue yelled, swayed left and right, and stepped on the 'nine-tune psychedelic star step' to bypass.

"You also know that I'm 'picking your teeth'." Zhang Xiaoshu roared, the small hammer spun, shaking the qi, dragging two cyan lights like two picking knives and flew over.

"You pick your teeth, I'm still pulling them!" Xiao Qiyue sneered, and with a bang, the bamboo handle split into five or six pieces in an instant.

As if swatting a fly, he slapped Zhang Xiaoshu's small copper hammer to the ground, but the bamboo piece didn't stop, and swept it into Zhang Xiaoshu's mouth, squeaked a few times, Zhang Xiaoshu screamed, half of his teeth were gone.

Then, Xiao Qiyue passed by with a few more beats, and Zhang Xiaoshu rolled all over the ground screaming.

Pointing at Xiao Qiyue, he cursed at his subordinates, "Why are you still standing there, go up and kill him."

All of a sudden, Zhang Wei's guards and Ding's guards swarmed up and rushed towards Xiao Qiyue.

"Hit! Hit so hard that his mother doesn't even know it." Xiao Qiyue retreated, and with a wave of his hand, Jin Yiwei rushed out like a wolf and a tiger with an iron rod and iron plank.

Suddenly, the scene was chaotic.

Of course, Jin Yiwei has a sense of proportion in his actions, only beating the disabled but not killing them.

After all, the people in the Duke's Mansion can't afford to provoke them, because they are afraid that they will settle accounts after the fall.

Soon, a large area lay down on the ground, and the screams spread throughout the streets and alleys.

"Blaidly attack the Jinyiwei Yamen, and take them all down." At this time, Zhan Li, who had rushed over with hundreds of arrest officers after taking up the temporary post, gave an order, and the arresters pulled out their iron chains and rushed towards the fallen Zhang family.

"No need!" Xiao Qiyue waved her hand, pointed at Zhang Xiaoshu and said, "Get lost or not, or kill him immediately!"

"How dare you!" Zhang Xiaoshu said fiercely with his mouth full of blood, his mouth full of rotten flesh.

"Come here, eunuch Zhang Xiaoshu first." Xiao Qiyue gave an order, and Zhang Xiaoshu was so frightened that he quickly got up and ran, clutching his crotch.

The master ran away, and of course the servants followed suit in a swarm.

In just a few minutes, the scene went clean and tidy.

"Master Xiao is wise."

"Master Xiao is brave and invincible."

"Lord Xiao is my great Chu's hero."


Seeing that Zhang Xiaoshu, one of the six tigers in Beijing, was severely punished, the common people shouted and applauded.

"My lord, this matter is quite weird." Zhan Li said as he entered Xiao Qiyue's hall.

"You see it too?" Xiao Qiyue smiled.

"Well, the strength of the Zhang family is not weak, but the people who followed Zhang Xiaoshu are all weak, not even a guard of the Taiying Nine Layers Realm. As far as I know, the strength of the Zhang Family's Chief Nursing Academy is as high as the Yuandan realm. "Zhan Li said.

"For those who come to act for the emperor, the more miserable the better. You just wait, the palace will come with an order soon." Xiao Qiyue said.

"I'm afraid my lord will have to release the Duke of the country. It is estimated that Prince Chen has come forward for this matter." Zhan Li said.

"We'll talk about it later." Xiao Qiyue waved her hand, and Zhan Li bowed and stepped back.

However, Xiao Qiyue's sight followed the flying centipede and stopped directly at a place called 'Tianjian Beppu'.

This place is the other courtyard of the Heavenly Sword Sect in the capital.

Just now Xiao Qiyue deliberately transferred more than half of the Jinyiwei of the yamen to the gate to confront Zhang Xiaoshu, so it was naturally convenient for someone to get in touch with the Jinjiaying undercover.

As expected, just as Xiao Qiyue was playing a little book, and everyone's attention was drawn to the gate, a commander named 'Zhou Feng' from the Jinyiwei Yamen quietly slipped into the prison.Moreover, the object of the joint is the centurion named 'Guqiu' of the Golden Armor Camp.

This person is a centurion stationed in the Golden Armor Battalion of Baxiang Mountain. He is a small official from the fifth rank, just a small person who usually does not show his mountains or dew his water.

(End of this chapter)

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