Martial arts starting from the immortal golden body

Chapter 135 Poison and Night Chapter

Chapter 135 Poison and Night Talk
"That's right, it's Shi Guanyin! The most mysterious and terrifying woman in the desert!" King Qiuci paused every word, as if he had exhausted all his strength to say these words.

It didn't take much effort, Yun Tianya and others happened to meet the King of Kucha who was kicked out of his country, and the other party happened to be Shi Guanyin's sufferer!
In this way, everyone has an even more reason to stay. They firmly believe that Shi Guanyin will not let the potential threat of the King of Kucha wander around.

However, Yun Tianya and the others would not foolishly tell the King of Qiuci that the purpose of their visit is Shi Guanyin—it is not a good deal to be caught.

Therefore, after everyone just expressed their concerns, they did not further discuss the topic of Shi Guanyin.

Seeing this, King Qiuci was a little helpless, and then thought of Hu Tiehua, who was about to become his son-in-law, and he felt better again. Presumably there was such a connection, and they would not stand by and watch.

It was a long night and dreamy, so he made up his mind to let his daughter marry Hu Tiehua tonight!
King Qiuci raised his glass and smiled at Hu Tiehua, "Son-in-law, this king has decided to marry you tonight, what do you think?"

When Hu Tiehua heard this, his mouth opened wide, and the wine in his mouth almost flowed out.He swallowed it quickly, and then stammered: " this too hasty? It doesn't matter if I'm a rough person, I'm just afraid..." As he spoke, he couldn't help but sneak a glance at the pretty Princess Pipa, but Quickly averted his eyes again.

"Hey, we countries in the Western Regions don't pay attention to many complicated customs. If you want to have a concubine, you can hold a wedding!" King Kucha said with a smile.

Judging from this posture, Hu Tiehua's marriage is finalized tonight.

In this way, Hu Tiehua said in a low voice: "Then, let the prince decide everything!"

After hearing this, King Kucha said "Yes" several times.

Tonight is destined to be a lively night, because King Qiuci is going to marry his daughter.

"The wedding ceremony has been prepared. Please Prince Consort change into auspicious clothes and prepare to salute." Five or six servants came in with high crowns and auspicious clothes, bowing and laughing.

Yun Tianya laughed a little: "Everyone's hands and feet are really fast."

Hu Tiehua stared at the tall hat, her eyes were straightened. After staring for a while, she suddenly raised her hands, fell down on the bed, and shouted: "If you really want me to wear this hat, you might as well give me a knife!"

But no matter what kind of hat he wears, it is much better than being stabbed. Finally, Hu Tiehua put on the tall hat and put on the auspicious clothes. He looked in the mirror and suddenly felt that his appearance was not as ugly as he imagined.

The bride is also dressed in high crown and auspicious clothes, and covered her face with a red scarf.

Hu Tiehua looked at the red scarf, secretly proud of herself, and snickered, "You can't make fun of me again today, can you?"

The tent, which was already very gorgeous, was even more grandly and magnificently arranged today. King Qiuci was flushed, but his princess was still missing.

Perhaps it was because the princess did not come out, so there was no woman in the tent. The bride saluted in a hurry and was immediately helped to the back.

It turns out that this is a wedding custom in the country of Kucha. Even in their homeland, female guests are not allowed to show their faces during the wedding. Moreover, after the bride enters the bridal chamber, the groom has to stay outside, waiting for others to drink. On the desert, The cold wind was like knives, and the shepherds would hardly be able to travel if they did not have a few catties of burning knives in their arms to keep out the cold.

Here everyone regards booze as a beauty, and the more the groom drinks, the more beautiful the wedding will be, so out of the ten grooms, ten of them were carried into the bridal chamber.

This time it happened to be Hu Tiehua's heart. What he feared most in his life was that he would have no wine, and someone poured him wine, which was exactly what he wanted.

Four naked men came in carrying a delicious roasted camel. King Qiuci cut open the camel's stomach with a silver knife in his hand. There was a roasted sheep inside the camel's stomach, and a roasted chicken inside the sheep's stomach.

This is the most grand and rich royal feast on the desert. King Qiuci cut open the chicken belly, picked out an egg soaked in fat with a silver knife, stroked his beard and laughed loudly: "This egg is the most auspicious. Only distinguished guests can get it, and the auspicious date of today's wedding ceremony is even more unusual, the distinguished guest who eats this auspicious egg will not only be lucky, but he will definitely be the groom next time."

Yun Tianya was just feeling funny, but King Qiuci had strode up to him and picked the auspicious egg on his plate.

King Qiuci raised his glass to bless him and said, "Everyone hasn't offered a toast to today's most distinguished guest."

There was sudden applause and thunderous applause, Yun Tianya picked up the egg with a smile, and was about to swallow it in one gulp, when there was a sudden pause, then he quickly returned to normal and ate it in one gulp.

It turned out that just now Ji Bingyan's internal energy was transmitted to him, saying "eggs are poisonous"!
Yun Tianya quickly swept the tip of the silver knife in King Qiuci's hand, and it was indeed a little black!
Due to the relationship between Beiming Divine Art and Longyuan, he who is invulnerable to all poisons usually doesn't care whether the food he eats or uses is poisonous, so his vigilance in this regard is very low.

After being reminded, Yun Tianya's face remained calm, others thought he had eaten the egg, but in fact the egg had already arrived in the portable space.

The banquet has completely started, and the big guys no longer all get together, and they walk around at will.

Ji Bingyan had informed everyone about the poisonous egg, which raised everyone's vigilance.

They didn't get together, they appeared in twos and threes on the surface, as if they didn't know anything about the previous poisoning.

"It's rare for Lao Hu to get married. If we can't let him enter the bridal chamber happily, we might as well hang ourselves with a rope." Chu Liuxiang said to Ji Bingyan in a deep voice.

Chu Liuxiang is Chu Liuxiang, even if the person he likes is about to marry his good brother, he still chooses to bless and guard the door for them!
Ji Bingyan also replied in a deep voice: "I'm still guarding outside, come out and meet me when you can escape." He hurried out without a drop of wine.

However, Hu Tiehua was already blushing from drinking and his neck was thick. He was really lucky to have friends like Chu Liuxiang and Ji Bingyan.

Yun Tianya and others are naturally friends of Chu Liuxiang and the other three, but there are some things that are only suitable for Chu Liuxiang, Ji Bingyan, and Hu Tiehua to talk about.

Yun Tianya patted Chu Liuxiang on the shoulder, signaling to the latter to rest assured that he would help.

Chu Liuxiang responded with a grateful smile.

As for who poisoned it, everyone had no clue, because the poisonous egg could end up in anyone's mouth. In this way, doesn't it mean that the murderer had no fixed target at all?

The night is getting darker, although the smell of barbecue and wine is fragrant, and people's laughter is lively, but it still cannot dilute the sense of chilling when the desert comes at night.

Wrapped in a blanket, Ji Bingyan sat under the shadow of a tree by the pool, watching the stars in the sky gradually multiply and then gradually fade away.

He just sat there without moving, as if he could sit until the end of the world. He seemed to never feel lonely and tired.

Suddenly a wine bottle was thrown over, and it was about to hit him on the head. He didn't seem to move at all, but the wine bottle was already in his hand.

Chu Liuxiang and Yun Tianya walked over, the former looked up at the sky and sighed: "It's so cold here..."

He suddenly noticed that ice chips had formed on Ji Bingyan's hair, he frowned and said, "You don't drink or stand up and walk around, just sit like this, you won't be afraid of being cold to death."

Ji Bingyan smiled lightly and said, "I won't die from the cold."

He finally uncorked the bottle, took a sip of the wine, and continued slowly: "I have to sit here to see if there are outsiders coming, if I walk around, I won't be careful. "

Chu Liuxiang looked at him and sighed, "Who in the whole world can see that you will also go hungry and cold for your friends?"

Ji Bingyan lowered her face and said coldly: "I only do what I am willing to do, what does it matter to me what others think of me?"

Chu Liuxiang smiled and stopped talking. He knew that when Ji Bingyan was so serious, no matter what you said to him, you would inevitably run into trouble.

Listening to the conversation between the two, Yun Tianya felt a little envious in his heart, and said, "The friendship between the three of you really makes me envious! I don't know if Yun can make one or two close friends like you in his lifetime."

Ji Bingyan's originally cold face suddenly showed a smile, and said: "With Tianya's ability and temperament, why is this so difficult? Besides, aren't we already your bosom friends?"

Yun Tianya was startled when he heard the words, and then smiled and said: "Yes! So I already have so many confidantes and friends!"

(End of this chapter)

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