Chapter 530

Chapter 529

There was actually another reason why Yang Guang left so hastily.

If it weren't for this, he might have killed these vampire trash.Let them feel what pain is, what is 'do unto others as you would have them do unto others'

It doesn't matter even if they don't understand this truth, the other meaning, "you can't live but you can't die", should you understand?
Yang Guang really has the ability to do it, but he has more important things to deal with.

But for now, most of these human children with blond hair and blue eyes must be sent to a safe place.As for the religious struggles in these western countries, Yang Guang didn't want to take care of them, and he didn't bother to take care of them.

He was able to do this to such an extent that he was benevolent and righteous.

If the western country is completely occupied by the blood race, enslaved and brainwashed by those angels of the light family who call themselves the messengers of justice, then it has nothing to do with him.

Afterwards, Yang Guang sent out a powerful true energy to engulf these human children and left the cemetery.

"I don't think it's good to let the blood clan go like this. You have to make a fool of yourself, right?" Yang Guang turned his head and took a look before leaving. It seemed that he had straddled countless cemeteries and saw the collapsed blood clan branch base. .

If you think so.

Keeping his footsteps, he carried these human children to find a safe place.I also happened to see a western man wearing sportswear and listening to music with headphones for a night run.

Is this really trying to die, or do you not know the danger?
Running at night is good for the body, but it is easy to meet those vampires who want to beat their teeth.At that time, no matter how healthy the body is, it will be a dead end.

He was obviously not a powerful warrior fishing for law enforcement.

Yang Guang hesitated for a moment, then used his powerful mental power to control him.If Yang Guang wanted to, he could forcibly enslave this Westerner's thoughts so that he would never be able to betray himself.

But it's not worth it, it's not worth it.

At the same time, he is not a villainous person.

"Call the police now and tell the police officers in this area." Yang Guang knows English, and he may have almost forgotten what he learned before.But after he became a martial artist, it was very easy to pick it up.

More importantly, he only needs to say some relatively simple words.

The man controlled by Yang Guang's powerful mental power temporarily turned into a human puppet.With dull eyes and numbness, he took out his iPhone and called the police in the nearby community.

"Officer, I found a large number of human children kidnapped by those evil vampires, and I also found the location of one of their base camps." Those who colluded with the Holy See of Light or the Church of Darkness are those high-level people.

People like these grassroots policemen or civil servants may not be able to contact these powerful alien creatures.Then in their thinking and cognition, vampires are some relatively evil creatures, and they hate them very much.

On the contrary, those noble and elegant angels represent light.

represents justice.

Especially after learning that these children are still apprentices of the Holy See of Light, and they were also rescued from vampires.

The police took it very seriously and sent someone over soon.

Why did Yang Guang manipulate this Westerner to say so?It's nothing more than wanting the Holy See of the Light and the Church of the Darkness to have a dog eat dog.If it can be controlled well, then it is these blood races who let all the hatred be calculated on the Holy See of Light.

Not long after, the nearby police bells rang loudly, and seven or eight police cars appeared.

More than a dozen heavily armed policemen, all carrying things.Even if these hot weapons might not be able to pose a threat to creatures above the viscount level, they don't care.

If you have a guy thing, you can be regarded as having a bit of confidence.

It can be regarded as comforting myself spiritually.

Perhaps these gadgets can still injure some lord and baron blood, but if they don't carry them.Even if there is a chance, they can only wait to die or watch the opportunity to get promoted and get rich missed.

"Sheriff, here are indeed the apprentices of the Holy See of Light, and they are also a group of children who have disappeared recently." The police soon confirmed it, and at the same time made it clear the importance of the matter.

"Quickly, inform the pastor of the Holy See of Light named Lawwell about this matter." These low-level policemen cannot get in touch with the archbishop and the like.

Not long after, people from the Holy See of Light also came, even if it was only the stewards nearby, not the headquarters.But Moss obtained a large number of human children from their hands.

Naturally, they were also led by Yang Guang to see the collapsed cave and the large number of vampires who died inside.The corpses of those high-level blood races, as long as they were intact, were put into the storage space by Yang Guang.

It's impossible to take advantage of those scumbags, and this can be regarded as Yang Guang's wealth that is better than nothing.


Yang Guang left here.

As for the Westerner controlled by him, after waking up, he found that he knew nothing about this matter, and he didn't know anything about the urging questions from the human police and the Holy See.

But does this have anything to do with Yang Guang?
He was too lazy to help people explain these things.

And at this moment, he came to a deserted place in the suburbs, and then sat down.Just now in the blood clan branch base, Yang Guang felt a sense of anger that was about to overflow.

After killing many blood races, it was much better.

Then, Yang Guang felt the touch of the sword again.

It's clear, but suddenly it becomes blurry again.

But Yang Guang had a feeling that the things he had experienced during this period of time were slowly merging together.

Yes, Yang Guang had this feeling, like a flash of enlightenment.

But it didn't come suddenly, but out of feeling.

It's a pity that Yang Guang still felt that this matter was almost meaningless, as if it was such a close call.Once he can reach that level, he will definitely have a sword intent.

This is the artistic conception.

The first artistic conception!
If it were the same as before, Yang Guang could immediately become a martial saint, but now he still needs nine artistic concepts.

But then again, tall buildings rise from the ground.

As long as you pass the first hurdle, the next things will be much easier.


The moonlight is thick, and the owl on a sycamore tree is holding its sharp talons on the branches, and it is also quietly waiting for its prey.

In the distance, the cry of a crow came, which seemed very intrusive.

At this moment, under the Faxi plane tree, footsteps came.And this owl subconsciously lowered its head and glanced downwards, and then fell down in a daze the next second.

Then, a bony hand grabbed the owl by the neck.

(End of this chapter)

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