I have a knife in hand

Chapter 246 Strange Stone

Chapter 246 Strange Stone

Chapter 244 Strange Stone

In fact, what the Viscount werewolf didn't know was that Judge brought his son into the cave for the sake of safety, because in this way he could protect himself closely.

Nothing would happen if he was there, but who would have imagined the ending!

In the end, not only Judge himself died, but also the offspring of the werewolf died quietly, even without a whole body.

Because Yang Guang directly regarded him as a blood wolf of an inferior baron.

After taking out the blood wolf heart, he exchanged the corpse for 100 million wealth.

That is equivalent to completely disappearing from this world.

But what makes Yang Guang feel a little pity is that no matter the low or medium baron blood wolf is worth 100 million.It doesn't mean that the top baron is worth 300 million. In that case, Yang Guang's wealth may increase by tens of millions, right?
We can only say 'small profits but quick turnover'.

And the price setting of Goldfinger is probably because the life level of the upper, middle and lower barons has not achieved a qualitative change, right?

Just like a lord and a baron, you have to pass a big hurdle before you add money.

The corpse of the Lord Blood Wolf is worth one hundred thousand, while the Baron is worth millions.No matter how powerful this lord blood wolf is, it won't even work if his combat power can leapfrog.

A lord is a lord.

It's like a warrior is always a warrior.

Goldfinger may be an intelligent life, and there is no way to accommodate it.


The fighting on Langya Slope was going on fiercely.

Especially after the blood wolf headed by Jia Qi died, it was equivalent to a pack of wolves without a leader.More importantly, people like Shi Long also used a large amount of psychedelic grass and white mint to burn to produce hallucinogenic smoke.

This is how many blood wolves enjoy it, full of malice from the Western natives.

When many blood wolves were hallucinated, countless silver weapons attacked them.Even in the open air, the hallucinogenic smoke has the same effect on the blood wolf, but the interval is not so long.

But no matter how long it takes, it is completely enough for the Western natives to play.

Being stabbed by a silver weapon, the consequence of doing so is that most of the blood wolves will lose more than half of their combat power, so what if some are lucky enough not to be hit?

That is to say, hundreds of blood wolves still have fighting power, but on the other hand, the Western natives?

Basically unscathed, Shi Long led more than 3000 Xitu people to besiege the blood wolf.

The results speak for themselves.

Blood wolves are bloody and have a strong sense of aggressive team, but in this case, the end of group destruction cannot be avoided.At most, it was a life-and-death moment that bit the natives of the West.

But so what?
The result that the Western natives faced was that more than 300 people were seriously injured and slightly injured, and about [-] people died.

For Tuan Mie Xue Lang, it was a complete victory!

And it's a real victory.

The wolf hearts of these blood wolves alone are already worth a lot.

What's more, with so many blood wolves, they will definitely carry a lot of valuable things with them.As for the ownership of the resource mine, not all the Westerners know about it.


After Shi Long watched the group prepare for the battlefield, his thoughts flew far away.

Because he thought of Yang Guang.

How should I put it, Yang Guang feels a bit like an enemy and friend in his heart.

The enemy is because Shi Long knows very well that Yang Guang is a human from another world, and from the friend's point of view, it is because Yang Guang used a trump card to help the people in the West.

As for whether this very simple formula will be known to other clansmen, or even cause larger-level problems, Yang Guang can't care.

Anyway, some things are unavoidable, and a dead fellow is not a poor fellow.

If there is no hallucinogenic smoke made of these psychedelic plants, it would be impossible for the Xitu people to destroy the blood wolf.Even if you try your best, you will lose [-] of your own losses at most.

Of the more than 3000 people, there are only a few hundred who can survive without losing their bodies?Maybe there are only so few people who can survive.No matter what time it is, the battlefield is a meat grinder.

At the same time, there was another reason why Shi Long thought of Yang Guang, and that was Yang Guang's strong fighting power.

This high combat power is really far beyond Shi Long's imagination.

Even among the younger generation of the Western Tu people, he is considered a leader.In other words, he is equivalent to a genius on the Huaguo Qianlong list, and he should be ranked high.

In fact, what he didn't know was that under normal circumstances, Yang Guang, who had just broken through the intermediate level of martial arts, would be no match for Shi Long, who was equivalent to a quasi general.

Not to mention the combat power, even Yang Guang couldn't forcefully break through his vitality shield defense.

In fact, it was mainly because the white smoke hidden in the huge attack of energy and blood made great contributions.

There is another way to break Shilong's defense, and that is to have a war of attrition!

In other words, as long as the vitality in Shilong's body is sufficient, he can maintain the vitality shield and vitality shield defense for a long time.But these things actually consume a lot of vitality in the body.

However, Yang Guang is different. Even if he consumes a lot of energy and blood, he is fine, and he can recover with krypton gold.Even if it is boiled, Shi Long can be boiled to death.

Of course, if Shi Long wanted to escape with all his heart, there was basically no way to stop him.


At this time, what is Yang Guang, who is also an enemy and friend in his eyes, doing?

He had already jumped into the small hot spring pool at this time.

However, unlike Yang Guang's imagination, the hot spring was only three meters deep, and he stepped on the bottom of the pool after just a little dive.And it looks like a hot spring on the surface, but the water is not hot, it can only be called a warm water pool.

At the same time, he found that there were not enough springs to come out with hot spring water, as if it was the temperature of the pool water itself.

That's weird.

Moreover, the water in the pool below is quite clear, which is completely different from the slightly turbid state shown.

Naturally, Yang Guang was sure that he didn't see any problems under the hot spring.


But the weirder thing is that Yang Guang always has a weirder feeling in his heart.That was an unreasonable impulse, as if there was a strong greed in my heart calling me.

But he wanted to take a look around, and there was no problem at all.

There are no living things in this hot spring pool, and there are no fish or shrimp.Logically speaking, it should be a pool of stagnant water, but it just isn't.

And Yang Guang also touched the bottom of the pool with his hands, and found that it was not hot at all.

Where did the hot spring come from?

However, not long after, Yang Guang's eyes were set on a fist-sized pebble-like stone.He always felt that the weirdness came from this rock, but as soon as he thought of it, he quickly dismissed it from his mind.

Because how could this stone give him such a strong feeling? It is impossible for the stone to become a spirit.

Although there are blood wolves and vampires in another world, the stone spirit has never heard of it.

Besides, once the stone is a ghost, will Yang Guang still have his life?
That is impossible.

But although Yang Guang didn't know what the stone was, Goldfinger might not know it.

 A new week, a new start, did you cast your monthly ticket today?
(End of this chapter)

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