I have a knife in hand

Chapter 478 The King

Chapter 478 The King

Chapter 477 The King

In the era of warriors, the consequences of deceiving a warrior will be very serious.

Lai Gou deceived the warriors for his own benefit, but got rewards and punishments.

Brother Xu's brother-in-law didn't treat Lai Gou with the so-called etiquette first, but instead gave a sweet date with a stick and threatened him.First, I asked him to admit his mistakes and apologize, but he said that he had a good intention, so he was rewarded with 1 yuan.

Threats followed.

If Lai Gou publicizes this matter everywhere, then he will face the wrath of warriors!It won't be possible to kill him by then, but life is definitely worse than death.

1 yuan?
It's far from the goal that Laigou expected, but it's not bad.

Why do you still have to give Lai Gou money?

That's because although those warriors didn't discover the so-called treasure hiding place in the first place, this sense of mystery made them even more convinced that there was a treasure here.

After all, Tiger Cave is real and cannot be faked.So why didn't they find the tiger cave?And also noticed a powerful aura nearby?
It always feels like a treasure is about to be born.

But because they are just fighting in martial arts, they actually have strong qi and blood in their bodies, and they don't have real qi.

Ever since, they also reported the matter to one of Wu Zhan's masters again.

Brother Xu's brother-in-law wanted to take it all for himself at first, but now that the general is here, even if there is a real treasure, he can only drink soup.But having soup to drink is better than nothing!

And he can still get in touch with generals, so why not do it?

In ordinary martial arts, it is much more difficult than expected to establish a relationship with generals.

A rapidly rising figure like Yang Guang is just an example.If it were someone else, it would be very difficult, and the gap between the ranks is huge.

When Yang Guang was about to continue refining his skull, a group of people came near the Tiger Cave.

It is headed by a middle-aged man, and behind him are Wu Zhan of different ages.

"Xiao Rong, are you sure there is really a treasure here?" the middle-aged general asked.

And the little Rong he was talking about was not too young, in his 30s.In the future, the generals will basically be cut off all the way.But if you can get enough cultivation resources and opportunities, it's not too bad!

Even if it is a pile of resources, it may be piled up.

"Master, we are not too sure. Didn't you let the old man go out? After all, you are a general, so you should have a sense of the aura here?"

Then Xiao Rong pointed to the nearby area and said, "Master, the so-called tiger cave should be nearby, but we haven't found the so-called entrance!"

The array arranged by Yang Guang hides the entrance of the cave, and the outside is really no different from ordinary rocks.But as soon as the middle-aged general approached, he noticed an extremely weak aura.

He stepped forward and touched it with his hand. It really looked like a real stone wall, but he knew it was not real.

"Huh? Is there really something?" He also had a smile on his face.

This kind of blindfold is nothing more than 300 taels of silver here.

If there is no treasure, how can you make such a thing?

As for danger?He is really not afraid.This place is neither a place for a group of monsters nor a group of ghosts, so there are no powerful alien life forms.

So what about a general-level alien life?

He is also capable enough to protect himself.

"Master, there are indeed treasures here!" After that little Rong found out about the situation here, he quickly flattered him.

And the same is true for the other Wu Zhans, their eyes couldn't stop their joy.

"You are Xiaorong's friend, so it's not bad. If there are good things here, such as your share, you will have more than others."

"Thank you General Mo, thank you." The old man Wu Zhan, who is over 60 years old this year, also does not want to be old.What's more, he doesn't want to become a general, but he can advance the realm of elementary martial arts to intermediate martial arts!

At that time, the status will be higher.

But he knew very well why the other party said that.

Let's start talking about rewards now, don't you just want him to contribute?

Military generals are very expensive, and they will not test potential dangers.

Ever since, Brother Xu's old brother-in-law entered the 'stone wall' without any obstacles.

In other words, the stone wall is a fake, an obstacle.But it was enough to confuse the fake with the real one, so that the Wu Zhan class spent a lot of time not discovering the problem here.

1 minute passed without any movement inside.

"Hey, can you hear me?" The general had a bad feeling and said.

Logically speaking, it is impossible for the other party to ignore his words, unless there is a problem?
The scene in front of them made the rest of the people a little confused.

Especially Xiao Rong: "Master, there will be no problems with him, right? Or have you discovered something good and been tempted?"

General Mo shook his head, he was not sure.But I didn't hear any screams from the other party. Could it be that this is a space node, a place leading to another world?
Another 5 minutes passed by.

There was still no movement inside.

In fact, they didn't know that the Wu Zhan who entered the 'Stone Wall' actually entered Yang Guang's phantom array, and naturally got lost in it.want to come out?
Either he knew the formation and came out by himself, or Yang Guang was willing to let him out.

Or wait for the power of the formation to dissipate.

Otherwise, it is almost delusional to want to get out of the illusion.

This thing is so rare, so rare that General Mo didn't even think it was a formation.It is also because Yang Guang's casually arranged formation is very profound to ordinary warriors.

"No, I want to go in and have a look." General Mo couldn't bear it anymore.

He didn't perceive the danger, so it wasn't fatal enough.Could it be a ghostly thing to confuse people?But General Mo didn't notice the existence of any Yin Qi!

Even if there were ghosts, they would have already run away if they faced the general.

The qi and blood of Wu Zhan have a certain suppression effect on ghosts.

After General Mo entered, Xiaorong and the rest of Wu Zhan also entered.Then a group of warriors were all trapped in the phantom array, unable to extricate themselves.

Unreal is real!
Yang Guang is not surprised by this ending, but because there are warriors, the spirit stones at the banner should not be consumed for a long time, and they will be destroyed automatically.

That is to automatically break the array!
But Yang Guang didn't care.

Because after a few days, Yang Guang will refine all the skulls.

That is to achieve the true pinnacle of Wu Zong.

The huge spiritual force spread out from Yang Guang's mind, radiating the entire range of Fengtuo Mountain.

At this moment, Yang Guang is the king!
The strongest king among Wu Zong!
(End of this chapter)

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