Chapter 287
Above the nine heavens, the strong wind is chilling. This is a height that ordinary people can't reach in a lifetime, but in such a place, there is a figure floating quietly.

Yun Tianya let go of his mind, and the exercises in his body spontaneously operated at a high speed, and strands of heaven and earth energy were sucked into his body continuously.

There seemed to be a deep hole in Yun Tianya's body, no matter how he absorbed the power of heaven and earth, he couldn't make his body feel full.

Gradually, his complexion became serious. At this moment, the "Northern Darkness Natural Scripture" had been operating to the extreme, and at a certain moment, Yun Tianya's figure blurred and suddenly disappeared!

But the moment he disappeared, there was a black spot the size of a soybean.

It's just that this change only lasted for an instant and then returned to the original, Yun Tianya's figure also reappeared, as if everything before was an illusion.

But Yun Tianya knew clearly that everything just now was certainly not an illusion, this was his attempt to gather martial arts.

But in the end it failed.

As early as when he was first promoted to the "Grand Master", because of Long Yuan and his skills, he passed the accumulation stage of ordinary people and directly entered the top ranks.

Now, he has no lack of background and talent, so it is not difficult to advance to the "Heavenly Man" in this way, not to mention sure, but the result is a failure.

Yun Tianya wasn't even annoyed at this. His family knew about his own affairs. It was because his background and talent were too deep and high, and the Dharma image he wanted to condense was too domineering, which made it difficult to take this step.

It's not easy to cross and return, it's nothing more than spending more time to condense the spirit, the hurdle will not stop him after all.

Yun Tianya, who had figured it out in a blink of an eye, was no longer interested in staying high in the sky—this was to avoid affecting his surroundings when he broke through. After all, he had to be cautious when he was promoted to the "Grand Master".

The body fell extremely fast, and soon fell back to the ground.

At this time, it was broad daylight, and everyone left the house long ago, each going about his own business.

Recently, the women at home are very busy, what are they busy with?Of course it's their marriage!

Some time ago, due to the external environment, even though they knew that the date had been set, the girls could only stay in the house obediently.

Now that the foreign enemies are gone, Li Mochou and the others, who had been suppressed for a long time, exploded all of a sudden. These days, they wandered outside from morning to night and never came back until night.

what to do?Zhang Luo was discussing about the marriage in the future, including the customization of wedding clothes, the preparation of the banquet and other details, and they went to the battle one by one to handle it personally.

Ordinarily, these matters should never be prepared by Li Mochou and his daughters who are about to become brides, but who made them, including Yun Tianya, all alone?

Li Mochou lost her parents when she was young and was adopted by her master. Heizhu's mother died early and her father passed away a while ago. Shangguan Haitang is also an orphan. The only parent, Tie Dan Shenhou, rebelled and was killed not long ago. . .

As for Yilin, it would be great if she told Master Dingyi that she knew too well, so she wouldn't be so angry. . .

In the end, there were only two princesses left, and their parents were there, but Yun Tianya didn't mention it, and they didn't dare to mention it.

This was done on purpose by Yun Tianya, his parents are fine, since they are gone, he will not go to ask others, and simply let them handle it by themselves.

A servant girl saw her master, her eyes lit up, she trotted two steps, stepped forward to salute, and said: "Master, just now the door sent a message saying that the big house you want to buy has been found by the tooth shop for you."

"Yes, I see." Yun Tianya replied.

Looking at the sky, it's already past noon, it seems that those women will not come back to eat today.

Yun Tianya shook his head helplessly, he didn't know if he was overwhelmed a few days ago or if he really had so many things to prepare. . .

He didn't plan to eat at home either, he just had to visit the house later, so he asked his servants to prepare the carriage and went out.

He casually found a well-known restaurant to deal with him. He asked his servants to drive the carriage and took him to the dental shop.

"Oh, sir, you are here! We just went to your house to look for you this morning, but unfortunately you are not here."

A thin middle-aged man in brown clothes in the tooth shop accidentally saw Yun Tianya who had just got off the carriage, and immediately ran out, nodding and bowing his head to say hello to Yun Tianya.

"Well, I heard from the servants in the mansion, otherwise I wouldn't have made this trip. I heard that the house I want is available?" Yun Tianya didn't put on airs, but asked plainly.

"I found it, I found it! If we didn't find it, we wouldn't dare to go to your house to be an eyesore." The middle-aged man said flatteringly.

The house that Yun Tianya wants is not small, it should be said that it is very big, and this is the capital city, so to buy such a big house, at least a few 10 taels of silver, the middle-aged man has never done such a big deal in his life. If so, he can get a thousand taels of silver no matter what. With this silver, he can quit his job and go back to his hometown to be a small farmer.So, can't you try your best to curry favor?
"Okay then, lead the way!"

Yun Tianya didn't talk nonsense, he asked the middle-aged man to take the outer shaft of his carriage, and led him to the house he mentioned.

Following Yaren's guidance, the carriage drove eastward, and the surrounding buildings became more and more rich and luxurious, and most of the people around were dressed in splendid and luxurious clothes, wearing gold and jade.

It is obvious that they have reached the noble area!
The capital is divided into four districts, east, west, north, south, east, Guizhou, north, richness, west city, and Nanping.

How to put it this way, the "expensive" in Donggui refers to the fact that most of them live in high-ranking officials and dignitaries, even relatives of the emperor; The former has many squares and markets, and most of them are places for business, while the latter is mostly the residence of the common people, ranging from the poor to the officials.

Of course, the above-mentioned are the main features, and it is impossible for a district to have only residence or only business.

"Master, it's time." Yaren knocked lightly on the carriage and reminded him aloud.

No need to remind, Yun Tianya already knew that the carriage had stopped, opened the carriage door, and walked down.

Then he looked up and saw a big house in front of him.

It was really big, the face of the gate was four or five times that of Haitang's house, and two huge stone lions guarded the vermilion gate on the left and the right.

After seeing the writing on the plaque above the gate, Yun Tianya understood the origin of this mansion.

This turned out to be the "Nanping Palace"!Oh, to add "old days".

Ye Gucheng wanted to assassinate the emperor, and as his disciple, the prince of Nanwang naturally couldn't get rid of the responsibility, and the problem was found out after an investigation.

Yun Tianya never cared about the fate of that prince.

But now that the ancestral home is sealed, the result can be imagined.

He didn't care much about these things, but what was unexpected was that the middle-aged dental shop was so capable that he won the right to sell the "Nanping Prince's Mansion"!
At the beginning, in order to buy a good house, he deliberately found a relatively large dental shop, but he did not expect to give himself such a big surprise in the end.

 Thank you for the monthly tickets cast by "Scorpio's Sin", "Charming Journey", "Senhe 31", "Yihou Rubao", and "Those Years, Where We Gone".

(End of this chapter)

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