I have a knife in hand

Chapter 229 anticlimactic

Chapter 229 anticlimactic
Chapter 227 Anticlimactic

In this age of intrigue, people's hearts are the most untrustworthy.But trust is essential.In this world, there must be a few people who can be trusted unconditionally.

Sometimes promises are worthless, but sometimes promises are worth everything.

It was like Yang Guang didn't have any trust in Cui He and the others, so he chose to fight alone.If Yang Guang is lucky, it's okay, for example, he has earned tens of millions of wealth points, which is equivalent to getting rich overnight.

He even broke through the realm of martial arts and evolved his proficiency in martial arts, which can be regarded as greatly improving his combat effectiveness.

But if unlucky?Maybe he will be hunted down by powerful beasts or creatures from another world.To put it bluntly, no one would even collect the body after death.


In Shi Long's thoughts, what if Yang Guang had murderous thoughts towards him?It is true that he still has the power to fight, but at most he can only display [-]% of his peak power.

And even if he wins Yang Guang, in all likelihood, both sides will suffer.

Shi Long's tragic victory is not good news for the current situation. He has no enmity with Yang Guang, but he hates the blood wolf clan!
So he was injured and jumped ten meters away the next moment, staring at Yang Guang.After a while, after realizing that Yang Guang had no intention of pursuing the victory, Shi Long said as if he had come to his senses, "What exactly is that thing?"

He knew that it was Yang Guang's trump card, but he didn't know exactly what it was.

However, just after Shi Long finished speaking, he was startled.Because his voice was a little hoarse, and there was even a tingling pain in his chest. This is not a good situation.

It seems that my injury is more serious than imagined, and there may be some additional damage.

As for Yang Guang who was standing opposite, he knew very well that what Shi Long was asking was his hole card.But thinking of the sulking he received from Shi Long before, he showed a hypocritical smile: "You want to know so much? Then try again, maybe you will know."

Yang Guang is not worried about his secret being seen through.

It was even said that Shi Long already knew about it, but he still had no way of determining what the white smoke was.And if it wasn't for this thing, it might be very difficult for Yang Guang to break the defense of the dragon energy shield.


Yang Guang was in high spirits at this time, and really hoped to fight this Shi Long again, but the other side also felt Yang Guang's fighting spirit but did not respond.

Although Shi Long was injured, he didn't act too much.

He pretended to be indifferent and said: "Since your strength has been recognized by me, then this matter will stop here, and I will treat it as if I never recognized your identity."

Yang Guang nodded, indicating that he understood.

The anticlimactic fight was a bit aggrieved, but it was agreed at the beginning and ended.There is no real hatred between them, why should they fight to the death?
And that Shi Long is obviously not a soft persimmon that Yang Guang can handle.

Now Yang Guang has the upper hand, but it is easy to capsize.Even if Shi Long loses, it is very easy to escape. ,

But what about after?

Maybe Yang Guang will be chased and wanted by the natives.

But he also asked a question: "What if I was discovered by others? After all, I will definitely be noticed when I come here with you."

"Just try not to make a move, and I will arrange it at the same time."

Now that Shi Long has said that, what else can Yang Guang say?Of course, he has something else to say, that is, when he left the camp, he felt a malicious gaze behind him.

This feeling is not out of thin air.

Generally speaking, in martial arts, you will have this sixth sense, especially malice.At that time, the spy probably thought that Yang Guang was a little lord, and didn't take it seriously.

Yang Guang also raised the question and told Shi Long.

Unexpectedly, Shi Long was not surprised: "I know the person you mentioned, even though he never showed any resentment towards me, I still noticed it."

Yang Guang waited for Shi Long to continue explaining, but he didn't seem to want to.

I understood immediately, and I didn't ask any more questions.

Whether the other party is an undercover agent or a spy has nothing to do with him, as long as he doesn't destroy Yang Guang's wolf slaughter plan.

Anyway, he has said everything he should have said, and if the people in the West still leak the news, it is destined.

Afterwards, Yang Guang Krypton Gold recovered a large amount of energy and blood that had been consumed, and he didn't seem to avoid Shi Long at all.And his aura suddenly recovered a lot, not as sluggish as he was just after consuming a lot of energy and blood.

At the time of krypton gold, although the recovery of qi and blood will not have a special effect of red light, ordinary practitioners can easily detect this change.

Yang Guang did it on purpose, as a show for that Shi Long.It doesn't matter how the other side guesses, anyway, he will never guess that this is the effect of Yang Guang's golden finger.

Shi Long could only guess, and Yang Guang also left his hole cards.

Of course, Shi Long will be wary of Yang Guang in the future, but so what?
The possibility of the two meeting again is extremely small.


The two returned to the camp one after the other, and not long after they left, the two violent bears returned to their territory again, complaining about something in bear language.

As for Yang Guang's return, it did attract some people's attention, but no one dared to ask casually.

Even Shi Yan was curious, but how did Yang Guang explain it?

"Senior brother Shiyan, the second senior brother told me about this matter, and no one can talk about it. If you have any questions, you can go to him."

That is to say, it is enough to throw the blame on Shi Long, and naturally no one will ask any more questions.

The identity and strength of that Shi Long are obvious to all, and no one would intentionally find him uncomfortable.Afterwards, the preparations to encircle and kill the blood wolf clan are also being prepared in an orderly manner.

The number of Phoenix Blood Grass in Langya Slope is not too much, but the amount obtained by so many people scattered out is enough.And the role of the Phoenix Blood Grass in the 'Wolf Slaughter Project' is not the most important.

This is just a layer of insurance for the 'Blood Wolf Rampage', and it is not irreplaceable.The second is the silver weapon, which is also an important item to weaken the blood wolf's combat power.

At the same time, there are still a lot of ecstasy and white mint that need to be prepared.

But these two things are easier to find, and the value is very low.The ecstasy grass is scarce, which is relative to the humans in the warrior world.But for the aborigines in the West, there is a lot of this thing in stock, that is, it is just a small thing that can relieve pain quickly.

Therefore, everything is ready for the Wolf Slaughter Plan. The only thing left is Dongfeng. After the preparations are completed, a massacre can be carried out.

(End of this chapter)

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