Create Sword
"Thank you Miss Shangguan for the pill."

Qiu Moyan got up and thanked Shangguan Haitang, but there was a clear look of doubt on the former's face.

She remembered that Shangguan Haitang was obviously a man, why is he dressed as a woman now?
As soon as he thought about it, Qiu Moyan thought of his own situation, and it suddenly dawned on him.

Afterwards, on the basis that both parties have a certain degree of trust in each other, they frankly stated some of their respective situations.

The reason why Qiu Moyan is here and has suffered serious injuries is all thanks to Cao Shaoqin, the third governor of Dongchang.

After she robbed the execution ground, Dongchang Cao Shaoqin led people to follow her immediately. Under the cover of righteous men along the way, Qiu Moyan fled to the border with Yang Yuxuan and his son and daughter with great difficulty and danger.

Unexpectedly, their whereabouts were exposed when they left the customs, and they were blocked by Cao Shaoqin who was following them. After a bloody battle, they broke through tragically and all the way to this small oasis.

When Yun Tianya and the others heard what happened to Qiu Moyan, they all sighed.

Especially Yun Tianya, it was really hard for him to imagine how a woman could have such a chivalrous heart, disregarding her own safety, just to save two unrelated people, even though they were the so-called loyal heirs.

Is this "something to do and not to do"?Is this what the world often says "Women don't give way to men"?
This is probably the case!

Yun Tianya himself would never be able to do such a thing.Therefore, for Qiu Moyan, he admired him very much.

He turned his head slightly and looked at the two descendants of Yang Yuxuan who were sent out by many benevolent people with their blood.

Obviously, the two children are twins, and they are not very old, about eight or nine years old.

After getting out of the bamboo basket, they kept hiding behind Qiu Moyan, watching Yun Tianya and the others timidly.

In Yun Tianya's eyes, these two children were handsome, and even though there was still fear and grief in their eyes, they were still lively and there was no gloomy and gloomy look in them.

"That's right, at least from now on, Qiu Moyan didn't save the wrong person." Yun Tianya thought to himself.

After the exchange, Qiu Moyan and the others obviously relaxed, and finally they no longer had to worry about hiding from XZ.

The two groups started to hold a banquet in this rare desert oasis. Of course, all the things were provided by Hulong Villa.

Qiu Moyan and the others hadn't had a good meal for a long time. They are warriors, although they eat a lot, they still suffer from hunger at critical moments, and it's just that they suffered for the two children.

No, the two children ate hungrily, and then choked. Cheng Shifei and Hu Tiehua hurriedly helped them pat the food stuck in their throats with skill.

It's also interesting to say that Cheng Shifei and Hu Tiehua seem to like children very much, and within a few moments, the four of them got to know each other well, and they made a portion of everything delicious and drinkable for the two children.

During the dinner, Duan Tianya asked Qiu Moyan, "Qiu Xiashi, what are your plans for the future?"

Qiu Moyan didn't think too much, and said directly: "The Central Plains is no longer safe, Dongchang will definitely not let Yang Ye and his sister go, I plan to take them all the way to the west, until no one can find it."

Although she spoke lightly, everyone present felt heavy and admired, because if Qiu Moyan left, it was very likely that she would lose her entire life.

"Qiu Moyan, why don't you join Hulong Villa, anyway, they don't deal with Dongchang, I believe Lord Tiedan will be very willing to protect the two loyal queens." Yun Tianya said suddenly.

It wasn't that Yun Tianya didn't know about Zhu Wushi's ambitions, or that he wanted to push Qiu Moyan into the pit of fire.Zhu Tiedan, who has not been exposed at this stage, can be regarded as loyal and unparalleled, serving the country and the people, even for the sake of prestige, he will take good care of the brothers and sisters Yang Ye.

When the East Factory is half useless by Zhu Wushi, the two children can be picked up, so as to avoid the last wave of rebellion.

The plan works.

After listening to Yun Tianya's suggestion, several people in Hulong Villa nodded in unison, expressing their agreement.

Qiu Moyan was a little hesitant. After such a long and difficult escape, she had to think carefully, for fear that if she was not careful, all her efforts would be in vain.

"Yun Shaoxia is right. Qiu Xiashi, you took your two children away from the Western Lands. The sacrifice is too great. Besides, you don't want to see Yang Ye's brother and sister grow up among the barbarians, do you?" Hu Tiehua saw the other party Hesitant, quickly speak to persuade.

He really didn't want to see the two children go to the West to suffer and accept the barbarian culture.

"If you are worried about Yang Ye's safety, I, Hu Tiehua, can protect them for you!" Hu Tiehua said, patting her chest.

Xu was moved by the sincerity of the big guy, Qiu Moyan finally nodded slowly.

"Then you can follow us, and the two children won't have to suffer anymore." Duan Tianya suggested.

Qiu Moyan said: "Yes, but I have to meet Zhou Huaian first and tell him about this matter."

"Is that Yang Yuxuan's deputy, Zhou Huai'an, the head coach of the Central Imperial Army?" Chu Liuxiang asked suspiciously.

"Yes, it was thanks to his help that I was able to rob the court and escape from the capital safely. We met at the Longmen Inn in the desert." Qiu Moyan replied.

"Dragon Inn? There is an inn in the desert?" Everyone was surprised.

At this time, Ji Bingyan opened his mouth slowly, and said: "Damo Longmen Inn, a thousand miles away from Yumen, the shopkeeper's gold inlaid jade, a famous slut, the shop is a black shop, and the people are strong. Our route happens to pass through this inn."

After speaking, he resumed his silence.

"Since it's on the way, isn't it good? There's no need to separate."

Hu Tiehua and Cheng Shifei were very happy, and lifted the two children up and turned them around several times.

Infected by the atmosphere, the Yang Ye brothers and sisters, who hadn't smiled for a long time, grinned.

After the banquet, everyone didn't leave immediately, Haitang gave Qiu Moyan another "Hundred Flower Suxin Pill" to heal his wounds.

Originally, Qiu Moyan wanted to go on the road immediately, but was stopped by everyone, so she had to swallow the elixir, and began to heal quietly again.

Some people are healing, others are either discussing the next itinerary and plans, or chatting and playing.

Yun Tianya used the retrograde Beiming magic skill to create a large cube of ice for the big guy, and then walked out of the oasis.

Seeing that he was almost far away, he stopped, stretched out his right hand, and grasped the palm of his hand, and the hero sword appeared in his hand.

After that, he closed his eyes and stood quietly in the desert.

In the mind of Yun Tianya who was standing still at this moment, sword intent was rising, sword energy was whistling, all kinds of swordsmanship of different schools and styles emerged, although they were complex but not chaotic at all, they were being controlled by an unfathomable force Sort out the sword formula, remove the chaff and save the chaff!
It is the inexplicable sword art in the hero sword!Yun Tianya used inexplicable sword techniques to sort out and even sublimate these complicated sword techniques!
At this moment, his invincible talent came into play again, causing him to fall into an epiphany again.

In this state, the inexplicable sword art seems to be pumped with chicken blood, and it operates at an unprecedented high speed.

Dozens of hundreds of swordsmanship were quickly refined, and later, even inexplicable swordsmanship was included.

Outside, a phantom in the shape of a sword began to appear on Yun Tianya's body, this is the materialization of the sword intent!It is equivalent to the domain of the great master, but the former is more pure and concise, and it is the skill exclusive to the master of swordsman.

Yun Tianya has mastered the abilities that can only be mastered by a great master with the master's cultivation base!It's terrible!
The sword intent gradually became solid from the illusory one at the beginning, and it was obvious that Yun Tianya had reached the final and most critical moment.

In the spirit, there are only two swordsmanship left for the final fusion. The two swordsmanship are: the unknown swordsmanship made by the fusion of many swordsmanship and inexplicable swordsmanship and Wanjian Guizong!
The blending has been going on for a while, but it doesn't seem to be going smoothly.

Yun Tianya was immersed in it and didn't feel anxious about it.

Soon, things took a turn for the better. The unknown swordsmanship refined and sublimated by many swordsmanship began to disintegrate, turning into streamers of light and sinking into Wanjian Guizong. Zong is the master!
And the resulting external manifestation is that the sword intent covering Yun Tianya's body quickly solidified!
At a certain moment, Yun Tianya suddenly opened his eyes, and two materialized sword lights shot out from his eyes, striking forward, and gradually weakened after shooting hundreds of feet away, until they finally dissipated after two or three hundred feet.

Yun Tianya began to display the final sword technique he had comprehended.

There seemed to be many flashes of light in the desert, accompanied by the sword energy that quickly filled the entire space.

Surprisingly, once the sword energy appeared, it never disappeared, and they actually made various difficult turning movements!

Yes, this is the sword technique created by Yun Tianya after he refined and sublimated many sword techniques, combined with the principle of sword qi of Wan Jian Gui Zong - "Ruyi·Wan Jian Gui Zong"!
This sword technique is still based on sword energy, emphasizing intention rather than shape, and emphasizing energy rather than moves.

There are only three moves in total: One Flash, Ruyi, and Ten Thousand Swords!
 Thank you for your subscription!Bad grades, but don't worry about eunuchs.

(End of this chapter)

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