Chapter 239
Chapter 237

The style of play of the natives of the West is generally a guerrilla style of play.

Sometimes it looks like a guerrilla attack, but maybe fighting with the blood wolf will turn into a two-on-one or even more-one-on-one situation.Humans are very cunning, and sometimes they like to cuddle more than blood wolves.

And once the large army of blood wolves rushed over, the building would already be empty.

In this case, no matter how fierce the blood wolf is, it will not be beaten.

In the current situation, the number of people lost by blood wolves is not small.And the available combat power so far is only more than 2000.Although the Western natives still have more than 3000 combat power, they are more of the lord level.

If it is regarded as the total combat power, it is still not as good as the blood wolf clan.

There are not one or two Barons of Blood Wolf who hold the idea of ​​confronting the Western natives head-on and being vulnerable, but occupy the vast majority.The idea is simple, that is, we are strong, so why should we lose?
Just like a certain league team that won six championships a year, they always thought that the world owed them an S championship.

He thought he was the strongest and inflated a lot, but what happened?Stopped in the quarterfinals.

No. [-] seed vs. No. [-] seed, lost.

It is understandable to lose in a strong confrontation, but who can forgive the careless loss of Jingzhou?
【Don't hit me in the face】


Blood wolves are more team-conscious, and they are basically invincible against the Western natives.It's not like human beings who are intriguing and deceitful, maybe they can collapse at the touch of a finger.

Judge is also a very proud person. Of course he despises the Westerners from the bottom of his heart.

But after all, he is in control of the overall situation. Once there is too much loss, he will not be credited even if he wins against the Western natives.

In other words, of course he took the big credit for winning this time.

But what if you lose?Even if he is not dead, he will be abandoned when he returns to the blood wolf clan.Once abandoned by the ethnic group, there is basically no possibility of advancement.

Whether resources are sent to humans or blood races, they are very important.

Having the support of an ethnic group and working hard as an individual are completely different things.

However, it didn't take long before a blood wolf of an inferior baron entered this place.

However, he was smiling: "Lord Jia Qi, and all your lords, our spies found a natural cave with a patch of phoenix blood grass growing more than ten miles away."

As soon as this inferior baron finished speaking, he attracted the attention of all the blood wolves present.

Phoenix blood grass, for the blood wolf, it is simply a great tonic.

Although it will cause a short-term rage, the strength will also increase during this time, not to mention that it will not reach the point of denying the six emotions.And after the berserk period is over, the purity of the blood can be slightly increased.

And the purer the blood, the easier it is to advance.

Why are werewolves easier to advance and more powerful?
That's because their blood is better.

Bloodthirsty werewolves have always been despised by werewolves, isn't it because their blood is not pure!

The phoenix blood grass also has the benefits of purifying the blood. As for the slightest side effects, they are basically ignored.

"Really? Are there really a lot of Phoenix Blood Grass?"

Some blood wolves still couldn't believe it, because if the Phoenix Blood Grass was so bad, their blood wolf clan would have risen a long time ago, and they might even be able to threaten werewolves.

"It's absolutely true." The blood wolf looked swearing.

And this was originally the real situation. You must know that this was not what one spy told him, but several.

If one is a fake, it can't be all fake, right?

Why didn't he confirm it first before reporting to Judge and the others? In fact, he was worried that this kind of place would be driven over by the natives.After all, the phoenix blood grass is also considered a valuable spiritual object for the western natives.

No matter how bad it was, they could destroy that piece of Phoenix Blood Grass if they didn't want it.

The destruction of human beings is at most destroying some spiritual things, but this is equivalent to destroying the evolution channel of the blood wolf bloodline.

Things similar to Phoenix Blood Grass are rare, and there are naturally spiritual things with the same effect, but they are generally not something that a mere baron can obtain.Not to mention expensive, but also rare.

Even Judge is not calm about this kind of thing.

He also wanted a large amount of phoenix blood grass, so that he might be able to raise the purity of his blood to another level.

Maybe you can get in touch with the quasi-viscount?

If you go one step further, you will be the aloof Lord Viscount.

This kind of aloofness is also a status symbol, because the blood wolf of the viscount level can also be regarded as the existence of the name.Even within the blood wolf clan, a small blood wolf clan can be established.

This is the real way to build a family and start a business, and you can break away from the original wolf king and don't need to be a vassal anymore.


Of course, in this kind of happy time, there are always some people who like to spoil the fun.

At this moment, a blood wolf from a high-ranking baron spoke up, thinking he was alone: ​​"Master Jia Qi, at this juncture, can it be possible that it is the lowly means of those human beings?"

The baron's words shocked many blood wolves, but most of them really dismissed them.

Once a person's energy and blood are on the top, things related to interests may not hit the south wall without turning back, let alone a blood wolf whose average intelligence is not particularly brilliant?

"Is it true or not? Isn't it easy to identify?" Yes, this kind of thing is quite easy to identify.It's nothing more than sending some people to investigate, but this time it might alarm the Western natives.

If the two races are dispatched at that time, they can destroy these Phoenix Blood Grass first.

But at this time, Judge also had to come forward.

So he asked the blood wolf who reported the news: "Where is that place full of phoenix blood grass? Why didn't we investigate it until now? Didn't we send people everywhere to investigate?"

This is a problem.

Regardless of whether it is the natives of the West or the blood wolf clan, they have sent a large number of spies to search for those precious spiritual objects.

Some phoenix blood grasses were indeed transplanted by the Xitu clan to whole blood wolf clan, but most of them were wild ones.

Facing Jia Qi's question, the blood wolf quickly answered: "Master Jia Qi, the place full of Phoenix Blood Grass is actually hidden in a cave behind a small waterfall, and no one would have guessed There are hot springs in the cave, and those phoenix blood grasses grow around the hot springs."

Although the growth environment of phoenix blood grass is more important, it likes to grow in places with high temperature, but other places are not completely incapable of survival.

It is nothing more than that it is easier to survive and the quality will be better if it grows on the land surrounded by magma.Secondly, places with sufficient temperature are generally suitable.

According to the blood wolf, if it is not mined by other creatures, it is normal to have a large number of Phoenix Blood Grass.

(End of this chapter)

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