Chapter 224

Chapter 222
"Aren't you a native of the West? A human from another world?"

From the very beginning, Yang Guang felt that Shi Long was very strong, and those eyes really seemed to be able to see through the world.No matter how good Yang Guang's disguise is, anyone who is a little more careful may find that he is a fake.

The reason why Yang Guang hasn't had any problems for so long is because he has always been in the low-end biological chain.That is to hang out with those lords and do some rough work in logistics.

Stay away from people above the baron rank, and the chances of him being discovered are slim to none.Even if Yang Guang's strange behavior was noticed by other people, but the time he had been in contact with him was short, no one would pursue it to the bottom of it.

That's not to mention, Yang Guang is basically very low-key, not looking for trouble or causing trouble.

Who cares about his little guy?
In that small group, the inferior baron Shi Yan was more grateful to Yang Guang, because he brought back Shi Di's body, which was considered a kindness to Shi Yan.And the leader of this small team, Mo Hu, is a relatively careless person, and he doesn't pay much attention to Yang Guang.

Combined with Yang Guang's intention to hide his identity and luck, it is normal that he has not been discovered by now.As long as these natives speak a language he doesn't understand, Yang Guang will basically avoid it.

Even if it is a native of the West who chats in Pusa, Yang Guang usually does not pick up on him casually.

It's not bad to be dumb.


But this Shi Long saw through Yang Guang's identity at a glance, and he still seemed to be swearing.It seems that even if Yang Guang repeatedly quibbles, it is only in vain.Even if this situation made him a little flustered, he didn't take it seriously.

But the reason why Yang Guang was taken aback was because the second senior brother did not speak the common language of Pusa, but his mother spoke Chinese.

This Chinese language is the common language of Chinese people. If this Shilong has never been in contact with it, how could he be able to speak Chinese?He must know the world of warriors, as well as the country of Hua.

But what does this Shilong mean?

How could he be sure that Yang Guang was a human from the warrior world?Seen something like this before?

Yang Guang didn't know, so he felt a little tense at this moment.As long as the other party shows a trace of malice towards him, he will act first and do it directly.

If you can't do it, run away.

At this time, his mind can take out the golden steel knife placed in the storage space at any time, even if there is no way to directly cut Shilong in two, as long as he wins an initiative.

It was enough for him to get out of here.

But when Shi Long raised the sound-proof Yuan Qi mask, it showed that he didn't intend to make things known to everyone.

Because as long as he doesn't raise the sound-proof qi hood, it's easy to hear the conversation between the two with the skills of other baron lords.With Shi Long's status, he might be able to summon a large number of barons to besiege Yang Guang.

Raising the vitality mask is to give a chance to 'talk'.Yang Guang is afraid of the kind of people who don't say anything and just do it.

You can be unreasonable when you have the upper hand, but you must be reasonable when you are weak.

"What do you mean?" Yang Guang didn't mean to hide his identity anymore, and spoke Chinese directly.

As for whether Shi Long deliberately tried it, Yang Guang didn't care anymore.And judging by his swearing expression, the possibility of deliberately seducing Yang Guang is zero.

It is his sincerity for Shi Long to raise his vitality mask, and it is his sincerity for Yang Guang to speak Chinese now.

But the specific things here depend on the situation.

"I didn't expect you to ask me what I mean? You, a human being from another world, what's your intention to join our Western native team?" Shi Long's tone seemed to be joking, but there was no joke on his face the meaning of.

It's not serious, and it's not serious.

Maybe it's a pure cold male god?

"Shouldn't you be very clear about my purpose? Naturally, it is to help you kill the blood wolf. Is there something wrong with my method?"

Shi Long shook his head, because Yang Guang's method was much better than what they thought, and the effect was basically not too bad.

Maybe it can really hurt the younger generation of blood wolves.

The possibility of destroying all the blood wolves in Langyapo is very small, but it may not be impossible.

But even so, Shi Long didn't say anything.

Then he stretched out his hand and stroked his short silver hair, but he didn't know what it meant.

It may be that Yang Guang has watched a lot of conspiracy dramas before, and he is guessing that Shi Long's move of touching his hair is a secret signal?Then the swordsman showed up, determined to tear Yang Guang into pieces?


Just when Yang Guang was a little impatient and wanted to ask again, Shi Long said, "I don't think you want to help us Western natives, but to kill people with a knife? Or to drive tigers and wolfs away?"

"Of course your method is very good, but the question is why should I do it?"

Hearing what Shi Long said, Yang Guang smiled: "This is a win-win situation. After all, I want the Blood Wolf Clan to be hit hard. At present, only you Westerners have the strength and opportunity. Why do you say it is a win-win situation? That is for you to win." If you buy these blood wolves, can't you get a resource mine?"

Originally thought that when Yang Guang said this sentence, Shi Long would be angry or surprised.

Because these things try not to spread the word.

But Shi Long didn't take any action, as if this kind of thing had nothing to do with him.

"You're right. This is indeed beneficial to us Westerners, but the problem is that I already know your method."

His underlying meaning is that it can be done without Yang Guang.

"Well, you don't have to play tricks with me. I really don't like such beating around the bush. What do you want to do? Make a path."

Is Yang Guang really impatient?

It could be said yes, it could be said no.

The main reason is that he is in the Western Land Base Camp, and to put it bluntly, his life is in the hands of others.

So what if Yang Guang can fight one hundred against one?
If he is besieged, he is basically dead.

Unless the golden finger suddenly exploded, give him a teleportation formation in place, or a hundred-mile teleportation talisman or something.Of course, Yang Guang can also choose to put all his eggs in one basket to become a general.

But the current Yang Guang really has no such plan.

Money doesn't matter, but Yang Guang doesn't want to exchange the spirit flowers and herbs in the storage space, those are the most valuable.Even if he doesn't need it, he can still contribute to the human beings in the warrior world.

More importantly, there is a better explanation for Yang Guang's economic sources and resources.

Perhaps these are also false, mainly because Yang Guang has no plans to break through generals, he doesn't like the behavior of swallowing jujubes whole.

(End of this chapter)

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