Chapter 917
Chapter 916

Apart from these groundless fantasies in his mind, Yang Guanggou didn't know what to say.

But he has some things to attend to soon.

Because Yang Guang's mother, Dong Xuanyi, had already contacted him.

"You haven't come back yet, your wife will have a baby in about a month." Dong Xuanyi on the other end was a little funny and angry, but she couldn't catch her son and scold her, right?

As for her daughter-in-law, she is very filial and sensible, and she didn't complain to her about this matter.

But she, who is a mother and will soon be a grandmother, has to express her attitude no matter what?
Don't think that you can do whatever you want if you become the strongest in the entire Hua Kingdom.

No way, the first thing to do is to pass her, Mr. Dong.

"You are about to become a father, do you think you are still a kid who loves to play and run around?"

"Ah? I'll be right back." Yang Guang seemed to think of this incident suddenly, and replied with a playful smile, who made Yang Guang such a busy man.

Of course, what they use is not a phone, but a sound transmission symbol.After all, Yang Guang is unlikely to bring a phone now, so it is not as practical as the sound transmission talisman.

This was made by him himself. If you want to contact him, there is no limit to the distance, and you don't care about the so-called signal problem.


As for the so-called strongest artistic conception, it is still being synthesized.

But nowadays, the sky is big and the earth is big, and the wife is the biggest.

Especially the wife who is going to have a baby is super big.


"I'm sorry, I've been away these days and ignored your feelings." Since Yang Guang returned to his home in Qingyan Mountain, he saw Rongyu with a big pregnant belly, and the first thing he said was an apology.

Because he always has the illusion that he is not the father-to-be.

He even felt that Rong Yu might understand his situation.Comprehensible is understanding, but I have to feel a little wronged no matter what I feel in my heart, right?

Is Yang Guang busy?
Of course I'm very busy, but it's not like I can't spare any time.

What's more, as long as he is in the middle-earth world, even if it is the ends of the earth, he can return to Hongcheng in the middle of Shu in a very short time to accompany Rongyu.It's a pity he didn't do the duty of a husband.

"It's okay, your business is more important. And I'm not lonely and boring these days, my sister-in-law and mother-in-law often play with me. They even taught me how to play mahjong in Shuzhong, which is very interesting."

Rong Yu was taken aback when she heard Yang Guang's words, and there was a trace of grievance in her eyes.

But soon disappeared.

And what about Yang Guang?

He also observed that when Rong Yu said that she was not very boring and lonely, she was really not lying.If she is pretending, it is impossible to hide it from Yang Guang, so is it equivalent to liking her from the bottom of her heart?
Is it because his sister and mother play well together, or does he really like playing mahjong?
Or both?
"Oh? You also like playing mahjong?"

Yang Guang was not surprised by this, because his mother used to be very busy in the farmers' market.But once I have free time, I like to rub hands with my neighbors.

Or maybe there are very few people in Sichuan who don't like playing mahjong, and it's normal to have been influenced by it since childhood.Even when the footwear store's business is not doing well, she may play mahjong with some neighbors.

Let dad guard the store directly, or just go to play together as a couple.

Playing mahjong is just entertainment, just like a hobby, not pure gambling.

A small gamble is fun, but a big gamble hurts the body.

As for the current Yang Guang family who have become warriors, if they use some special skills, it is easy to remember to clear the cards, but playing like that is meaningless.

Playing mahjong that knows the ending before it starts has no soul.

So now, Yang Guang's mother, Dong Xuanyi, basically doesn't play mahjong with strangers, and even seldom plays mahjong.

Unexpectedly, when playing with him, Rong Yu also became addicted?As for her pregnancy, under normal circumstances, she cannot sit and play mahjong for a long time.But it doesn't affect warriors at all, especially since she is still Wuzong.

As for the two fetuses in her stomach, there is no problem at all.On the contrary, when she was playing mahjong, the fetus, which was relatively noisy, quieted down inexplicably.

They will even feel the joy from the heart after their mother wins mahjong.

It can be regarded as possessed.


Well, since this is the case, Yang Guang didn't think much about it.

For the next period of time, Yang Guang planned to stay at home with his wife.His parents and sister were nagging, not to mention that Yang Guang really liked Rongyu.

At the same time, I also feel that I have really ignored her these days.

Although she is not very wronged, her parents-in-law and sister-in-law are also very kind to her on weekdays, but there are some things that cannot be replaced by the company of these people.

"Brother, are you willing to come back?" At four o'clock in the afternoon, Yang Mei and her mother came back after going out.The little girl naturally saw Yang Guang sitting by the sofa watching variety shows with Rong Yu.

"Hey, you said this, as if I have been away from home for many years." Yang Guang's face changed when he heard his sister's ridicule.

I didn't make any sense myself, and I was lucky enough to coax Rong Yu before.Even if she didn't say much, it almost made Yang Guang not have to think too much.

But women's hearts are needles in the bottom of the sea, and they can change as they say.

Perhaps it was because Yang Guang was going to be ready to accompany her more, but Rong Yu seemed to have an idea instead.But now Yang Guang also made her unhappy because of a little incident before, and he just coaxed her, Yang Mei's words were a bit out of place.

Of course, Yang Guang interrupted directly because of the girl's unrestrained speech: "What did you and mom go to buy?"

Speaking of this, Yangmei became excited.

It turned out that they were going to buy some high-quality cloth of good quality, and then they would make baby clothes by themselves.

With Yang Guang's current power, even if he asked any famous fashion designer in the entire Middle-earth world to design clothes for his future children, there would be no problem.

And it can be made entirely by hand.

But there are some things that have different meanings when they are made by others and made by themselves.Even Rong Yu, who watched variety shows at the beginning, doesn't watch them now.

Instead, the TV was turned off.

She began to dislike Yang Guang and asked him to leave this place to make room for her sister-in-law and mother-in-law.

Let's talk about future children's clothing.

"What do you want to eat next, I will prepare it?"

"I want to eat..."


(End of this chapter)

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