I have a knife in hand

Chapter 333 The Great Reversal

Chapter 333 The Great Reversal

Chapter 331 The Great Reversal
"I'm going too far?" Yang Guang pointed to his nose and asked Yang Sandao back.

Then he pointed to the 'uncle' who was squatting on the ground and said: "He obviously treats you like this, and also treats my mother like this. Are you sure you are not blind or deaf?"

When Yang Guang was angry, he couldn't bear it anymore: "I have plenty of money, but I will definitely not pay compensation to the so-called 'cousin'. I would rather let him stay in prison for the rest of his life than let him give money to Lao Yang. Shame on the family."

Yang Guang is very vengeful. This is based on what Dong Xuanyi said, and it is also what the so-called 'uncle' said.

"Your uncle is not like this. He was good to us brothers when we were young. Since you don't want to give it, then I will. The car is yours, and I won't sell it. You bought the shop, and I won't sell it either. As for the money you gave me, just treat it as a loan from me, and I will pay you back when I work part-time in the future?"

After hearing what his father said, Yang Guang was speechless.

He cared about it, and now he doesn't want to.

"Well, you can give it if you want. Since the money is given to you, it's yours. You can spend it as you like. As long as you think it's worthy of your wife and my mother, that's fine."

"Thank you." Yang Sandao said a rare thank you to Yang Guang.

It's too polite, not like a father and son, but like a stranger.

It's impossible to influence the father-son relationship for an 'outsider', right?
And Yang Sandao even said thank you to Yang Guang, he must have felt that Yang Guang had acquiesced and was willing to give 30.

Unexpectedly, it is unimaginable for people to become shameless.

The 'uncle' pointed to Yang Guang and said to Yang Sandao: "Your son just strangled my throat and almost died, and then threatened me. If you don't give me 40 yuan, no, if you don't give me 50 yuan, I will call the police. Sue your son for murder."

It seems that this 'uncle' has lost his mind.

Even if you don't know Yang Guang's social status and martial arts realm, but you can lift someone up with one hand, you must not be an ordinary person, right?

Also, who gave him the courage to start extorting money now?

And what he said was giving 50 yuan, not borrowing it.

Looking at his face, Yang Guang felt sick.

Why are those relatives in TV dramas so amiable? After many protagonists get rich, they should repay these relatives.

But this is the case now?
Even if it is lost, it will not be given a dime.

"Yang Darong, don't go too far. I'll give you 30 now, and you'll get out immediately, or you won't have any money. If you dare to threaten my son, it's useless to give you a few more guts."

Yang Sandao finally broke out, and stopped calling him 'big brother', but called him by his first name.

It can be seen that the other party really disgusted him.

But it was still a chance.

Because he knew that Yang Guang would not be able to bear it any longer, and if he still made progress, he would not be able to get the 30 yuan.

It might still be possible to take the money and leave now.

It's a pity that Yang Sandao underestimated how bad human nature is.

"If you don't pay, I'll call the police now." After speaking, Yang Darong took out a mobile phone from his pocket.

And Yang Guang could destroy the phone in an instant, but he didn't do it.

Instead, watching the other party call the police, disappointing his father completely, can be regarded as seeing the other party's true colors.

"I'm calling now. You still have time to pay the money." This Yang Darong actually dialed the police number, and even raised it to Yang Sandao to show him a threat.

Yang Sandao didn't say anything.

Yang Guang didn't care even more, but asked his mother directly: "Where is my hometown? I want to ask what happened to confirm the truth."

"Dongjia Village, Cuilu Township, Boyang County, NY City." Dong Xuanyi mentioned a place that she remembered very well but could never return to.

Although this NY city is adjacent to Hongcheng, it is a bit far away.Boyang County is even closer to Hongcheng, which is equivalent to the diameter of the distance from two cities.

When Yang Guang wanted to ask something, he saw that Yang Darong hung up the phone, and raised the phone a little proudly.

"Remember, we are relatives, and the police will definitely believe what I say. And look at my throat, it's a little bruised." He even raised his head, and it turned out a little bruised.

The main reason is that Yang Guang's attack is a bit heavy, and also because he really wants to attack.

"Dong dong dong."

There was a knock on the door.

Yang Guang had heard some movements before, and knew who was coming.After all, what they whispered to the two salesmen was overheard by Yang Guang, who has eyes and ears.

But Yang Guang didn't care.

Instead, he also felt that things might get more interesting.

It is also worth mentioning that Yang Guang is currently in the back room, which is equivalent to a place for office and rest.There is a bed here. In the past, the couple might not go home when they were too busy.

The Yang Guang brothers and sisters will take care of themselves.

Of course there is a door.

Knocking is also normal behavior.

"Who is it?"

Yang Sandao asked as the master.

But Yang Guang took the initiative to open the door, and then several policemen in police uniforms walked in.

"It's here so soon? Are the police in Hongcheng very efficient?" It was Yang Darong who spoke, and he was a little confused.He even looked at his phone to confirm that he had just hung up the call to the police, and it wasn't that it had been a while.

"Hi, Major Yang." The head of the police said to Yang Guang.

Although Yang Guang has an honorary rank and is not connected with the police system, they still know it well.Because Yang Guang is Wu Zhan, this is enough to make them pay attention.

More importantly, Yang Guang is from Hongcheng, which is their pride.

"Hello." Yang Guang smiled.

Under normal circumstances, he doesn't like to use the word "you", but sometimes the necessary courtesy is still necessary.

Of course, the other party didn't come here specifically to get to know Yang Guang or catch up on the old days, but to do business.

Then he said to Yang Darong: "You are Yang Darong, right? Please come with us."

"Ah? I'm the plaintiff, why are you arresting me?" Yang Darong was even more confused now.

Even Yang Sandao couldn't bear it, and asked impatiently, "I'm sorry, I'm his younger brother. May I ask what happened?"

Regarding her husband pulling her son into the water, Dong Xuanyi coughed dryly.

At this time, Yang Sandao said so, isn't it just looking for trouble?
Obviously, Yang Darong should be a little troublesome, maybe he will be treated as an 'accomplice'.Didn't Yang Sandao dare to say that because his son is Wu Zhan?

"According to the information provided by the Nanyang police, we said that we should arrest the murder suspect Yang He who fled our city, and Yang Darong who committed the crime of covering up."

"Ah? Murder? How is it possible? Didn't my nephew fight with someone and break someone's bones?"

(End of this chapter)

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